OBJECTIVES Primjeri odredbi

OBJECTIVES. The Project Manager will be responsible for the overall management and coordination of the Asset Management Project on behalf of the contractor (i.e., MSTI and the railway companies). She/he would be responsible for the quality of technical, operational, organizational and administrative activities needed for efficient project implementation. She/he must have knowledge in the field of property-legal issues, knowledge of Croatian laws and real estate. The Project Manager would carry out the following activities: • Manage the project on a day-to-day basis; • Organize, coordinate, supervise and follow up all project activities in timely, efficient and transparent manner; • Make sure that all activities are carried out according to the provisions of the Asset Management contract with the selected consultant, Croatian legislation and regulations, and according to project procedures; • Coordinate and supervise administrative, technical and communication activities necessary for the successful Project implementation; • Provide assistance and support to the project beneficiaries in all areas related to the Project implementation; • Closely liaise and cooperate with all relevant stakeholders, and project beneficiaries in designing and implementing project activities according to project documents in the best way to accomplish maximum benefit and positive impact for the project beneficiaries; • Responsible for reporting toward MSTI, Ministry of Finance and the World Bank, as well as other institutions involved as required; • Responsible for the monitoring of performance of each project component; The Project Manager will directly report to the Project Coordinator within the MSTI and will be responsible for management of all railway companies’ staff and consultants who report to him.
OBJECTIVES. The overall project objective is to introduce an integrated waste management system in order to tackle in an efficient way the waste management at the County of Istria. With the development of modern waste management infrastructure facilities, the needs of about 206 000 inhabitants will be served. It will tackle in an efficient way the waste collection, its treatment and disposal. Waste disposal to landfills will be reduced, energy recovery will be introduced, recycling yards will be installed and the principles of sustainable development will be developed. It will also contribute in improving the protection of the environment and human health. The following are planned to be realised: - Construction of a landfill with a bio-reactive cell and a cell for non-hazardous industrial waste. The landfill gas will be used for the production of electricity. To this end, a power plant will be constructed as from 2014 onwards, - Mechanical-biological treatment of waste before final disposal and extraction of solid recovered fuel (SRF) as alternative fuel and metals, - Reduction of the share of biodegradable waste in the municipal waste deposited on landfill, - Purchase of transportation system to ensure transfer of waste from the transfer stations to the waste management centre, - Introduction of recycling, and reuse of waste, - Construction of six (6) transfer stations, - Closure and rehabilitation of the existing landfills and dumpsites. The indicators shown below might be rectified when deemed necessary, in particular upon the finalisation of the contracting. Should it be the case, confirmation of the final value of the indicators will be by exchange of letters between the Operating Structure and the Commission services.
OBJECTIVES. By linking science and business in one of the most propulsive technologies, the BIOCentre will contribute to industry competitiveness of high value added sectors of the Croatian economy and emergence of new knowledge-based SMEs. The establishment of the BIOCentre will also have an important impact on the innovation system in Croatia: • General increase of R&D and technology transfer in different industrial branches, i.e. increase of the R&D investments by the private sector. • Development of high-tech small and medium businesses (SMEs). • Driving existing industries towards new products, i.e. fostering the growth of the industry sector in Croatia and increasing competitiveness of the traditional industrial branches, increasing the innovation rate in the existing industries. • Positioning of Croatia as a technology site i.e. strategic diversification from other transition countries that are strategically establishing as low-cost production countries. Those four aspects have the highest priority for Croatia in terms of reaching the EU R&D and innovation standards and could establish BIOCentre as a role model for other countries in South East Europe. Specific project objectives are: • The development of common technical infrastructure and service portfolio that will support biotech start-up businesses (as a precondition of specific activities of the BIOCentre) and • The development of biotech start-ups through incubation, contract research and associated services