Notices Mallilausekkeet

Notices. 12.1 By concluding the Credit Agreement, the Customer agrees that all relevant notices and other communications can be sent to him/her electronically by means of communication agreed to for this purpose including e-mail, post or mobile applications. The notices delivered in the aforementioned manner are considered received on the same date on which they were sent, with the exception of any communications sent by post which shall be considered received five calendar days after they are sent. In case the requirements change, the Customer shall be notified thereof.
Notices. Any notices relating to this Agreement shall be in writing. Notices will be deemed given by Apple when sent to You at the email address or mailing address You provided during the sign-up process. All notices to Apple relating to this Agreement will be deemed given (a) when delivered personally,
Notices. 10.1 Any notices required to be given by one party to another, shall be in writing and sent to the relevant address specified in the Contract or if no address is specified, the registered office of that party, or such address which may have been notified to the party from time to time in accordance with these Conditions.
Notices. Any notice to be provided under this Agreement shall be in writing to the ad- dresses and recipients as listed in the most recent address list kept by the ELIXIR Direc- tor based on the initial list of ELIXIR Mem- bers and other contact persons.
Notices. Any notices relating to this Agreement shall be in writing. Notices will be deemed given by Apple when sent to You at the email address or mailing address You provided during the sign-up process. All notices to Apple relating to this Agreement will be deemed given (a) when delivered personally, (b) three business days after having been sent by commercial overnight carrier with written proof of delivery, and (c) five business days after having been sent by first class or certified mail, postage prepaid, to this Apple address: Apple Inc., Apple Developer Legal (Apple Business Manager), One Apple Park, 37-2ISM, Cupertino, California 95014 U.S.A. You consent to receive notices by email and agree that any such notices that Apple sends You electronically will satisfy any legal communication requirements. A party may change its email or mailing address by giving the other written notice as described above.
Notices. The sender is responsible for the delivery of notices sent to the other party.

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