Force Majeure. None of the parties shall be responsible for fulfilling its contractual obligations in cases when an unforeseeable circumstance (force majeure) arises which is not connected to any of the parties and which impedes the performance of the contract. Such circumstances include in particular: acts of war, a riot, sabotage, terrorist bombing, natural disaster, strike, measures taken upon the instruction of bodies authorized by the National Defense Act or the Police Act.
Force Majeure. Neither party’s delay or failure to perform any provision of this Agreement as a result of circumstances beyond its control (including, but not limited to, war, strikes, fires, floods, power failures, telecommunications or Internet failures or damage to or destruction of any network facilities or servers) shall be deemed a breach of this Agreement.
Force Majeure. Force Majeure means an unexpected, sudden natural disaster, event or the unavoidable conduct of a third party outside the scope of control of the Parties, which cannot be foreseen by the Parties, is outside their scope of control and conduct, and cannot be averted by human force, and which prevents or obstructs the Parties in fulfilling their contractual obligations. The Party learning of the occurrence of the force majeure shall notify the other Party thereof, and the Party omitting such notification shall be liable for any resulting damage.
Force Majeure. A megbízó vagy a megbízott mentesül a késedelmes, hibás, vagy nem teljesítésből eredő jogkövetkezmények alól, amennyiben azt az ellenőrzési körén kívül eső, a szerződéskötés időpontjában előre nem látható körülmény okozta és nem volt elvárható, hogy a körülményt elkerülje, vagy a kárt elhárítsa. A mentesülés kiterjed a vis maior esetére is. Vis maior: minden olyan előre nem látható, elháríthatatlan külső ok, amely a felek tevékenységi körén kívül esik, ideértve, de nem kizárólagosan, harmadik személyek közrehatását, valamint természeti események, tűzvész, közúti-, légi-, vasúti-fuvarozói sztrájk, háború, forradalom, embargó, stb. bekövetkeztét. The Principal or the Agent shall be exempted from any legal consequences arising from late performance, defective performance or non- performance, if it was caused by a circumstance beyond their control, unforeseeable at the time of the conclusion of the contract and which could not reasonably have been expected to avoid or to prevent. The exemption shall also cover force majeure. Force majeure: any unforeseeable, unavoidable external cause beyond the control of the parties, including, but not limited to, the intervention of third parties, acts of God, fire, road, air or rail transport strikes, war, revolution, embargo, etc.
Force Majeure. No Party shall be considered to be in breach of this Consortium Agreement if it is prevented from fulfilling its obligations under the Consortium Agreement by Force Majeure. Each Party will notify the General Assembly of any Force Majeure without undue delay. If the consequences of Force Majeure for the Project are not overcome within 6 weeks after such notice, the transfer of tasks - if any - shall be decided by the General Assembly.
Force Majeure. Both Parties shall be entitled to suspend their own contractual obligations, except for obligation of payment, in the extend that the performance of the contract is affected by circumstances beyond the control of the Party and unforeseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract, which may be but not limited to the following: war, revolution, uprising, furthermore, stopping or failure of utility services, fuel supply, transport, providing goods and services, furthermore natural disasters, government measures, export or import ban, fire, explosion, flood, avalanche, civil unrest (caused by force majeure).
Force Majeure. 18.1. A vis maior olyan eseményekre utal, amelyek felett a Felek nem rendelkeznek ráhatással. Vis maior esetei közé tartoznak többek között a következők: a közüzemi energiaellátás, a kommunikációs és szállítási infrastruktúra hibái, a kormányzati intézkedések, a rosszindulatú programok vagy a hacker támadások, a tűz, a rendkívüli időjárási események, közegészségügyi események, a nukleáris és a vegyi balesetek, a földrengések, a háborúk, támadások, sztrájkok és szabotázs.
18.2. Ha valamelyik fél vis maior miatt akadályoztatva van a szerződés teljes vagy rész- leges teljesítésében, mentesül a felelőssége alól mindaddig, amíg a vis maior esemény zajlik.
18.3. Tartós vis maior esemény esetén bár-melyik fél felbonthatja a szerződést a vis maior bekövetkezésének napján. Az addig leszállított termékeket és szolgáltatásokat ki kell fizetni.
Force Majeure. In the case of any force majeure, the Party in whose scope of interest the force majeure has occurred shall: a másik felet a vis maiorról a tudomásszerzéstől számított lehető legrövidebb, ésszerű időn belül értesíteni, notify the other party of the force majeure as soon as reasonably possible from becoming aware thereof, a felmerült kár enyhítését elősegíteni, a lehetséges kárt elhárítani. try to mitigate the occurred damages and/or prevent the potential damages. Vis maior okán meghiúsult eseményre a jegyek tulajdonosainak a Bérlő köteles a jegyek árát visszatéríteni a vonatkozó jegyértékesítési szerződése(i) rendelkezéseinek megfelelően. Lessee shall refund the price of tickets to the ticket holders for any event cancelled due to force majeure, in accordance with the provisions of its relevant ticket sales contract(s).
Force Majeure. Crcumstances or events (such as war, f re, flood, adverse weather condt ons, power fa lure, or str kes) beyond the control of e ther party (force majeure) shall rel eve both partes from fulf ll ng the r obl gatons ar s ng from the Contract as long as such c rcumstances or events ex st.
Force Majeure. None of the parties shall be responsible for fulfilling its contractual obligations in cases when an unforeseeable circumstance (force Passengers holding a Mastercard Business card may bring one colleague as majeure) arises which is not connected to any of the parties and which a guest free of charge. Besides the person mentioned above the passengers impedes the performance of the contract. Such circumstances include in are entitled to bring into the Mastercard Airport Lounge maxium 4 of their particular: acts of war, a riot, sabotage, terrorist bombing, natural disaster, colleagues, for a fee of 8000 HUF per person. Passengers with a Foreign Card may use the services of the Mastercard Airport Lounge for a fee of 12.000 HUF or 30 EUR. Passengers with a Foreign strike, measures taken upon the instruction of bodies authorized by the National Defense Act or the Police Act. Card are entitled to bring up to 4 adults and any number of children under 9. CONTACT