Notification of claim Mallilausekkeet

Notification of claim. Fraudulent information
Notification of claim. A notification of claim must include the following information and documents: • policy number; • short description of the loss event; • ticket or other type of transport receipt; • appropriately dated and signed doctor’s certificate, which indicates the exact description of the illness or injury; • original receipts for the acquired medical and medicinal expenses and service charges and prescriptions; • contact SOS International. • contact SOS International. • appropriately dated and signed doctor’s certificate that includes an exact description of the illness or injury or another type of certificate; • a certificate of refund or compensation received from the transportation company or tour operator; • original receipts of additional expenses; • in case of death, a death certificate. AIG may request other information and documents where needed. If the insured gets a medical examination at the request of the insurer, the insurer will compensate the insured for the incurred expenses. In case of death benefits, AIG is entitled to require a post-mortem examination, the expenses of which will be paid by AIG.
Notification of claim. A notification of claim must include the following information and documents: • policy number; • short description of the loss event; • ticket or other type of transport receipt; • original receipts for the acquired medical and medicinal expenses and service charges and prescriptions; • contact SOS International. • contact SOS International. • contact SOS International. • death certificate and any post-mortem report and documents specifying beneficiaries (e.g., inventory of the estate, genealogy); • any record of a police investigation. • description of the loss even and any witnesses and their contact information; • appropriately dated and signed doctor’s certificate which indicates the exact description of the injury; • the date of the medical examination and the doctor’s contact information. • appropriately dated and signed doctor’s certificate that includes an exact description of the illness or injury or another type of certificate; • a certificate of refund or compensation received from the transportation company or tour operator; • original receipts of additional expenses; • in case of death, a death certificate. • description of the lost luggage items; • complaint to the transportation company, tour operators or hotel and/or report of an offence to the police; • in case of delayed luggage, the transportation company’s certificate of the delay and a certificate of the return of the luggage; • original receipts of purchased or rented necessities. AIG may request other information and documents where needed. If the insured gets a medical examination at the request of the insurer, the insurer will compensate the insured for the incurred expenses. In case of death benefits, AIG is entitled to require a post-mortem examination, the expenses of which will be paid by AIG.
Notification of claim. A notification of claim must include the following information and documents: • policy number; • short description of the loss event; • ticket or other type of transport receipt; • appropriately dated and signed doctor’s certificate, which indicates the exact description of the illness or injury; • original receipts for the acquired medical and medicinal expenses and service charges and prescriptions; • contact SOS International. • contact SOS International. • contact SOS International. • death certificate and any post-mortem report and documents specifying beneficiaries (e.g., inventory of the estate, genealogy); • any record of a police investigation. • description of the loss even and any witnesses and their contact information; • appropriately dated and signed doctor’s certificate which indicates the exact description of the injury; • the date of the medical examination and the doctor’s contact information. • appropriately dated and signed doctor’s certificate that includes an exact description of the illness or injury or another type of certificate; • a certificate of refund or compensation received from the transportation company or tour operator; • original receipts of additional expenses; • in case of death, a death certificate. • the transportation company’s certificate regarding the missed departure; • original receipts of transport and accommodation expenses; • the transportation company’s certificate regarding the missed departure; • original receipts of meal and accommodation expenses; • description of the lost luggage items; • complaint to the transportation company, tour operators or hotel and/or report of an offence to the police; • in case of delayed luggage, the transportation company’s certificate of the delay and a certificate of the return of the luggage; • original receipts of purchased or rented necessities. • contact AIG or SOS International. • contact AIG or SOS International. AIG may request other information and documents where needed. If the insured gets a medical examination at the request of the insurer, the insurer will compensate the insured for the incurred expenses. In case of death benefits, AIG is entitled to require a post-mortem examination, the expenses of which will be paid by AIG.

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