Facts mintaszakaszok

Facts. By letter dated 17 March 2006, North European Aviation Resources AS (hereinafter referred to as „NEAR” or „the complainant”) filed a complaint against the granting of aid, through the Revised National Budget, to the Norwegian Aviation College (hereinafter referred to as „NAC”). The letter was received and registered by the Authority on 20 March 2006 (Event No 366921). By letter dated 11 April 2006 (Event No 369763), the Authority informed the Norwegian authorities of the complaint and invited them to comment upon the same. By letter dated 19 May 2006 from the Norwegian Mission to the European Union, forwarding a letter from the Ministry of Government Administration & Reform, together with a letter from the Ministry of Education & Research, both dated 12 May 2006, received and registered by the Authority on 19 May 2006 (Event No 374604), the Norwegian authorities replied to the Authority's invitation to comment. By letter dated 25 August 2006, NEAR filed an extension to their complaint by which it drew the Authority's attention to various monies granted to NAC by Troms County and the Municipality of Målselv. The letter was received and registered by the Authority on 28 August 2006 (Event No 385471). By letter dated 7 September 2006 (Event No 385794), the Authority informed the Norwegian authorities of the extension to the complaint and invited them to comment upon the same and to provide any informa- tion concerning the relationship, if any, between this alleged aid and the subject matter of the original comp- laint. By letters dated 12 and 16 October 2006 from the Norwegian Mission to the European Union, forwarding letters dated 10 and 11 October 2006 from the Ministry of Government Administration & Reform, together with, respectively, a letter from Troms County dated 28 September 2006, and a letter from the Municipality of Målselv, dated 9 October 2006, received and registered by the Authority on 13 and 18 October 2006 (Event Nos 393257 and 394170), the Norwegian authorities replied to the Authority's invitation to comment. (1) Hereinafter referred to as „the Authority”. (2) Hereinafter referred to as „the EEA Agreement”. (3) Hereinafter referred to as „the Surveillance and Court Agreement”. (4) Guidelines on the application and interpretation of Articles 61 and 62 of the EEA Agreement and Article 1 of Protocol 3 to the Surveillance and Court Agreement, adopted and issued by the Authority on 19 January 1994, OJ L 231, 3.9.1994, p. 1, EEA Supplements 3.9.9...
Facts. 1 Procedure (1) Hereinafter referred to as the ‘Authority’. (2) Hereinafter referred to as the ‘EEA Agreement’. (3) Hereinafter referred to as the ‘Surveillance and Court Agreement’. (4) Act No 108 of 12 December 2003 on VAT compensation to local and regional authorities (Lov om kompensasjon av merverdiavgift for kommuner, fylkeskommuner mv). Hereinafter referred to as the ‘VAT Compensation Act’. After various telephone calls between the Authority and the complainant, the latter sent a letter dated 27 July 2004 providing additional information regarding the original complaint (Event No. 289514). By letter dated 15 December 2004 (Event No. 189295), the Authority informed the Norwegian authorities about the complaint and asked the Norwegian authorities for comments. Further, the Authority requested information and clarifications on the application of the input tax compensation in general and, more speci- fically, to the public undertakings referred to in the above-mentioned complaint. By letter dated 17 January 2005 from the Mission of Norway to the European Union, forwarding two letters dated 14 January 2005, respectively from the Ministry of Modernisation and the Ministry of Finance, the Norwegian authorities provided answers to the Authority's questions on the application of input tax compensation in Article 3 of the VAT Compensation Act. The letter was received and registered by the Authority on 18 January 2005 (Event No. 305693). By letter dated 12 April 2005 from the Mission of Norway to the European Union, forwarding two letters dated 11 April 2005, respectively from the Ministry of Modernisation and the Ministry of Finance, the Norwegian authorities provided information in relation to the seven county municipal schools. The letter was received and registered by the Authority on 14 April 2005 (Event No. 316494). By letter dated 12 October 2005 (Event No. 345123), the Authority sent a second information request to which the Norwegian authorities replied by letter dated 7 December 2005 from the Mission of Norway to the European Union, forwarding two letters dated 2 December 2005 and 30 November 2005 respectively from the Ministry of Modernisation and the Ministry of Finance. The letter was received and registered by the Authority on 8 December 2005 (Event No. 353753). 2 Legal framework on VAT and VAT Compensation in Norway

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