Examples of Zoning Board of Appeals in a sentence
Conditional Uses must be approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
However, unless otherwise noted in this agenda, no official action by the Sanitary Districts, Plan Commission, Board of Review, Licensing Committee, Parks Commission, Joint Review Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and/or Police and Fire Commission will be taken at this meeting.
Often referred to as the Anti-Snob Zoning Act, it requires all communities to use a streamlined review process through the local Zoning Board of Appeals for “comprehensive permits” submitted by developers for projects proposing zoning and other regulatory waivers and incorporating affordable housing for at least 25% of the units.
Challenges to the decisions of the Savannah Zoning Board of Appeals must be filed through the Superior Court of Chatham County.
Such matters shall be exclusively the jurisdiction of the Zoning Board of Appeals.