Procedure mintaszakaszok

Procedure. By letter dated 5 March 2002 (Doc. No 02-1733-A), the Authority received a complaint alleging that state aid had been granted by Norway through the Research Council of Norway (hereinafter: ‘the RCN’) to various research projects in connection with the development of the software programme Turborouter. The Authority requested information from the Norwegian authorities by letter dated 26 April 2002 (Doc. No 02-2605-D). The Ministry of Trade and Industry replied by letter dated 3 June 2002 (Doc. No 02- 4177-A), which included RCN's comments on the so-called Turborouter project. In October 2002, a meeting between representatives from the Authority and the Norwegian authorities took place in Oslo in order to clarify some technical aspects. On 28 February 2003, the Authority requested further clarification and documentation on certain aspects raised during the above-mentioned meeting (Doc. No 03-1159-D). The required information was supplied by the Norwegian authorities by letter dated 11 April 2003 (Doc. No 03-2338 A) and completed by letter of 20 June 2003 (Doc. No 03-4083-A).
Procedure. By letter dated 7 May 2007 from the Icelandic Ministry of Finance, forwarded by the Icelandic Mission to the EU, received and registered by the Authority on the same date (Event No 420581), the Icelandic authorities notified, pursuant to Article 1(3) of Part I of Protocol 3 to the Surveillance and Court Agreement, amendments to the Icelandic Harbour Act, with a view to including damage compensation for ship lifts. They also notified an envisaged application of that new provision in support of the repair of the Westman Islands Port ship lift faci- lity. By letter dated 14 May 2007 (Event No 421158), the Authority informed the Icelandic authorities that it considered the notifica- tion to be incomplete as, in particular, the notification form had not been submitted. On 19 June 2007, the Icelandic Mission to the EU forwarded a letter from the Icelandic Ministry of Finance, received and regis- tered by the Authority on the same date (Event No 425880), by which the Icelandic authorities submitted the notification form and provided further information on the notified measures.
Procedure. The Authority learned about the sale of the Lista air base by way of a report issued by the Office of the Auditor General which concludes that the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency (hereinafter the ‘NDEA’) is unable to produce reliable evidence documenting that Lista air base was sold at market value (5). On 14 September 2005, the Authority sent a letter to the Norwegian authorities requesting information regarding the sale of Lista air base located in the municipality of Farsund in Sout- hern Norway (Event No 332322). By letter dated 28 October 2005 from the Norwegian Mission to the European Union, forwarding two letters, respectively dated 26 October 2005 from the Ministry of Modernisation and 24 October 2005 from the Ministry of Defence, the Norwegian authorities replied to the questions raised by the Authority. This letter was received and registered by the Authority on 29 October 2005 (Event No 348525). By letter dated 28 March 2007 (Event No 414743), the Autho- rity requested that the Norwegian authorities communicate additional information. By letter dated 4 May 2007 (Event No 420179), received and registered by the Authority on the same day, the Norwegian authorities provided further information.
Procedure. (1) By electronic notification registered on 16 May 2018, the Hungarian authorities notified to the Commission their intention to grant regional investment aid in favour of Samsung SDI Magyarország Zrt (hereinafter ‘Samsung SDI’).
Procedure. On 2 August 2004, the Authority sent an information request to the Norwegian authorities regarding a prospective payment to Ofotens og Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskap ASA and Troms Fylkes Dampskibsselskap ASA (1) as a possible compensation due to the changes in the Norwegian differentiated social security system (Event No 289240). The Norwegian authorities replied by letter from the Ministry of Trade and Industry dated 1 September 2004, forwarding a letter from the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the same date, received and registered by the Authority on 1 September 2004 (Event No 291435). By letter dated 12 October 2004, the Authority asked for further information (Event No 294990). In this letter, the Authority's Competition and State Aid Directorate stated its view that as the payment was not notified to the Authority and was apparently already put into effect, it would have to be considered as unlawful aid in the meaning of Article 1 f) in Part II of Protocol 3 to the Surveillance and Court Agreement. The Norwegian authorities replied by letter from the Norwegian Mission dated 18 November 2004, forwar- ding letters from the Ministry of Modernisation dated 17 November 2004 and the Ministry of Transport and Communications dated 16 November 2004. The letter was received and registered by the Authority on 22 November 2004 (Event No 300326). By letter dated 26 October 2005, the Authority's Competition and State Aid Directorate informed the Norwegian authorities that it had doubts concerning the compatibility of the payment to the Hurtigruten companies with the functioning of the EEA Agreement (Event No 329347). The Norwegian authorities replied by letter from the Norwegian Mission dated 22 December 2005, forwar- ding letters from the Ministry of Modernisation dated 15 December 2005 and the Ministry of Transport and Communications dated 15 December 2005, received and registered by the Authority on 3 January 2006 (Event No 355950). By letter dated 9 March 2006 the Authority commented on the Norwegian reply (Event No 364024). The Norwegian authorities responded by letter from the Norwegian Mission dated 29 March 2006, forwarding letters from the Ministry of Government Administration and Reform dated 27 March 2006 and the Ministry of Transport and Communications dated 24 March 2006. The letter was received and registered by the Authority on 30 March 2006 (Event No 368446).
