FORCE MAJEURE mintaszakaszok

FORCE MAJEURE. None of the parties shall be responsible for fulfilling its contractual obligations in cases when an unforeseeable circumstance (force majeure) arises which is not connected to any of the parties and which impedes the performance of the contract. Such circumstances include in particular: acts of war, a riot, sabotage, terrorist bombing, natural disaster, strike, measures taken upon the instruction of bodies authorized by the National Defense Act or the Police Act.
FORCE MAJEURE. Neither party’s delay or failure to perform any provision of this Agreement as a result of circumstances beyond its control (including, but not limited to, war, strikes, fires, floods, power failures, telecommunications or Internet failures or damage to or destruction of any network facilities or servers) shall be deemed a breach of this Agreement.
FORCE MAJEURE. Force Majeure means an unexpected, sudden natural disaster, event or the unavoidable conduct of a third party outside the scope of control of the Parties, which cannot be foreseen by the Parties, is outside their scope of control and conduct, and cannot be averted by human force, and which prevents or obstructs the Parties in fulfilling their contractual obligations. The Party learning of the occurrence of the force majeure shall notify the other Party thereof, and the Party omitting such notification shall be liable for any resulting damage.
FORCE MAJEURE. In the event of Force Majeure, the parties shall immediately - within ten (10) days thereafter – inform in writing about its occurrence and expected duration and consult with each other in order to find an equitable solution and shall use all reasonable endeavors to minimize the consequences of such Force Majeure. If a Force Majeure event lasts longer than six months and no mutually agreeable solution can be reached, each contracting party shall have the right to withdraw from the contract in whole or in part. Buyer shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any kind occurring as a result of a failure of, or delay in, performance under the Purchase Order in the event such performance is delayed or prevented by circumstances beyond its reasonable control and which have not been brought about at its insistence. No charges shall be payable by Buyer to Seller during any period to which this Section applies. The parties agree that Force Majeure shall be understood to include but not be limited to acts of war, armed conflict, sanctions, fire damage, floods, strikes, lawful lockouts and epidemics and pandemics as well as government measures taken to contain such epidemics and pandemics or any other event of a similar or dissimilar nature that qualifies as an unforeseeable circumstance or a circumstance independent of the will of the Parties. The occurrence of unforeseeable circumstances or circumstances independent of the will of the parties, in particular all cases of Force Majeure, shall entitle the Seller to extend the execution dates and deadlines in accordance with the extent and duration of these circumstances and their consequences without granting the Buyer a right to withdraw from the contract or a claim for damages. Explicitly not Force Majeure events are the current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the war in Ukraine, as well as governmental regulations, decisions or other measures issued due to these.
FORCE MAJEURE. 23.1. Crcumstances or events (such as war, f re, flood, adverse weather condt ons, power fa lure, or str kes) beyond the control of e ther party (force majeure) shall rel eve both partes from fulf ll ng the r obl gatons ar s ng from the Contract as long as such c rcumstances or events ex st.
FORCE MAJEURE. Both Parties shall be entitled to suspend their own contractual obligations, except for obligation of payment, in the extend that the performance of the contract is affected by circumstances beyond the control of the Party and unforeseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract, which may be but not limited to the following: war, revolution, uprising, furthermore, stopping or failure of utility services, fuel supply, transport, providing goods and services, furthermore natural disasters, government measures, export or import ban, fire, explosion, flood, avalanche, civil unrest (caused by force majeure).
FORCE MAJEURE. 18.1. A vis maior olyan eseményekre utal, amelyek felett a Felek nem rendelkeznek ráhatással. Vis maior esetei közé tartoznak többek között a következők: a közüzemi energiaellátás, a kommunikációs és szállítási infrastruktúra hibái, a kormányzati intézkedések, a rosszindulatú programok vagy a hacker támadások, a tűz, a rendkívüli időjárási események, közegészségügyi események, a nukleáris és a vegyi balesetek, a földrengések, a háborúk, támadások, sztrájkok és szabotázs.
FORCE MAJEURE. (1) The agreed delivery dates and delivery periods shall apply unless unforeseeable circumstances or circumstances beyond the control of the Parties, such as all cases of force majeure (in particular acts of war, natural disasters including pandemics, transport damage, energy shortages including blackouts, strikes, wagon defects, transport blockades, import, export and transit bans, official and legal orders, labour disputes or crop failures, riots, interventions by higher authorities and all measures or events in connection with epidemics and pandemics such as, in particular, the COVID-19 pandemic and/or its effects, and any unforeseeable, unavoidable and serious events). (2) Such circumstances entitle the Seller, even if they occur at subcontractors, to reasonably extend the delivery period or to withdraw from the Sales Contract. In such cases, the Buyer shall not be entitled to assert claims against the Seller based on non- performance, delayed or partial performance. Each delivery is subject to the proviso that the Seller is also supplied accordingly by any subcontractors.
FORCE MAJEURE. 9. The Company shall not be liable to the Buyer or be deemed to be in breach of the Contract by reason of any delay in performing, or failure to perform, any other Company's obligations in relation to the Goods, if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond the Company's reasonable control. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the following shall be regarded as causes beyond the Company's reasonable control;
FORCE MAJEURE. A nyereség-előrejelzés nem feltételez olyan előre nem látható külső esemény bekövetkezésével (pl. terrorizmus, háború, természeti csapás, újabb járványok), amely meghatározó és/vagy elhúzódó hátrányos következményekkel járhatna a Csoport egészére, vagy bármely Leányvállalat lokális tevékenységére vagy üzletágaira.