Years of Service or Fraction Thereof definition

Years of Service or Fraction Thereof means a continuous 12-month period or fraction thereof for each full day of active employment commencing on the Participant’s date of hire or on the anniversary thereof. After December 31, 2015, additional Years of Service or Fraction Thereof are taken into account only for purposes of determining a Participant’s Early Retirement Date (if any) and to determine the applicable reduction factors for a benefit commencing prior to Normal Retirement Date.
Years of Service or Fraction Thereof means a continuous 12-month period or fraction thereof for each full month of active employment commencing on the Participant’s date of hire or on the anniversary thereof.
Years of Service or Fraction Thereof means a continuous 12-month period or fraction thereof for each full month of active employment commencing on the Participant’s date of hire or on the anniversary thereof. In the case of a Participant who was employed by HSB Group, Inc., American General Corporation or 21st Century Industries, as applicable, as of the date of acquisition of such corporation by American International Group, Inc., such Participant’s Years of Service or Fractions Thereof shall be measured from the Participant’s initial date of hire with the acquired corporation excluding any periods while not an employee of the acquired corporation. After December 31, 2015, additional Years of Service or Fraction Thereof are taken into account only for purposes of determining a Participant’s Early Retirement Date (if any) and to determine the applicable reduction factors for a benefit commencing prior to Normal Retirement Date.

Examples of Years of Service or Fraction Thereof in a sentence

  • In determining the number of years of Credited Service (as defined in the Qualified Plan) and the number of Years of Service or Fraction Thereof for a Participant listed in Schedule A, for purposes of this Section 3.2, the number of years of Credited Service (as defined in the Qualified Plan) and the number of Years of Service or Fraction Thereof occurring during the Freeze Period as defined in Section 4.6 shall be included.

  • With respect to Participants who are covered under the ESP, solely for purposes of this Section 3.2 and Section 5, Years of Service or Fraction Thereof shall include the period of time of that the ESP specifies shall be included.

  • With respect to a Separation from Service occurring on or after July 14, 2015, in determining the number of Years of Service or Fraction Thereof for a Participant, who is not covered by the American International Group, Inc.

  • In addition, a Participant shall have a nonforfeitable right to Excess Retirement Income if he is eligible for Early Retirement pursuant to Section 3.2. Credited Service (as defined in the Qualified Plan), Years of Service or Fraction Thereof, and participation occurring during the Freeze Period as defined in Section 4.6 for a Participant listed on Schedule A shall be included in determining whether a Participant is vested, pursuant to this Article 5.

  • Years of Service or Fraction Thereof occurring after December 31, 2015 shall also be included for determining whether a Participant is vested pursuant to this Article 5.

  • Years of Service or Fraction Thereof with respect to the period of time, if any, during which a Participant who is not covered by the ESP is to receive severance in the form of salary continuation or during which the ESP specifies a Participant who is covered by the ESP must receive credit under this Article 5 shall be included in determining whether a Participant is vested pursuant to this Article 5.

  • In addition, a Participant shall have a nonforfeitable right to Supplemental Retirement Income if he is eligible for Early Retirement pursuant to Section 3.2. Credited Service (as defined in the Qualified Plan), Years of Service or Fraction Thereof, and participation occurring during the Freeze Period as defined in Section 4.5 for a Participant listed on Schedule A shall be included in determining whether a Participant is vested pursuant to this Article 5.

  • For purposes of determining the amounts described under Sections 4.1(a), 4.2(a), 4.3(a), and 4.4(a) for a Participant listed in Schedule A, the Freeze Period shall be disregarded in determining the number of Years of Service or Fraction Thereof and Average Final Compensation, each as defined herein.

  • Credited Service, Years of Service or Fraction Thereof, and Average Final Compensation, each as defined in the American International Group, Inc.

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, for purposes of determining the eligibility of a Surviving Spouse of a Participant listed on Schedule A to receive a benefit under Section 7.1, the Freeze Period as defined in Section 4.5 shall be included in determining the number of Years of Service or Fraction Thereof.

