Submission of Proposals नमूना खंड

Submission of Proposals. 5.1. The response to the RfE:
Submission of Proposals. 5.1 Consultants are permitted to submit only one Proposal. 5.2 The Techno- commercial proposal (Technical and Financial Bid/proposal in two separate envelopes sealed and stamped) should be put in a sealed cover labelled “TECHNO - COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL FOR ENGAGEMENT OF CONSULTANT FOR CGS II - NBFC” submitted by M/s………………….. . 5.3 Two Separate envelopes (one envelope for technical proposal/bid and another one for commercial/ financial proposa/bid ) should be securely sealed and stamped. 1. Envelope containing Technical Bid /Proposal should be Super scribed with Technical Bid, Name of the Consultant, contact number and e- mail ID. This RfP should also be signed and stamped by authorized officials on each page and should be kept in the envelope containing Technical Proposal/bid. 2. Envelope containing only Financial Bid/ proposal should be Super scribed with Financial Bid, Name of the Consultant, contact number and e-mail ID. 5.4 The Proposal shall be typed or written in indelible ink (if required). All proposal documents should be bound and pages numbered in the specified format (e.g. 5 of 25). Authorised signatory of the Consultant should put his / her initial on every page of the proposal document. Consultant should affix the company’s seal on every page of the proposal document. 5.5 The proposal should be signed by the Consultant or any person duly authorized to bind the Consultant to the Terms and Conditions. The signatory should give a declaration and through authenticated documentary evidence like Power of Attorney, copy of the Resolution of the Board etc., should establish that he/she is empowered to sign the proposal documents and bind the Consultant. All pages of the proposal documents, except brochures if any, are to be signed by the authorized signatory. The Consultant shall furnish proof of signature identification for above purposes as required by the Trust. 5.6 Unsigned proposals would entail rejection. 5.7 The Consultant is expected to submit the Commercial Proposal inclusive of the applicable taxes [to be shown separately]. The commercial proposal should be on the Consultant’s letter head and the total amount should be mentioned in both numerals and words. 5.8 The techno- commercial proposal may be prepared as per format provided in Section IV – Techno- Commercial Proposals – Forms. The covering letter Form- F1 shall indicate the name and address of the Consultant' to enable the proposal to be returned in case it is declared late, and for match...