Prices mintaszakaszok
Prices. 1. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the prices shall be considered as net prices without any deduction, the prices shall be based on “EXW” (Ex Works) parity, and excluding the packing and loading.
2. Unless otherwise prescribed explicitly by a price agreement, the prices of orders/assignments shall be accounted according to the price applicable on the day of the delivery.
3. Any related expense, any official contribution or common charge (any new tax or charge of any basis to be charged), any delivery cost (any increase in the delivery costs if the delivery, directly or indirectly, becomes more expensive), or if required by the Buyer/Client, any insurance taken in relation to the risk of damages described by Point VI.2, shall be borne by the Buyer/Client.
4. If more than 4 (four) days has passed between the date of the conclusion of the contract and the date of the start of the completion and any circumstance affecting the prices has arisen, such as any law, regulation, increase in the wages based on the collective agreement, increase in the material costs as a result of the changes in the situation of the raw material market, or any other factor beyond our control resulting in extra costs or extra services, our prices may be increased proportionally.
5. The “normal” or other indications applied in the orders shall be applicable only for the completion of our services, never for the prices of additional expenses.
6. Unless otherwise prescribed by the price list, our prices shall be applicable for the materials considered as normal commercial goods in the commerce.
7. We are entitled to charge the expenses of taking back and destroying the returned package materials.
8. If the Buyer/Client exercises its right of withdrawal provided by a separate agreement concerning the already delivered goods, the part of the net invoiced price of the returned goods, subject to a separate agreement between the Parties, shall be paid to cover the incurring costs. However, this amount shall not exceed the total amount of foreign and domestic deliveries, including the expenses of delivering back from the Buyer, and the amount of the insurance, customs, duties and storage, which shall be charged to the Buyer/Client/Customer in each case. We shall not take back any product or other material which has been already processed or especially ordered for the Buyer/Client.
Prices. 3.1 The indicated prices are in general not to be construed as a flat rate.
3.2 Other services ordered by the Client that do not fall under the scope f the original order shall be separately settled accordingly, considering that they do not form a part of the original agreement.
3.3 The prices given for information are net amounts, and they should be increased by the applicable statutory value added taxa rate. The cost of packaging, transportation, handling and dispatching shall be borne by the Clients. Seller does not take back the packaging.
3.4 The Client must ensure the adequate and ecological destruction of the materials used.
3.5 In our sole discretion and at the request of the Client we are entitled to adjust the remuneration laid down in the contract by at least 5% in case of any changes, provided that:
a) in the costs of payments related to regulations, collective contracts, company agreements or wages, or
Prices. Eltérő kikötések hiányában az árak az áru belföldiesítésének és az Eladó telephelyein a fuvareszközbe történő berakásnak a költségeit tartalmazó nettó (általános forgalmi adó nélküli) árak. Unless otherwise specified, the prices are net prices (excluding VAT) including the costs of importing the goods and loading them into the means of transport at the Seller's premises.
Prices. Gross prices (including VAT) 7.990 HUF for 1 child. Minimum amount to pay is 12 children. • Preparation of 2 dishes • 2,5 hours program • Chefparade aprons for use • Unlimited fruit juices and mineral water, lemonade • Birthday decoration for the kitchen / room • Surprise or the birthday’s girl/boy
Prices. (1) The agreed prices shall be fixed prices. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, prices shall include the quotation processing costs, all taxes, duties, packaging, transport and unloading costs, as well as insurance up to the AG’s place of receipt (delivery address). Prices shall be quoted excluding the applicable statutory value-added tax.
(2) If the AN should reduce its prices by general declaration following the conclusion of the agreement, the prices valid on the day of delivery shall also apply to such agreement. Market price, market average price shall only apply upon express written agreement.
