Examples of Zurich Insurers in a sentence
Within sixty (60) business days of entry of the Order, the Zurich Insurers shall present to the Settling Attorneys General and the Settling Insurance Regulators a written report that it has implemented or is in the process of implementing a compliance program consistent with the terms set out in the Order for their review.
In addition to providing direct notice to all parties in interest in the bankruptcy case (including all known claimants against Debtors), Debtors shall provide appropriate broad notice by publication and otherwise to ensure that the injunctions protecting the Zurich Insurers and the Zurich Affiliated Insurers against Abuse Claims shall be effective as against all persons who assert, have asserted, or may in the future assert, Abuse Claims.
If the Zurich Insurers believe the duties of specific employees are significantly specialized, they may offer specialized compliance programs for those employees.
Suitable access shall be provided to permit proper cleaning and maintenance.Swales or ditches on terraces shall have a minimum gradient of 5 percent and must be paved with reinforced concrete not less than 3 inches in thickness or an approved equal paving.
If another Settling Insurance Company receives broader releases or protections concerning Causes of Action and Claims related to its policies (including its Abuse Insurance Policies) than those provided to Zurich Insurers or Zurich Affiliated Insurers in the Agreement or Amended Plan, then Zurich Insurers and Zurich Affiliated Insurers shall receive the benefit of those broader releases and protections automatically and without the necessity of further actions by the Parties.
On the Release Date, all Abuse Claims against insureds and co-insureds covered under insurance policies issued by the 6 For the avoidance of doubt, the releases, protections, and limitations provided in this Term Sheet and the Agreement, including to Zurich Insurers and Zurich Affiliated Insurers, shall be no broader and no narrower than those provided in the Century Term Sheet to the “Settling Insurers” as defined in the Century Term Sheet.
In the event that the Confirmation Order is reversed or vacated on appeal following the Effective Date, such that the Release Date does not occur (a “Reversal”), the Parties and State Court Counsel agree that the Settlement Amount and all Net Income accrued thereon in the Escrow Account shall be released from the Escrow Account to Zurich Insurers promptly following the Reversal (or any exercise of a Fiduciary Out by BSA).
In agreeing to the terms of the Regulatory Settlement Agreement, each of the Zurich Insurers waives its rights to an administrative hearing and appeal under the applicable laws of the state represented by each Settling Insurance Regulator.
The Zurich Insurers shall not enter into, engage in, or solicit or otherwise seek to enter any agreement, not permitted by applicable law, with any Broker or Agent, or with any insurance company, reinsurance company, insurance exchange, or any person employed by, or an agent of, any such entity to allocate customers or markets, to rig bids or quotes, or to submit bids or quotes that would violate Paragraph II.
Zurich Insurers and Zurich Affiliated Insurers shall not participate in or otherwise interfere with the administration of the Trust.