General. (a) Insofar as not otherwise provided for herein, including the following provisions, Service Provider shall be liable according to the relevant statutory provisions in case of a breach of contractual and non-contractual duties.
(b) Service Provider shall be liable for damages – irrespective for what legal grounds – in case of wilful intent and gross negligence. With slight negligence, Service Provider shall only be liable for damages from the breach of a material contractual duty (i.e. those duties whose fulfilment is required in order to allow the contract to be duly performed and in relation to which Customer is entitled to regularly rely on for Services); in this case Service Provider’s liability is, however, limited to the reimbursement of the reasonably foreseeable, typically occurring damages.
(c) This limitation of liability does not apply to damages from the injury to life, body or health.
(d) Customer is aware that Service Provider has not created and/or examined the data transmitted via Platform. Therefore, Service Provider is not liable for such data, their legality, completeness, accuracy or up-to-date nature, nor is Service Provider liable for such data being free of any third party’s Intellectual Property rights. Service Provider is not liable for damages arising from downloading or another use of unchecked harmful data via Platform.
(e) The limitations of liability stated above shall not apply if Service Provider has maliciously failed to disclose a defect or has assumed a guarantee for the condition of Services. The same shall apply to claims of Customer according to the Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungsgesetz), if applicable.
General. 10.1.1. The Client acknowledges and agrees that unless otherwise agreed in writing, any assets in the Client’s Account shall be held in an account or accounts maintained by, and in the name of, the Company and at the Bank Account/s of the Company’s choice and that the assets in the Client’s Account shall be commingled with the assets of other customers of the Company (omnibus accounts). The Client acknowledge that the Company may, in its sole discretion, limit the number of Accounts szerint korlátozni az Ügyfél által vezetett, fenntartott vagy szerzett Számlák számát. A Társaság saját nevében kereskedői számlákat tarthat fenn fizetési szolgáltatóknál, amelyeket kizárólag az Ügyfél fizetési tranzakcióinak az elszámolására használ. A Társaság által igénybe vett fizetési szolgáltatók listája a Honlapon elérhető.
General. The Company reserves at its sole discretion the right not to execute the Order, or to change the opening (or closing as the case may be) price of the Order or Transaction as detailed in the Company’s Order Execution Policy or to close any or all Positions or to modify the Margin requirements, or to modify the trading hours of certain Financial Instruments or CFDs, in case of a technical failure in the Trading Platform, the quotes feed, other technical failures, and in the event of Force Majeure or in accordance to the terms of section 11.5.6.
11.8.8. A Társaság jogosult beküldési határidőket megállapítani az utasítások és Megbízások tekintetében, amely a Tranzakcióban részt vevő Pénzügyi Piac vagy elszámolóház által megállapított időpontnál korábbi időpont is lehet, és az Ügyfél nem támaszthat követelést a Társasággal szemben, amennyiben az adott Megbízás benyújtására az általunk megállapított beküldési határidő lejárta után került sor.
11.8.9. Az Ügyfél felelőssége, hogy mindenkor ismerje a saját Pozícióit. Amennyiben a jelen Szerződés másként nem rendelkezik, a Társaság nem köteles a Tranzakcióik státuszát nyomon követni és arról tájékoztatni az Ügyfelet, vagy az Ügyfél bármely pozícióját lezárni. Amennyiben a Társaság mégis így tesz, ez diszkrecionális alapon történik, és nem tekintendő kötelezettségvállalásnak a Társaság részéről a folytatásra.
11.8.10. Az egyes Pénzügyi Eszközökkel kapcsolatos kereskedési követelmények, feltételek és specifikációk a Kereskedési Feltételekben kerülnek részletesen bemutatásra. A Társaság jogosult bármikor módosítani a Kereskedési Feltételeket. Az Ügyfél vállalja, hogy bármely Megbízás benyújtása előtt áttekinti a Tranzakciók részletes leírását.
General. 14.1.1. The Company is entitled to receive fees, commissions, and other remunerations from the Client for the Services, as well as compensation for the expenses it will incur for the obligations it will undertake during the execution of the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
14.1.2. The Client warrants, represents and undertakes that it is solely responsible for recording, paying and accounting to any relevant governmental, taxation or other authority for any tax, stamp duty, expenses or other levy that may be payable on any amounts paid to the Client. Notwithstanding the foregoing, and without derogating from the Client's sole and entire responsibility to perform tax payments, stamp expenses or pay other levy, the Client shall pay the Company, immediately when so requested by the latter, and the Company is entitled to debit the Account with any value added tax or any other tax, contribution, levy, stamp duty, expense or charge which may be payable as a result of any Transaction or any act or action of the Company under this Agreement (except for taxes payable by the Company in relation to the Company’s income or profits).
