Wraparound Orange County definition

Wraparound Orange County means the wraparound program administered by COUNTY’s 10 SSA and is available to children and TAY who are returning from or being considered for placement in 11 group homes.
Wraparound Orange County means the Wraparound program administered by COUNTY’s 24 SSA and is available to children and TAY who are returning from or being considered for placement in 25 group homes. 26 B. CONTRACTOR AND ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, to modify the 27 Common Terms and Conditions Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the Contract. 28
Wraparound Orange County means the wraparound program administered by COUNTY’s 4 SSA and is available to children and TAY who are returning from or being considered for placement in 5 group homes. 6 B. CONTRACTOR AND ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, to modify the 7 Common Terms and Condition Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the Agreement. 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 // 29 // 30 // 31 // 32 // 33 // 34 // 35 // 36 // 37 //

Examples of Wraparound Orange County in a sentence

  • Other services may include Wraparound Orange County; MHSA 34 FSP programs for children, TAY, or adults; and other COUNTY mental health services.

  • Other services may include Wraparound Orange County; MHSA FSP programs for children, TAY, or adults; and other COUNTY mental health services.

  • Other services may include Wraparound Orange County; MHSA 2 FSP programs for children, TAY, or adults; and other COUNTY mental health services.

  • Other services may include Wraparound Orange County; MHSA 19 FSP programs for children, TAY, or adults; and other COUNTY mental health services.

  • Other services may include Wraparound Orange County; MHSA 37 FSP programs for children, TAY, or adults; and other COUNTY mental health services.

  • Other services may include Wraparound Orange County; MHSA 32 FSP programs for children, TAY, or adults; and other COUNTY mental health services.

  • Other services may include Wraparound Orange County; MHSA 24 FSP programs for children, TAY, or adults; and other COUNTY mental health services.

  • The reason or reasons relied on for the termination or nonrenewal shall be stated in writing with specific facts, so that the date, place and circumstances concerning the reason or reasons for termination or nonrenewal canbe determined.

  • Give family a Wraparound Orange County Tri-fold Brochure (F063-25-653).

  • Other services may include Wraparound Orange County; MHSA 13 FSP programs for children, TAY, or adults; and other COUNTY mental health services.

More Definitions of Wraparound Orange County

Wraparound Orange County means the wraparound program administered by COUNTY’s SSA and is available to children and TAY who are returning from or being considered for placement in group homes. B. CONTRACTOR AND ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, to modify the Common Terms and Condition Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the Agreement. II. BUDGET A. COUNTY shall pay CONTRACTOR in accordance with the Payments Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the Agreement and the following budget, which is set forth for informational purposes only and may be adjusted by mutual agreement, in writing, by ADMINISTRATOR and CONTRACTOR. ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS PERIOD ONE PERIOD TWO PERIOD THREE TOTAL Indirect Costs $1,008,661 $1,008,661 $1,008,661 $ 3,025,983 SUBTOTAL ADMIN COSTS $1,008,661 $1,008,661 $1,008,661 $ 3,025,983 PROGRAM COSTS Salaries $3,673,089 $3,673,089 $3,673,089 $11,019,267 Benefits $ 898,598 $ 898,598 $ 898,598 $ 2,695,794 Services & Supplies $1,267,062 $1,267,062 $1,267,062 $ 3,801,186 Subcontractors $ 885,663 $ 885,663 $ 885,663 $ 2,656,989 SUBTOTAL PROGRAM COSTS $6,724,412 $6,724,412 $6,724,412 $20,173,236 TOTAL GROSS COSTS $7,733,073 $7,733,073 $7,733,073 $23,199,219 REVENUE Federal Medi-Cal $3,736,986 $3,736,986 $3,736,986 $11,210,958 State Medi-Cal $3,363,287 $3,363,287 $3,363,287 $10,089,861 County Discretionary $ 373,699 $ 373,699 $ 373,699 $ 1,121,097 SAMHSA $ 259,101 $ 259,101 $ 259,101 $ 777,303 TOTAL REVENUE $7,733,073 $7,733,073 $7,733,073 $23,199,219 TOTAL MAXIMUM OBLIGATION $7,733,073 $7,733,073 $7,733,073 $23,199,219 // A. COUNTY shall pay CONTRACTOR in accordance with the Payments Paragraph in this Exhibit A to the Contract and the following budgets, which are set forth for informational purposes only and may be adjusted by mutual agreement, in writing, by ADMINISTRATOR and CONTRACTOR. 3 ADMINISTRATIVE COST PERIOD FOUR PROGRAM COST Services and Supplies 1,199,554 TOTAL GROSS COST $ 8,263,473 State Medi-Cal Match 3,607,436 TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $ 8,263,473 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 B. CONTRACTOR agrees that the amount of the State match is dependent upon, and shall at no 28 time be greater than, the amount of Federal Medi-Cal actually generated by CONTRACTOR, unless 29 authorized by ADMINISTRATOR.
Wraparound Orange County means the wraparound program administered by COUNTY’s SSA 2 and is available to children and TAY who are returning from or being considered for placement in group 3 homes. 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 // 29 // 30 // 31 // 32 // 33 // 34 // 35 // 36 // 37 // 8 of 1918 EXHIBIT A V:\BH K MGMT\BH VENDOR FOLDER(S)\CYS\CHC01 - BHS FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH\FY 2019-20\K DVLPMT\AGREEMENT\ASR 19-000119 BHS CHILDREN CHOC FY 19-20 KK VW - REDLINE.DOC CHC01BHKK19CHC01BHKK20 CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL OF ORANGE COUNTY DBA CHOC CHILDREN’SORANGE COUNTY CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL

