Xxxx of Quantities definition
Examples of Xxxx of Quantities in a sentence
Should the Tenderer wish to make any deviation from or any qualification to the Special Conditions of Contract, Specifications, Xxxx of Quantities, or Drawings, or should he wish to qualify the tender in any way, he shall indicate the proposals clearly hereunder or alternatively on photocopies of the original tender documentation which shall be attached to this page.
For purposes of completing the table on the next page containing the Tenderer’s declaration with respect to participation in job creation using local labour, the value of Subtotal 1* (excluding contingencies, contract price adjustment and VAT) which is obtained from the Tender Summary under C2.2 Xxxx of Quantities, shall be used.
The Contractor is paid for the quantity of the work done at the rate in the Xxxx of Quantities for each item.
The quantities of material or work stated in the Xxxx of Quantities shall not be regarded as authorisation for the Contractor to order material or to execute work.
Any bidder willing to take part in the process of e-Tendering will have to be enrolled & registered with the Government e-Procurement System, through logging on to (the web portal of Government of West Bengl) the contractor is to click on the link for e-Tendering site as given on the web portal.
For the purposes of this Xxxx of Quantities, the following words shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them: Unit: The unit of measurement for each item of work as defined in the specifications.
Unless otherwise specified, progress payments in Interim Certificates, referred to in Clause 6.10 of the General Conditions of Contract 2015, in respect of "sum" items in the Xxxx of Quantities shall be by means of interim progress instalments assessed by the Employer’s Agent and based on the measure in which the work actually carried out relates to the extent of the work to be executed by the Contractor.
The quantities given in the Xxxx of Quantities are estimates only, and are subject to re-measure during the execution of the work.
The Xxxx of Quantities forms part of the Contract Documents and must be read and priced in conjunction with all the other documents comprising the Contract Documents, which include the Conditions of Tender, Conditions of Contract, the Specifications (including the Project Specifications) and the Drawings.
In order to ensure that payments certified by the Employer’s Agent are reasonably consistent with the market value of the work done, and that variations in quantities do not distort the contract valuation, the rates, prices and amounts tendered in the Xxxx of Quantities are required to be in balance.