14.1.3. In case the Client fails to pay any amount by the date on which the said amount is payable, the Company shall be entitled to debit the Account with the said amount or liquidate in the name of the Client any of the Client’s Financial Instruments in view of covering the aforementioned amount.
14.1.4. A jelen Szerződés elfogadásával az Ügyfél megerősíti, hogy elolvasta és megértette a jelen Szerződésben foglalt és/vagy a Honlapon közzétett információkat, ahol megtalálható az összes kapcsolódó jutalék, díj és költség részletes magyarázata. A Társaság fenntartja a jogot, hogy saját kizárólagos belátása szerint módosítsa bármely jutalék, díj vagy más költség mértékét oly módon, hogy a Honlapon keresztül értesíti az Ügyfelet a jutalékokat, díjakat vagy más költségeket érintő lényeges változásról a Hírek, aktualitások alatt, ahol minden módosítás folyamatosan rendelkezésre áll hét napig. Az Ügyfél kifejezetten beleegyezik és elfogadja, hogy ezeket az információkat a Honlapon keresztül bocsátjuk a rendelkezésére a jelen pontban leírtak szerint.
General. In order to constitute State aid within the meaning of Article 61(1) of the EEA Agreement, the measure must confer an advantage upon an undertaking. Undertakings are entities engaged in an economic activity, regardless of their legal status and the way in which they are financed (3). Economic activities are activities consisting of offering goods or services on a market (4).
General. 1.1. This Interest-Free Account is offered solely to Clients following the Moslem faith/ Sharia Law, subject to the Company’s sole and absolute discretion.
1.2. Except as set forth herein, the Client Agreement shall not be modified and remains of full force and effect.
1.3. To the extent there are any inconsistencies or ambiguities between the specific subject matter of this Annex or the Client Agreement, the terms of this Annex shall supersede.
1.4. Except as provided in this Annex, all terms used in this Annex that are not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Client Agreement.
1.5. All terms and conditions of the Client Agreement not specifically amended hereunder shall continue in ful force and effect and shall apply, mutatis mutandis.
General. Wiley agrees to the open access publication in Hybrid and Gold Open Access Journals of accepted Primary Research Articles and Review Articles as requested by Corresponding Authors through the agreed workflow outlined below,, , Eligible Corresponding Authors publishing under this Agreement retain copyright and Wiley publishes these articles under a Creative Commons license unless the Corresponding Author chooses to opt out of open access publishing. This agreement will commence for articles; accepted from 15ih January 2019 and end for articles accepted on 3 J1 December 2021. Under this Agreement, Wiley will endeavor to make dear to those Corresponding Authors upon acceptance at the latest that their primary research and review articles are meant to be published open access as part of this Agreement so long as the correct affiliation of the Corresponding Author Is captured in Wiley system metadata,
General. The Participants recognize that the success of the SAC Program depends on full and prompt exchange of Information necessary for carrying out the SAC Program. The Participants will acquire sufficient Information and rights to use such Information to acquire, manage, support, and operate C-17 aircraft and other Assets. The nature and amount of Information to be acquired will be consistent with the objectives stated in Section 3 (Objectives and Scope) of this SAC MOU.
General. (a) Service Provider warrants that Services may be used in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Rights in case of defects shall be excluded in case of minor or immaterial deviations from the agreed or assumed characteristics or in case of just slight impairment of use. Product descriptions shall not be deemed guaranteed unless separately agreed in writing. In particular, a functional impairment does not constitute a defect if it results from hardware defects, environmental conditions, wrong operation, flawed data or other circumstances originating from Customer’s sphere of risk. EN_Transporeon_Platform_User_Agreement_GTC_2.0
(b) Service Provider remedies software defects at its option by providing a new version of Platform or by indicating reasonable ways to avoid the effects of the defect.
(c) Defects must be notified in writing or via e-mail with a comprehensible description of the error symptoms, as far as possible evidenced by written recordings, hard copies or other documents demonstrating the defects.
General. (a) Both Parties shall comply and shall ensure that their representative employees or agents carrying out obligations hereunder or using Platform and Services comply with all applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, rules and standards, and shall submit to the standard Code of Conduct of Service Provider available at xxxxx:// Security classification: Protected 7
(b) In order to conduct business activities ethically and with integrity, both Parties shall adhere in particular to all applicable laws in the following areas, i.e., human rights and fair labour standards, occupational health and safety, anti-bribery and corruption, competition and antitrust, trade and export laws, financial integrity, anti-money laundering, trade export laws and counter terrorism financing and environmental laws.