Examples of WWC Act in a sentence
Under Schedule 1(2) of the WWC Act, grooming is recognised as a form of sexual misconduct.
A Working with Children Check (WWC) means authorisation under the WWC Act to engage in child-related work.
The entitlements of a person to request access to information in terms of section 46 of the WWC Act is enlivened when a finding of misconduct involving children has been made.
A WWCC clearance is authorisation under the WWC Act for a person to engage in child-related work.
Independent Schools are defined as a reporting body by the WWC Act.
A disqualified person is a person who has been convicted, or against whom proceedings have been commenced for a disqualifying offence outlined in Schedule 2 of WWC Act.
After the material assets reorganization, if Sinopec Star’s new business opportunity has any direct or indirect competition with the Company’s main business, priorities of the above-mentioned opportunity will be given to the Company.
The WWC Act protects children by requiring a worker to have a working with children’s check clearance or current application to engage in child related work.
The School may also be obliged to report, amend or provide additional information to the OCG as outlined in the WWC Act and the Children’s Guardian Act.
The Inquiry notes that the WWC Act was gradually implemented and has only been fully operational since 1 July 2011.