Examples of Zone in a sentence
Zone files will include SRS data committed as close as possible to 00:00:00 UTC.
The agreement will be standardized, facilitated and administered by a Centralized Zone Data Access Provider, which may be ICANN or an ICANN designee (the “CZDA Provider”).
Registry Operator will grant the user a non-‐exclusive, nontransferable, limited right to access Registry Operator’s (optionally CZDA Provider's) Zone File hosting server, and to transfer a copy of the top-‐level domain zone files, and any associated cryptographic checksum files no more than once per 24 hour period using FTP, or other data transport and access protocols that may be prescribed by ICANN.
Each Registry Operator (optionally through the CZDA Provider) will provide the Zone File FTP (or other Registry supported) service for an ICANN-‐specified and managed URL (specifically, <TLD>.xxx.xxxxx.xxx where <TLD> is the TLD for which the registry is responsible) for the user to access the Registry’s zone data archives.
Registry Operator will grant the user a non-exclusive, nontransferable, limited right to access Registry Operator’s (optionally CZDA Provider's) Zone File hosting server, and to transfer a copy of the top-level domain zone files, and any associated cryptographic checksum files no more than once per 24 hour period using FTP, or other data transport and access protocols that may be prescribed by ICANN.