Market investor principle mintaszakaszok

Market investor principle. 1.2.1. I n t r o d u c t i o n If the transaction was carried out in accordance with the market economy investor principle, i.e., if the municipality sold the land at its market value and the conditions of the transaction would have been acceptable for a private seller, the transaction would not involve the grant of state aid. 1.2.2. D o u b t s o n t h e v a l u e The Authority notes that no separate valuation of the buildings that were purchased by Haslemoen AS was carried out for the purpose of this sale. Furthermore, no explanation or information has been presented to the Authority as to why the price of NOK 4 million corresponded to market value. However, the property in question had shortly before been transferred from the Norwegian state to the municipality and in that process no less than 3 different value assessments were collected in order to determine the market value. It follows from the Authority’s guidelines on sale of land that, to the extent a preceding sales process has determined the market value, a public authority may use its primary cost as an indication for the market value unless a significant period of time has elapsed between the purchase and the sale of the land (1). This is further explained so that the market value may not be set below the public authority’s primary cost during at least three years after the acquisition unless an independent valuer specifically identifies a general decline in market prices. Thus, in the present case two questions arise. First whether the preceding transaction between the state and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx was carried out on market terms. Second, if it did, whether Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx subse­ quently sold the property to Haslemoen AS for a price corresponding at least to its primary cost. As regards the first question the Authority considers that there was great uncertainty about the market value of the properties in question in the negotiations between the state and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx. This is illustrated by the gap between the first Agdestein report, which estimated the value of the Inner camp at NOK 39 million (NOK 29 million if sold en bloc) and the second assessment by Alhaug and Bakke, which considered the value to be 0. In the view of the Authority, this gap illustrates the uncertainty inherent in an assessment of this type of land, namely a former military camp with old buildings, both residential housing and other buildings such as a cinema and sports facilities, located in a remote area. Althou...
Market investor principle. As a point of departure, the assessment of whether a property has been sold at market value should be assessed at the time of the conclusion of the contract. The State Aid Guidelines on State aid elements in sales of land and buildings by public authorities give further information on how the Authority interprets and applies the provisions of the EEA Agreement governing State aid when it comes to assessing sales of public land and buildings. Section 2.1 describes a sale through an unconditional bidding procedure, while Section 2.2 describes a sale without an unconditional procedure (by way of an independent expert valuation). In this case, the municipality did not organise an unconditional bidding procedure but the sale took place on the basis of two value assessments carried out by independent experts. The assessments were obtained by the municipality on 7 and 9 July 2008, respectively. (1) State aid elements in sales of land and building by public authorities, published on the Authority’s website: http:// Section 2.2 of the State Aid Guidelines on State aid elements in sales of land and buildings by public authorities, regarding sale without an unconditional bidding procedure, provides that ‘if public authorities intend not to use the procedure described under Section 2.1, an independent evaluation should be carried out by one or more independent asset values prior to the sale negotiations in order to establish the market value on the basis of generally accepted market indicators and valuation standards. The market price thus established is the minimum purchase price that can be agreed without granting State aid.’ (Emphasis added) Although SDO had already contacted the municipality in February 2007 and applied for an amendment of the use of property 271/8, and later the same month, signalled its interest in purchasing the property, the correspondence submitted by the Norwegian authorities indicates that the municipality refused to discuss a sale until the regulatory issues regarding the property were decided upon. This is the reason why it was not until 30 June 2008 that Oppdal municipality decided to obtain two value assessments, and then to proceed with the sale negotiations. According to the information provided by the Norwegian authorities, no discus­ sions on the price or other conditions of the sale had taken place between the municipality and SDO prior to the value assessments. Both reports estimated a ve...
Market investor principle 

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