Zero Drift definition

Zero Drift means the change in the instrument meter readout over a stated period of time of normal continuous operation when the VOC concentration at the time of measurement is zero.
Zero Drift means the difference in the measurement system response to a zero level calibration gas before and after a stated period of operation during which no unscheduled maintenance, repair, or adjustment took place.
Zero Drift means the change in the instrument meter readout over

Examples of Zero Drift in a sentence

  • Zero Drift - The change in instrument output over a stated time period, usually 24 hours, of unadjusted continuous operation when the input concentration is zero; usually expressed as percent full scale.

  • Zero Drift - The extent to which an analyzer’s reading on zero gas changes over time.

  • Accuracy, Precision, Error, Resolution, Sensitivity, Linearity, Zero ,Drift Etc.

  • A long pass dichroic beam splitting mirror (D1, Semrock) combines the two laser beams and introduces them into the white light path of an IX81 inverted microscope (Olympus).The microscope is equipped with the Zero Drift Compensation package (Olympus) comprising an external laser/detector unit and a filter cube placed just below the microscope objective lens (D2 in Fig.

  • The measurement system consists of the same major sub- systems as defined in Method 6C, Sections 3.1.1, 3.1.2, and Span, Calibration Gas, Analyzer Cali- bration Error, Sampling System Bias, Zero Drift, Calibration Drift, Response Time, and Calibration Curve.

  • Following the calibration and appropriate calibration checks, the initial values for the Zero Drift Reference and the Upscale Drift Reference should bedetermined according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

  • The difference in the CEMS output readings from the established reference value after a statedperiod of operation during which no unscheduled maintenance, repair, or adjustment took place.2.4 Zero Drift (ZD).

  • The system shall be capable of meeting or exceeding the fol- lowing specifications: Zero Drift.

  • Operating Range: 0 to 50°C Storage Range: -40 to 80°CT48 Span Drift (maximum): 130 ppm/°C, main input T48 Zero Drift (maximum): 1 µV/°C, main input Operating and Storage Humidity:85% max.

  • The difference between the gas concentration indicated by the measurement system and the known concentration of the calibration gas.2.5 Zero Drift.

More Definitions of Zero Drift

Zero Drift means the change in the instrument meter readout over a stated period of time
Zero Drift means the change in analyzer output in response to a consistent zero air input concentration within a 24 hour period of unadjusted continuous operation; and
Zero Drift means the change in the instrument meter

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