Related to Wraparound Orange County

  • Cooperating country national (“CCN”) means an individual who is a cooperating country citizen or a non-cooperating country citizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the cooperating country.

  • North American Numbering Plan or "NANP" means the basic numbering plan for the Telecommunications networks located in the United States as well as Canada, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Xxxxxxxx Islands and certain Caribbean Islands. The NANP format is a 10-digit number that consists of a 3-digit NPA code (commonly referred to as the area code) followed by a 3-digit NXX code and 4-digit line number.

  • North American Numbering Plan (NANP) means the numbering architecture in which every station in the NANP Area is identified by a unique ten (10)-digit address consisting of a three (3)-digit NPA code, a three (3)-digit central office code of the form NXX, and a four (4)-digit line number of the form XXXX.

  • College community means trustees, students, staff, faculty, and visitors on college-owned or controlled facilities.

  • PEBB program means the program within the HCA that administers insurance and other benefits for eligible employees (as described in WAC 182-12-114), eligible retired employees (as described in WAC 182-12-171 and 182-12-180), eligible survivors (as described in WAC 182-12-180, 182-12-250, and 182-12-265), eligible dependents (as de- scribed in WAC 182-12-250 and 182-12-260) and others as defined in RCW 41.05.011.

  • Residential district means an area of a municipality where 75% or more of the area is zoned for residential housing.

  • Lower-Tier Municipality means a Municipality that forms part of an Upper-Tier Municipality for municipal purposes, as defined under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25.

  • South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.

  • South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.

  • Residentia Group means Residentia Group Pty Ltd of 165 Barkly Avenue Burnley VIC, ACN 600 546 656 in respect of Appliances purchased in Australia;

  • metropolitan municipality means a municipality that has exclusive executive and legislative authority in its area, and which is described in section 155 (1) of the Constitution as a category A municipality;

  • Residential means any school trip which includes an overnight stay.

  • Ameren Illinois means Ameren Illinois Company d/b/a Ameren Illinois.

  • North American Numbering Council or "NANC" means the federal advisory committee chartered by the FCC to analyze, advise, and make recommendations on numbering issues.

  • non-IOM country means a country that is not the Isle of Man;

  • stacked townhouse means a building, other than a townhouse or apartment building, containing at least 3 dwelling units, each dwelling unit being separated from the other vertically and/or horizontally, and each dwelling unit having an entrance to grade shared with no more than 3 other units;

  • State Medical Facilities Plan means the planning document adopted by the Board of Health which

  • Counties means, collectively, Macomb County, Oakland County and Wayne County.

  • County means the county of Los Angeles or any public entities for which the board of supervisors is the governing body. (Ord. 2002-0040 § 1, 2002: Ord. 2002-0015 § 1 (part), 2002)

  • AT&T-21STATE means the AT&T owned ILEC(s) doing business in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin.

  • Cooperating country means the country in which the employing USAID Mission is located.

  • Special service district means the same as that term is defined in Section 17D-1-102.

  • Uniform Single Attestation Program for Mortgage Bankers The Uniform Single Attestation Program for Mortgage Bankers, as published by the Mortgage Bankers Association of America and effective with respect to fiscal periods ending on or after December 15, 1995.

  • Neighborhood electric vehicle means a self-propelled

  • Community mental health center or "CMHC" means a facility offering a comprehensive array of community-based mental health services, including but not limited to, inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization, emergency care, consultation and education; and, certain services at the option of the center, including, but not limited to, prescreening, rehabilitation services, pre-care and aftercare, training programs, and research and evaluation.

  • Resident school district means the public school district in which the student resides.