Related to Years of Service or Fraction Thereof

  • Years of Service means the total number of full years in which a Participant has been employed by one or more Employers. For purposes of this definition, a year of employment shall be a 365 day period (or 366 day period in the case of a leap year) that, for the first year of employment, commences on the Employee's date of hiring and that, for any subsequent year, commences on an anniversary of that hiring date. Any partial year of employment shall not be counted.

  • Credited Service means the member's total period of service

  • Vesting Service of an employee means the period or periods of service credited to him under the provisions of Article II for purposes of determining his vested interest in his Employer Contributions Sub-Account, if Employer Contributions are provided for under either Article VI or Article XXII.

  • Year of Service means the computation period of twelve (12) consecutive months, herein set forth, during which an Employee has at least 1000 Hours of Service.

  • Final Average Earnings means the earnings used to determine benefits under this Plan as further described in Article 7.

  • Accrued Benefit means the amount standing in a Participant's Account(s) as of any date derived from both Employer contributions and Employee contributions, if any.

  • Annual Benefit means an annual sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) multiplied by the Applicable Percentage (defined below) and then reduced to the extent required: (i) under the other provisions of this Agreement; (ii) by reason of the lawful order of any regulatory agency or body having jurisdiction over the Employer; and (iii) in order for the Employer to properly comply with any and all applicable state and federal laws, including, but not limited to, income, employment and disability income tax laws (eg., FICA, FUTA, SDI).

  • Defined Benefit Fraction means a fraction, the numerator of which is the sum of the Projected Annual Benefits of the Participant involved under all Defined Benefit Plans (whether or not terminated) maintained by the Employer or Affiliate, and the denominator of which is the lesser of 125% of the dollar limitation determined for the Limitation Year under Code Sections 415(b) or (d) or 140% of the Participant's Highest Average Limitation Compensation, including any adjustments under Code Section 415(b). However, if the Participant was a Participant as of the first day of the first Limitation Year beginning after December 31, 1986, in one or more Defined Benefit Plans maintained by the Employer or Affiliate which were in existence on May 5, 1986, the denominator of this fraction will not be less than 125% of the sum of the annual benefits under such Plans which the Participant had accrued as of the close of the last Limitation Year beginning before January 1, 1987, disregarding any changes in the terms and conditions of the plans after May 5, 1986. The preceding sentence applies only if the Defined Benefit Plans individually and in the aggregate satisfied the requirements of Code Section 415 for all Limitation Years beginning before January 1, 1987.

  • Actuarial equivalent means a benefit of equal value when

  • Period of Service means the aggregate of all periods of service commencing with an Employee's first day of employment or reemployment with the Employer or an Affiliated Employer and ending on the first day of a Period of Severance, or for benefit accrual purposes, ending on the severance from service date. The first day of employment or reemployment is the first day the Employee performs an Hour of Service. An Employee who incurs a Period of Severance of twelve (12) months or less will also receive service-spanning credit by treating any such period as a Period of Service for purposes of eligibility and vesting (but not benefit accrual). For purposes of benefit accrual, a Participant's whole year Periods of Service is equal to the sum of all full and partial periods of service, whether or not such service is continuous or contiguous, expressed in the number of whole years represented by such sum. For this purpose, fractional periods of a year will be expressed in terms of days.

  • Annual Earnings means your gross annual income from your Employer, not including shift differential, in effect just prior to the date of loss. It includes your total income before taxes. It is prior to any deductions made for pre-tax contributions to a qualified deferred compensation plan, Section 125 plan or flexible spending account. It does not include income received from commissions, bonuses, overtime pay or any other extra compensation or income received from sources other than your Employer.

  • Monthly Benefit means the monthly amount payable by Liberty to you if you are Disabled or Partially Disabled.

