AND WHEREAS the Contractor is bound by the said Contract to submit to RBI a Performance Security for a total amount of ₹ 26,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Six Lakhs only) for the due fulfilment by the said contractor of the terms and conditions contained in the contract. We, (Name of the Bank), (hereinafter called “the Bank”), at the request of M/s , the contractor, do hereby undertake to pay to the RBI an amount of ₹ 26,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Six Lakhs only)as Performance Guarantee for due fulfilment of the terms and conditions of the contract.
AND WHEREAS. THE CONTRACTOR HAS AGREED TO execute upon and subject to the conditions set forth in the original AMC entered into and detailed in the scope of work and as amplified /curtailed by subsequent additions/deletions mutually agreed upon, originally agreed both expressly and impliedly and also naturally flowing out of the nature of AMC (all of which are collectively hereinafter referred to as the said "CONDITIONS") the works described in the said scope of work at the AMC rate as shall become payable thereunder (xxxxxxxxx referred to as the said AMC contract amount).
AND WHEREAS the Contractor has agreed to execute upon the subject to the Conditions set forth herein and to the Conditions set forth in the Special Conditions and in the Schedule of Quantities and Conditions of Contract (all of which are collectively hereinafter referred to as “the said Conditions”) the works shown upon the said drawings and/or described in the said specification and included in the Schedule of Quantities at the respective rates therein set forth amounting to the sum as therein arrived at or such other sum as shall become payable there- under (hereinafter referred to as ‘the said Contract Amount’)
AND WHEREAS the contractor has agreed to execute upon and subject to the conditions set forth herein and to the conditions set forth in the Special Conditions and in Conditions of Contract and as amplified /curtailed by subsequent additions/deletions mutually agreed upon, originally agreed both expressly and impliedly and also naturally flowing out of the nature of AMC (all of which are collectively hereinafter referred to as the said "CONDITIONS"), the works described, in the said Scope of Work, at the rates/ amount quoted, in the Price Bid and, shall become payable, thereunder (hereunder referred as the said Contract Amount). एतद् �ारा अब िनम्नानुसार सहमित 5ई है-:
AND WHEREAS the said specifications, the Schedule of Quantities have been signed by or on behalf of the parties hereto. और जबकक बोलीकताव इसमें निधावररत की गई शतों और संवर्दा की वर्शेष शतों और मात्रा अिुसची में उज्ल्लणखत की गई शतों तिा यिा सशोथधत एर्ं अंनतम रूप से दोिों पक्षकारों द्र्ारा सहमत संवर्दा की शतों) ज्जन्हें समग्रत: इसके बाद “कथित शतें” कहा गया है )में निटहत शतों के अधीि बक की उक्त अपक्षाे और/ अिर्ा कथित वर्निदेश में उज्ल्लणखत कायव और मात्रा-अिुसची में शाममल कायव को निष्पाटदत करिे हते ु सहमत है ज्जसे र्ह उक्त में तय की गई रामश के अिुसार अिर्ा उसके अधीि देय होिे र्ाली रामश के अिुसार निधावररत दर) ज्जसे इसके बाद ‘कथित संवर्दा रामश’ कहा गया है )पर करेगा)।