Liability. The Service Provider and the Service Operator are only liable for the actionable conduct of its own employees (staff). The Service Provider and the Service Operator take no responsibility for damages or personal injuries caused by other passengers in the Mastercard Airport Lounge. Every damage or injury occurring in the Mastercard Airport Lounge due to the mistake of another passenger shall be compensated by the passenger causing the damage or injury. Staying in Mastercard Airport Lounge is at guest’s own risk. Guests stand for any personal injury, or material damage caused by the guest or children under their supervision. The Service Provider and the Service Operator takes no responsibility for objects that are left, lost or stolen in the Mastercard Airport Lounge, the passengers shall ensure the supervision of their valuables at their own risk. Also, the Service Provider and the Service Operator shall not be held liable if a passenger staying in the Mastercard Airport Lounge misses their flight. The Service Provider and the Service Operator take no responsibility whatsoever for related, indirect or consequential damages (including damages caused by the interruption of business activities or loss of business information, lost profit etc.). The parties acknowledge that the limitation of the Service Provider’s ant the Service Operator’s liability above was made in view of the rate of the charges payable for the services, and in accordance with the practice established in the aviation sector.
Liability. The User shall note that it shall itself be responsible for the assessment of any potential risks related to the use of the Informatic Platform, and the User shall itself ensure the secure use of the IT system operated by it, and the protection of the data stored by that system. használatáról és az azon tárolt adatok védelméről. Felek megállapodnak, hogy a szándékos, súlyosan gondatlan, vagy bűncselekménnyel okozott károkért való felelősségen kívül a Szolgáltató szerződés- szegésért való felelősségét kizárják. Szolgáltató nem felel a vis maior-ból eredő, vagy egyéb, az irányításán kívül eső események okán bekövetkező károkért, ideértve, de nem kizárólagosan: • az Informatikai Platform használatából, vagy üzemzavarából, • az információtovábbítási késedelemből adódó, • a vírusok által okozott, • a szoftver, internetes hálózat, egyéb technikai jellegű hibából eredő, • vonal vagy rendszerhibából adódó károkért. Jelen Megállapodás megszűnése esetén Szolgáltató fenntartja magának a jogot a szerződésszegésből eredő jogai érvényesítésére, ideértve a kárai megtérítésére való jogot is. The Parties hereby agree to exclude the Service Provider’s liability for breach of contract, with the exception of liability for damages caused wilfully, by gross negligence or by a criminal act. The Service Provider shall not be held liable for any damages incurred due to Force Majeure, or any other damages arising due to events out of its control, including but not limited to the following: • damages arising out of the use or a breakdown of the Informatic Platform, • those arising out of a delay in the transmission of information, • those caused by viruses, • those arising out of software, internet network or other error of technical nature, • for damages arising out of line or system errors. In the event of a termination of this Contract, the Service Provider shall reserve the right to assert its rights arising out of breach of contract, including its right for the compensation of its damages.
Liability. 1. Given that the Service Provider shall provide the Services “as is”, the Service Provider assumes no liability for the accuracy, reliability, fault-free operation, completeness, availability, fitness for a particular purpose, fitness for the satisfaction of their needs of the Services – including the software used during the operation of the Services and all contents available within the framework of the Services, and the Service Provider shall exclude all additional warranties to the extent permitted by legislation. Furthermore, the Service Provider shall not be liable for any faults developed in connection with any reason beyond its control, and their consequences, such as technical malfunctions or failure developed in the internet network, technical shutdowns of any nature whatsoever, break, behaviours breaching the safety of the information systems, destructive applications and programs placed by other parties (for example: viruses, worms, macros or hacker activities).
2. The Service Provider shall not be responsible for the effectiveness of the search by the User as employee, as well as for the existence and relevance of the jobs advertised, for the truth and correctness of the information contained in the Employer’s Content and for the compliance of such information with the provisions of this GTU.
3. The Service Provider shall assume no liability either for the shortcomings in data transmission upon registration or subscription for the newsletter or any consequences arising from any incorrect data provided.
4. The Service Provider shall assume no liability for any damage arising from the unauthorised use of the passwords or accounts (profiles) of the Users with or without the knowledge of the Users. On the other hand, the Users shall be held liable for any damage caused to the Service Provider or any third party as a result of the unauthorised use of their own passwords or user accounts (profiles).
5. The Website also includes links to websites operated by third parties. If and when the Service Provider becomes aware that any page linked by it or the linking in itself infringes the rights of third parties or the current legislation in force, it is allowed to remove such link from the Website even without giving any prior notification. In addition, the Service Provider shall assume no liability for the content of the links used by it or the content of the websites that can be accessed through such links, and shall not inspect the content thereof.
Liability. 1. Given that the Service Provider shall provide the Services “as is”, the Service Provider assumes no liability for the accuracy, reliability, fault-free operation, completeness, availability, fitness for a particular purpose, fitness for the satisfaction of their needs of the Services – including the software used during the operation of the Services and all contents available within the framework of the Services, and the Service Provider shall exclude all additional warranties to the extent permitted by legislation. Furthermore, the Service Provider shall not be liable for any faults developed in connection with any reason beyond its control, and their consequences, such as technical malfunctions or failure developed in the internet network, technical shutdowns of any nature whatsoever, break, behaviours breaching the safety of the information systems, destructive applications and programs placed by other parties (for example: viruses, worms, macros or hacker activities).
