Liability mintaszakaszok

Liability. 1. Given that the Service Provider shall provide the Services “as is”, the Service Provider assumes no liability for the accuracy, reliability, fault-free operation, completeness, availability, fitness for a particular purpose, fitness for the satisfaction of their needs of the Services – including the software used during the operation of the Services and all contents available within the framework of the Services, and the Service Provider shall exclude all additional warranties to the extent permitted by legislation. Furthermore, the Service Provider shall not be liable for any faults developed in connection with any reason beyond its control, and their consequences, such as technical malfunctions or failure developed in the internet network, technical shutdowns of any nature whatsoever, break, behaviours breaching the safety of the information systems, destructive applications and programs placed by other parties (for example: viruses, worms, macros or hacker activities).
Liability. The Service Provider and the Service Operator are only liable for the actionable conduct of its own employees (staff). The Service Provider and the Service Operator take no responsibility for damages or personal injuries caused by other passengers in the Mastercard Airport Lounge. Every damage or injury occurring in the Mastercard Airport Lounge due to the mistake of another passenger shall be compensated by the passenger causing the damage or injury. Staying in Mastercard Airport Lounge is at guest’s own risk. Guests stand for any personal injury, or material damage caused by the guest or children under their supervision. The Service Provider and the Service Operator takes no responsibility for objects that are left, lost or stolen in the Mastercard Airport Lounge, the passengers shall ensure the supervision of their valuables at their own risk. Also, the Service Provider and the Service Operator shall not be held liable if a passenger staying in the Mastercard Airport Lounge misses their flight. The Service Provider and the Service Operator take no responsibility whatsoever for related, indirect or consequential damages (including damages caused by the interruption of business activities or loss of business information, lost profit etc.). The parties acknowledge that the limitation of the Service Provider’s ant the Service Operator’s liability above was made in view of the rate of the charges payable for the services, and in accordance with the practice established in the aviation sector.
Liability. The User shall note that it shall itself be responsible for the assessment of any potential risks related to the use of the Informatic Platform, and the User shall itself ensure the secure use of the IT system operated by it, and the protection of the data stored by that system. használatáról és az azon tárolt adatok védelméről. Felek megállapodnak, hogy a szándékos, súlyosan gondatlan, vagy bűncselekménnyel okozott károkért való felelősségen kívül a Szolgáltató szerződés- szegésért való felelősségét kizárják. Szolgáltató nem felel a vis maior-ból eredő, vagy egyéb, az irányításán kívül eső események okán bekövetkező károkért, ideértve, de nem kizárólagosan: • az Informatikai Platform használatából, vagy üzemzavarából, • az információtovábbítási késedelemből adódó, • a vírusok által okozott, • a szoftver, internetes hálózat, egyéb technikai jellegű hibából eredő, • vonal vagy rendszerhibából adódó károkért. Jelen Megállapodás megszűnése esetén Szolgáltató fenntartja magának a jogot a szerződésszegésből eredő jogai érvényesítésére, ideértve a kárai megtérítésére való jogot is. The Parties hereby agree to exclude the Service Provider’s liability for breach of contract, with the exception of liability for damages caused wilfully, by gross negligence or by a criminal act. The Service Provider shall not be held liable for any damages incurred due to Force Majeure, or any other damages arising due to events out of its control, including but not limited to the following: • damages arising out of the use or a breakdown of the Informatic Platform, • those arising out of a delay in the transmission of information, • those caused by viruses, • those arising out of software, internet network or other error of technical nature, • for damages arising out of line or system errors. In the event of a termination of this Contract, the Service Provider shall reserve the right to assert its rights arising out of breach of contract, including its right for the compensation of its damages.
Liability. The insurer is not liable for providers of help and services for which it has given contact details and/or commissioned work.
Liability. The User shall note that it shall itself be responsible for the assessment of any potential risks related to the use of the Informatic Platform, and the User shall itself ensure the secure use of the IT system operated by it, and the protection of the data stored by that system. The Parties hereby agree to exclude the Service Provider’s liability for breach of contract, with the exception of liability for damages caused wilfully, by gross negligence or by a criminal act. The Service Provider shall not be held liable for any damages incurred due to Force Majeure, or any other damages arising due to events out of its control, including but not limited to the following:
Liability. The Service Provider and Service Operator are only liable for the actionable conduct of its own employees (staff). The Service Provider and Service Operator take no responsibility for damages or personal injuries caused by other guests in the Fast Track Security Lane. Every damage or injury occurring in the Fast Track Security Lane due to the mistake of another guest shall be compensated by the guest causing the damage or injury. Staying in Fast Track Security Lane is at guest’s own risk. Guests stand for any personal injury, or material damage caused by the guest or children under their supervision. The Service Provider and Service Operator take no responsibility for objects that are left, lost or stolen in the Fast Track Security Lane, the guests shall ensure the supervision of their valuables at their own risk. Also, the Service Provider and Service Operator shall not be held liable if a guest staying in the Fast Track Security Lane misses his/her program/concert.
Liability. The Seller agrees to defend, hold harmless and indemnify the Buyer and any of its Affiliates from and against any claim, suit, liability, cost, loss, expense or damage (whether direct or indirect) incurred by either of them, and which relates to a) death or personal injury or b) damage to property (other than the Goods), caused by a Defect in the Goods or by any act or omission attributable to the Seller, whether or not the Buyer or any of its Affiliates has contributed to such negligent act or omission. In addition to all other remedies agreed between the parties, the Seller agrees to hold the Buyer, and its Affiliates, harmless from and against any and all costs, fees, expenses, penalties, damages (whether direct or indirect), and all other liabilities and obligations whatsoever arising out of any claim, loss or damage which relates to
Liability. 9.1. Subject to clauses 9.2, 9.3 and the indemnification of any breach of the warranty set out in clause 8.1(h) which shall not be limited by this clause, the maximum total liability of the Purchaser to the Supplier, and of the Supplier to the Purchaser, for any Losses arising out of or in connection with the provision of the Products and/or Services is limited to the total Price. The Supplier acknowledges that the Price due to the Supplier in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and the Purchase Order were determined taking into account the limitation of liability set out in clause 9.
Liability. 8.1. If the Licensee cannot use the Software Product as stipulated by contract and the Licensor is responsible for this due to neglected or incorrect implementation of suggestions and consultation prior or subsequent to signing the contract or due to breaches of other contractual obligations, then the guidelines set forth in Chapter 7 and 8 apply accordingly to the exclusion of further claims by the Licensee. For damages not arising in the Software Product, hardware and the connected device, the Licensor can only be held liable for the following, regardless of the legal grounds: - Intent, - in the case of gross negligence of its executive bodies or executives, - in the case of non-accidental damage to life, body and health, in the case of defects that Licensor has deceitfully kept secret or the absence of which Licensor has guaranteed, - szoftver hibák esetén az általa létrehozott tárgyak által okozott személyi és vagyoni károk miatti felelősség erejéig az alkalmazandó termékfelelősségi szabályok rendelkezései szerint.
Liability. AGA International S.A. Magyarországi Fióktelep +00 (00) 00 00 0000 +00 (00) 0 000 00 00