Procedure. By letter dated 30 August 2004, the Authority received a comp- laint against the Norwegian authorities in relation to the estab- lishment of Mesta AS which was created to take over the production activities carried out within the Public Road Admi- nistration in Norway (5). The letter was received and registered by the Authority on 2 September 2004 (Event No: 291537). By letter dated 15 September 2004 (Event No: 291631), the Authority requested information from the Norwegian authori- ties. By letter dated 24 September 2004 from the Norwegian authorities, both received and registered by the Authority on 24 September 2004 (Event No: 293749) the Norwegian autho- rities requested an extension of the deadline within which it had to reply (6). The Authority granted the request by letter dated 28 September 2004 (Event No: 294074).
Procedure. By letter dated 28 November 2008 (Event No 500143), the Norwegian authorities informed the Authority about the renegotiation of the agreement between the Norwegian authorities and Hurtigruten ASA on acquisition of transport services between Bergen and Kirkenes in Norway. By letter dated 18 February 2009 (Event No 502277), the Authority requested additional information from the Norwegian authorities. By letter dated 3 April 2009 (Event No 514420), the Norwegian authorities replied to the information request. The Authority and the Norwegian authorities discussed the case in a meeting held in Oslo on 16 September 2009. The Norwegian authorities submitted additional information by letters dated 8 March 2010 (Event No 549465) and 1 July 2010 (Event No 562652).
Procedure. By letter dated 27 January 2009, the Norwegian authorities notified a measure financing the publicly owned fitness centre at the Kippermoen Leisure Centre (KLC) (Kippermoen Idrettssenter), pursuant to Article 1(3) of Part I of Protocol 3. The letter was registered by the Authority the 28 January 2009 (Event No 506341). By email dated 3 March 2009 (Event No 511153), the Norwegian Association for Fitness Centres (NAFC) (Norsk Treningssenterforbund) submitted comments to the notification. By letter dated 27 March 2009 (Event No 511172), the Authority forwarded the comments from NAFC to the Norwegian authorities and requested additional information. By letter dated 29 May 2009 (Event No 520013), the Norwegian authorities replied to the information request. By letter dated 29 July 2009 (Event No 525457), the Authority requested additional information from the Norwegian authorities. By letter dated 9 September 2009 (Event No 529846), the Norwegian authorities replied to the information request. The Authority and the Norwegian authorities discussed the notification in a meeting in Oslo on 16 September 2009. By email dated 28 September 2009, the Authority requested further information and clarifications, to which the Norwegian authorities replied by email dated 29 September 2009 (the two emails are archived as Event No 531832).
Procedure. On 3 March 2007, the Authority received a complaint from an association named Aksjonsgruppa ‘Ta vare på trivelige Bryne’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Aksjonsgruppa’), concerning the sales of property numbers 1/152, 1/301, 1/630, 4/165 in Time municipality by the municipal authorities to two different private entities, as well as the sale of title number 2/70 (Xxxxx xxxxxxx which also includes title No 2/32) by Bryne fotballk- lubb, previously given to the club by the municipality, to a private investor (Event No 414270). By letter dated 9 May 2007, the private investor Mr Gunnar Oma sent a complaint to the Authority concerning the sale by Time municipality of one of the abovementioned properties, i.e. number 4/165. Mr Xxx claimed that the sale had taken place without prior value assessment and without an uncondi- tional tendering procedure (Event No 421805). By letter dated 25 May 2007 (Event No 1080978), the Authority invited the Norwegian authorities to comment on the complaints and requested additional information. In addition to the property numbers mentioned above, the Authority also asked questions concerning the purchase by Time Municipality of a property to be used for the construction of a new high school (title numbers 1/125, 2/277, 2/278 and 2/284), next to
Procedure. In the context of pre-notification discussions, the Icelandic authorities submitted three letters dated 14 October 2008 (Event No 494902), 3 November 2008 (Event No 496979) and 3 December 2008 (Event No 500670) to the Authority with the intention of introducing a scheme concerning the purchase of mortgage loans (the ‘Mortgage Loan Scheme’). The pre-notification discussions formed part of a more general discussion on the financial crisis in Iceland. On 27 May 2009, the Icelandic authorities notified the scheme to the Authority in order to obtain legal certainty (Event No 519720).