NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS. यह करार से प्रभावी होगा और 31 माच�, 2024 तक लागू रहेगा और दोनों प�ों की आपसी सहमित के अनुसार ठे केदार �ारा प्रदान की गई संतोषजनक सेवाओं के अनुसार वािष�क Vप से दो और वषfi तक बढ़ाया जा सकता है, के, जब तक िक इसे इसके अधीन शतfi के अनुसार समा� नही ं िकया जाता है। अनुबंध का नवीनीकरण अनुबंध की अविध समा� होने के बाद, वािष�क आधार पर, समान िनयमों और शतfi पर िकया जा सकता है। िनिवदा द�ावेज मे िनिहत सभी िनयम और शत� और इस संदभ� मे जारी िकये गये कोई 4�ीकरण (शु�5पत्र) इस करार के भाग माने जाय�गे और सभी प�ों पर लागू होंगे। साथ ही, वािष�क नवीनीकरण के दौरान �ूनतम मजदू री अिधिनयम, 1948 के प्रावधानों के तहत जब भी मु% आयु4 (क�द्र सरकार) �ारा अिधसूचना जारी की जायेगी, वॉच एं ड वाड� (हिथयार के िबना) के िलये िनयु4 श्रिमकों के अनुसार मू� मे वृ�5/ बढ़ोतरी की जायेगी। This agreement will come into effect from and will remain in force up to March 31, 2024 and annually extendable up to two more years, subject to mutual consent of both parties, satisfactory services rendered by the Contractor, unless it is terminated as per the terms hereinafter contained. The renewal of the contract can be done after the expiry of the contract period, on an annual basis, on the same terms and conditions. The terms and conditions contained in the tender document and any clarifications (corrigenda) issued shall be treated as part and parcel of this agreement and shall be binding on the parties. Also, during annual renewal escalation/increase should be given for Deployment of employees for Watch and Wards (without arms) whenever the notification issued by Chief Commissioner (Central Government) under the provision of Minimum Wages Act 1948.
NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS. संिवदाकार उक्त शतfi/ एएमसी प्रदान करने संबंधी पत्र म� उ�W�खत समय और िनयत तरीके से उपयु�क्त एएमसी संिवदा रािश के भुगतान करने के महेनज़र, उक्त शतfi के अधीन िनिवदा शतfi के अंतग�त काय� की Dा�� म� विण�त िकए अनुसार काय� को िन�ािदत और पूरा करेगा। In consideration of the said AMC contract amount to be paid in the manner set forth in the said conditions/AMC Award Letter, the CONTRACTOR shall upon and subject to the said conditions execute and complete the work described in the said scope of work under the tender conditions.
NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS e) This agreement will come into effect from ------------- and will remain in force up to ------------ - or unless it is terminated as per the terms herein after contained. The charges of Rs. (Rupees only) covering the cost of manpower, materials, chemicals, spray pumps etc. for efficient rendering the services shall be payable on quarterly basis subject to submission of bill/ invoice. The payment thereon will be made after the same is duly certified by the Bank’s officials to the effect that the services have been provided satisfactorily and after deducting all statutory dues/ taxes etc. The above charges are firm and not subject to labour conditions, exchange variations or any other condition whatsoever. The above charges also include GST, whether existing or levied in future by the Central Government or the State Government or any local authority. The contractor shall be responsible for providing services on regular basis as per the scope of work and terms and conditions of the contract.
NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS. संनिदाकार उक्ि शिों/ एएमसी प्रदाि करिे संबंधी पि में उच्छिच्छखि समय और नियि िरीके से उपयवुक्ि एएमसी संनिदा रानश के भुगिाि करिे के मद्दे िज़र, उक्ि शिों के अधीि निनिदा शिों के अंिगवि कायव की व्याच्छप्त में िनणवि नकए अिुसार कायव को निष्पानदि और पूरा करे गा। In consideration of the said AMC contract amount to be paid in the manner set forth in the said conditions/AMC Award Letter, the CONTRACTOR shall upon and subject to the said conditions execute and complete the work described in the said scope of work under the tender conditions.