Examples of WPDES permit in a sentence
Storm water discharges from industrial operations or land disturbing construction activities that require separate coverage under a WPDES permit pursuant to subchs.
If the discharge is for a class or category that requires permit coverage but is not covered by a general permit or is for a discharge located outside of the area to which a general per- mit applies, the department shall treat the notice of intent or appli- cation as an application for an individual WPDES permit, and the landowner shall obtain an individual WPDES permit under this chapter for the discharge.History: CR 03−028: cr.
By approving the WPDES permit program and by failing to object to the permit, the EPA effectively determined that the permit complies with federal regulations.
This grant program preceded the CWFP which was cre- ated in 1987 Wisconsin Act 399.(zx) WPDES permit fees.
Stats., provides authority to include terms and conditions in a WPDES permit to comply with water standards, ground water standards and federal requirements.