2. The Service Provider shall not be responsible for the effectiveness of the search by the User as employee, as well as for the existence and relevance of the jobs advertised, for the truth and correctness of the information contained in the Employer’s Content and for the compliance of such information with the provisions of this GTU. megszüntetni, továbbá a személyes felhasználói fiók (profil) beállításait, az ott tárolt információkat felfüggeszteni, törölni vagy módosítani. Ezek az intézkedések a Felhasználóval szemben más néven történő bejelentkezés vagy más adataival történő visszaélés esetén is alkalmazhatóak.
Liability. The User shall note that it shall itself be responsible for the assessment of any potential risks related to the use of the Informatic Platform, and the User shall itself ensure the secure use of the IT system operated by it, and the protection of the data stored by that system. The Parties hereby agree to exclude the Service Provider’s liability for breach of contract, with the exception of liability for damages caused wilfully, by gross negligence or by a criminal act. The Service Provider shall not be held liable for any damages incurred due to Force Majeure, or any other damages arising due to events out of its control, including but not limited to the following:
Liability. The insurer is not liable for providers of help and services for which it has given contact details and/or commissioned work.
Liability. The Service Provider and Service Operator are only liable for the actionable conduct of its own employees (staff). The Service Provider and Service Operator take no responsibility for damages or personal injuries caused by other guests in the Fast Track Security Lane. Every damage or injury occurring in the Fast Track Security Lane due to the mistake of another guest shall be compensated by the guest causing the damage or injury. Staying in Fast Track Security Lane is at guest’s own risk. Guests stand for any personal injury, or material damage caused by the guest or children under their supervision. The Service Provider and Service Operator take no responsibility for objects that are left, lost or stolen in the Fast Track Security Lane, the guests shall ensure the supervision of their valuables at their own risk. Also, the Service Provider and Service Operator shall not be held liable if a guest staying in the Fast Track Security Lane misses his/her program/concert.
Liability. 14.1 We only assume liability for violations of contractual and pre-contractual obligations, property damage, particularly for the impossibility or delay of performance etc., in the event of deliberate omission or gross negligence.
14.2 If we concluded the liability insurance ourselves, the liability is limited to the maximum amount of that insurance.
14.3 This limitation also applies to damage to the objects that we accepted for handling.
14.4 The claims for compensation must be submitted to the court within six months, or they shall be lost.
14.5 The limitations of liability exclusion also covers damage to our employees, agents and representatives incurred at the Client not related to the agreement.
14.6 We assume no liability for any damage that resulted from improper handling or storage, overloading, ignoring the user and installation manuals, faulty assembly, operation, repair and maintenance by the customer or a third party who is not approved by us, or natural wear and x tear, if this is the cause of the damage caused. Our responsibility is also e of failure to perform the maintenance.
Liability. The Service Provider and Service Operator are only liable for the actionable conduct of its own employees (staff). The Service Provider and Service Operator take no responsibility for damages or personal injuries caused by other guests in the Mastercard Premium Lounge. Every damage or injury occurring in the Mastercard Premium Lounge due to the mistake of another guest shall be compensated by the guest causing the damage or injury. Staying in Mastercard Premium Lounge is at guest’s own risk. Guests stand for any personal injury, or material damage caused by the guest or children under their supervision. The Service Provider and Service Operator take no responsibility for objects that are left, lost or stolen in the Mastercard Premium Lounge, the guests shall ensure the supervision of their valuables at their own risk. Also, the Service Provider and Service Operator shall not be held liable if a guest staying in the Mastercard Premium Lounge misses his/her program/concert.
Liability. 5.1 A Felhasználó a SoleCall App működését saját felelősségre használja. A Szolgáltató kizár minden felelősséget az SoleCall App működésért, kivéve természetesen a jogszabályban meghatározott esetek (szándékosan, illetve élet, testi épség vagy egészség megsértésből eredő kár). Amennyiben a Szolgáltató felelőssége korlátozott vagy kizárt, ez a Szolgáltató munkatársaira, törvényes képviselőire és teljesítési segédeire is vonatkozik.
5.1 The User may use the SoleCall App at his/her own responsibility. The Provider is not responsible for the use of the SoleCall App, except for the obligatory provisions prescribed by law (intentionally caused damages and damages caused by any violation of life, bodily integrity or health). If the liability of the Provider is restricted or excluded it shall apply to the Provider’s employees, legal representatives and other additional substitutes.
5.2 A Szolgáltató kijelenti, hogy megfelelő intézkedésekkel igyekszik biztosítani a SoleCall App által kínált szolgáltatásokat folyamatosan üzemben tartani, korszerűsíteni, fejleszteni.
5.2 The Provider declares that with the proper actions he/she is intended to provide the continuous operation, updates and development of the SoleCall App.
5.3 A Felhasználó köteles a SoleCall App-et felelősen, csakis annak rendeltetésével összhangban használni. A Felhasználó köteles bármilyen általa észlelt visszaélést haladéktalanul bejelenteni a Szolgáltató felé a SoleCall App-ban erre feltüntetett gomb, vagy útján.