  • Final Average Compensation means the aggregate amount of a member's compensation earned within the averaging period in which the aggregate amount of compensation was highest divided by the member's number of years, including any fraction of a year, of credited service during the averaging period. The averaging period shall be 36 consecutive calendar months if the member contributes to the member investment plan except for a member who contributes to the member investment plan and first became a member on or after July 1, 2010; otherwise, the averaging period shall be 60 consecutive calendar months. A member who contributes to the member investment plan and first became a member on or after July 1, 2010 shall also have an averaging period of 60 consecutive calendar months. If the member has less than 1 year of credited service in the averaging period, the number of consecutive calendar months in the averaging period shall be increased to the lowest number of consecutive calendar months that contains 1 year of credited service.

  • Retirement Benefit means the benefit set forth in Article 5.

  • Death Benefit means the insurance amount payable under the Certificate at death of the Insured, subject to all Certificate provisions dealing with changes in the amount of insurance and reductions or termination for age or retirement. It does not include any amount that is only payable in the event of Accidental Death.

  • Annual Deferral Amount means that portion of a Participant's Base Annual Salary and Annual Bonus that a Participant elects to have, and is deferred, in accordance with Article 3, for any one Plan Year. In the event of a Participant's Retirement, Disability (if deferrals cease in accordance with Section 8.1), death or a Termination of Employment prior to the end of a Plan Year, such year's Annual Deferral Amount shall be the actual amount withheld prior to such event.

  • Normal Retirement Benefit means an annual benefit payment in the amount of Sixty-Six Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy-Three Dollars ($66,373.00) for a period of fifteen (15) years.

  • Vesting Percentage means the percentage by which the Target Total Award is multiplied as set forth in the chart in Section II below.

  • Net death benefit means the amount of the life insurance policy or certificate to be settled less any outstanding debts or liens.

  • completed year of service means continuous service for one year;

  • Actual Deferral Percentage means, for a specified group of Participants for a Plan Year, the average of the ratios (calculated separately for each Participant in the group) of (1) the amount of Employer contributions actually paid over to the Trust on behalf of the Participant for the Plan Year to (2) the Participant's Earnings for the Plan Year (or, provided that the Employer applies this method to all Employees for a Plan Year, the Participant's Earnings for that portion of the Plan Year during which he was eligible to participate in the Plan). Employer contributions on behalf of any Participant shall include: (i) his Elective Deferrals, including Excess Elective Deferrals of Highly Compensated Employees, but excluding (A) Excess Elective Deferrals of Non-Highly Compensated Employees that arise solely from Elective Deferrals made under the Plan or another plan maintained by an Affiliated Employer, and (B) Elective Deferrals that are taken into account in the Average Contribution Percentage test described in Section 5.10 (provided the ADP test is satisfied both with and without exclusion of these Elective Deferrals), and excluding Elective Deferrals returned to a Participant to reduce an Excess Amount as defined in Section 6.5(f); and (ii) if the Employer has elected to make Qualified Nonelective Contributions, such amount of Qualified Nonelective Contributions, if any, as shall be necessary to enable the Plan to satisfy the ADP test and not used to satisfy the ACP test; and (iii) if the Employer has elected to make Qualified Matching Contributions, such amount of Qualified Matching Contributions, if any, as shall be necessary to enable the Plan to satisfy the ADP test and not used to satisfy the ACP test. For purposes of computing Actual Deferral Percentages, an Employee who would be a Participant but for his failure to make Elective Deferrals shall be treated as a Participant on whose behalf no Elective Deferrals are made.

  • Grandfathered Service means service which is no longer available for new customers and is limited to the current customer at their current locations with certain provisioning limitations, including but not limited to upgrade denials, feature adds/changes and responsible/billing party.

  • Early Retirement Benefit means the retirement benefit payable to a member following early

  • Year of Vesting Service means a vesting computation period during which you complete 1,000 hours of service during the Plan Year.

  • Average Monthly Compensation means the quotient determined by dividing the sum of the Employee’s then current Base Salary (as defined in Section 4.1 hereof) and the greater of the most recently paid Incentive Compensation (as defined in Section 4.2 hereof) or the average of Incentive Compensation paid over the three most recent years by twelve.