Prices. 5.1 The prices agreed are fixed prices (within the meaning of section 6:245 subsection 1 of the Civil Code) and constitute full and final payment for all commissioned deliveries and services and include all expenditures relating to the deliveries and services to be performed by the Supplier, in particular also the costs for potential testing, approval, documentation, compilation of technical documentation and items, packaging, transport, customs duties and border clearance fees, and the consideration for the rights to the Technical Documents and Materials defined in item 11 below.
5.2 For billing based on work and equipment use, the total working hours as well as the material used must be stated in written form on a respective performance template. The performance template must be presented to SCHOTT for signing on a daily basis.
Prices. Prices are excluding customs duties, taxes and other assessments payable by reason of government order. All such costs and expenses in connection with the transaction is paid by Buyer unless Supplier presents documentation providing exemption accepted by the relevant authorities. Prices are excluding, so Buyer shall pay all expenses in relation with special packaging, or expenses to cover specific expectations of shipment or storage unless specifically noted by Supplier in his original offer in written form and being involved into the offer price.
Prices. (1) Unless otherwise agreed, net prices quoted by the Seller are expressed in euros (EUR or €). Quoted prices do not include VAT, which is charged according to relevant legislation.
(2) Any special requests of the Buyer are generally not included in the Seller’s offered prices and shall be separately compensated by the Buyer.
Prices. 3.1 The price of the Products and/or Services are those prices stated in the Agreement or, if no price is set out in the Agreement, the price set out in Seller’s published price list in force as at the date of the Purchase Order. The Customer shall in addition pay the amounts as set out in the Agreement (including those referred to under clause 5.1 and 11 of these Terms and Conditions). If, following the conclusion of the Agreement, a change occurs in raw material prices, labor or manufacturing costs, foreign exchange fluctuations, increases in taxes, wages, levies, premiums of any kind, whether or not imposed by the government, Seller shall be entitled to amend the agreed price unilaterally. If this right is exercised and Seller wishes to increase the agreed price within three months of the conclusion of the Agreement, the Customer shall have two (2) weeks to terminate the Agreement. The Customer shall not be entitled to claim any compensation from Seller on that account. Price quotations shall automatically expire in thirty
Prices. 3.1 The price of the Products and/or Services are those prices stated in the Agreement or, if no price is set out in the Agreement, the price set out in Seller’s published price list in force as at the date of the Purchase Order. The Customer shall in addition pay the amounts as set out in the Agreement (including those referred to under clause 5.1 and 11 of these Terms and Conditions). If, following the conclusion of the Agreement, a change occurs in raw material prices, labor or manufacturing costs, foreign exchange fluctuations, increases in taxes, wages, levies, premiums of any kind, whether or not imposed by the government, Seller shall be entitled to amend the agreed price unilaterally. If this right is exercised and Seller wishes to increase the agreed price within three months of the conclusion of the Agreement, the Customer shall have two (2) weeks to terminate the Agreement. The Customer shall not be entitled to claim any compensation from Seller on that account. Price quotations shall automatically expire in thirty (30) days from the date issued, or as otherwise stated in the quotation. The Customer agrees that the Seller may charge a handling fee for Purchase Orders below a minimum quantity or order value, which shall be included in the Purchase Order. Seller reserves the right to assess an expedite fee for Purchase Orders requested to be shipped prior to published or agreed lead times.
3.2 The price in an Agreement assumes and is contingent upon the understanding that Seller’s supply of any Products and/or Services under that Agreement to Customer are not subject to any direct or indirect obligations imposed on Seller and/or any offset mechanism or industrial participation or any other event that would directly or indirectly result in an increase of the cost price of the Products and/or Services (“Additional Price Obligations”). In the event that Additional Price Obligations are imposed, the prices, terms and conditions in the Agreement are subject to revision and Seller reserves the right to renegotiate the prices, terms and conditions in the Agreement with the Customer. Seller has no obligations to supply any Products and/or Services under an Agreement to Customer if Parties are unable to reach further agreement on revised prices, terms, and conditions due to Additional Price Obligations imposed.