Fees mintaszakaszok

Fees. Fees payable to FGSZ KP Kft. are published in the Market Notice, which is available on the company’s website. Members shall pay the fees due to KELER KSZF Központi Szerződő Fél Zrt. and KELER Központi Értéktár Zrt. based on their current Fee Schedule Pursuant to and within the frames of the actual prevailing data protection law and the pertinent provisions of the Gas Act, FGSZ KP Kft. shall process and keep records of the Network User’s data in course of the operation of the TP. FGSZ KP Kft. manages personal data in accordance with the applicable legal regulations on the protection of personal data, in particular:
Fees. In case of company registration, Service Provider is entitled to charge his fee in advance.
Fees. The fee of official seat providing service should be paid in advance for Service Provider. Fees regarding to document handling should be paid posteriorly based on a detailed report.
Fees. In case of voluntary dissolution Services, Service Provider is entitled to get advance payments from the Client. Parties also may agree on a limit of workhours Service Provider could spend on the case. Work to be carried out above that limit should be disucussed with and approved by the Client.
Fees. Service Provider, if agreed else, is entitled to charge his generally applied hourly consultancy fee published on his website or offered in a proposal.
Fees. Fees payable to FGSZ KP Kft. are published in the Market Notice, which is available on the company’s website. Members shall pay the fees due to KELER KSZF Központi Szerződő Fél Zrt. and KELER Központi Értéktár Zrt. based on their current Fee Schedule Pursuant to and within the frames of the actual prevailing data protection law and the pertinent provisions of the Gas Act, FGSZ KP Kft. shall process and keep records of the Network User’s data in course of the operation of the TP.
Fees. The User shall pay the fees for the Service, as set out in the Tariff, in force at the time of the conclusion of the Individual Rental Contract . The fee cannot be changed after the Individual Rental Contract has been concluded. Szolgáltató a Díjszabásban rögzített, Keretszerződés, Egyedi Bérleti Szerződés létrejötte és teljesítése során felmerülő, illetve nem szerződésszerű használatból adódó díjakat jogosult a Felhasználó által megadott fizetőeszközre terhelni, melyhez Felhasználó jelen ÁSZF elfogadásával hozzájárul. The Service Provider shall be entitled to charge the fees set out in the Tariff, arising during the conclusion and performance of the Framework Agreement, the Individual Rental Contract or arising from non- contractual use, to the payment instrument provided by the User, to which the User agrees by accepting these GTC.