RESTRICTIONS mintaszakaszok

RESTRICTIONS. Personnel of the Lounge or of Aquaworld Resort Budapest may deny entry to the Eligible Persons if there are 40 Eligible Persons in the Lounge simultaneously or if Aquaworld Resort Budapest temporarily restricts entry because of technical reasons or if it is full. The Lounge is closed during events; Mastercard Premium services may not be used at such times. The Lounge is open every day between 10 AM and 7 PM. Operator may change the opening hours without prior notice. The Lounge and the changing room are not accessible for people with reduced mobility. Personnel of the Lounge may deny entry to the Lounge and request the Eligible Person to leave if the Eligible Person is presumed to be under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, or behaves in an unacceptable manner including but not limited to breaches of Aquaworld Resort Budapest’s relevant house rules. It is prohibited to take out any food or drinks or the provided newspapers and magazines from the Lounge area. Smoking and using devices imitating smoking is prohibited in the Lounge to protect the health of non-smokers. Children and infants may only use the Lounge under parental supervision. Provider and Operator are entitled to ask the guests to leave the Lounge area if their behaviour disturbs other guests. Provider and Operator are responsible only for their own and their employees’ (personnel’s) behaviour. Provider and Operator are not liable for any damage or personal injury caused by other guests in the Lounge area. Any damage or injury resulting from the fault of another guest shall be compensated for by the guest who caused the injury or damage. Staying in the Lounge area is at everyone’s own risk, and everyone is directly liable for any personal injury or material damage caused by them or by a child under their supervision. Provider and Operator assume no responsibility for objects left, lost or stolen in the Lounge area; guests must take care of their belongings at their own risk. Provider and Operator do not assume any responsibility for incidental, indirect or consequential damages (including, without limitation, damages occurring as a result of interruption of business activity or loss of business information, lost profit etc.). Neither party is responsible for complying with their contractual obligations in case of unforeseeable circumstances (Force majeure) which fall outside of both parties’ sphere of interest and which prevent the performance of the contract. Such circumstances may include...
RESTRICTIONS. If the Eligible Person upgrades to a higher tier premium card listed in paragraph 2 of these Terms of Participation, the services available to the Eligible Person will only refresh after the verification of eligibility based on their BIN number has been completed through their user account, after which they become eligible for the higher tier of services. The Eligible Person is required to renew (“revalidate”) their scope of eligibility every two years after registration by validating their existing card with the BIN validation tool available through their user account, of which Provider sends a reminder email before the deadline. If the Eligible Person fails to complete the validation process, their eligibility to the use of the services listed in these Terms of Participation (and requiring online registration) is suspended until they complete the BIN validation process through their user account. Provider and Operator do not assume any responsibility for indirect or consequential damages (including, without limitation, damages occurring as a result of interruption of business activity or loss of business information, lost profit, etc.) related to the online services set out in the Terms of Participation. Neither party shall be responsible for complying with their contractual obligations in case of unforeseeable circumstances (force majeure) which fall outside of both parties’ or the respective party’s sphere of interest in connection with fulfilment, and which prevent the performance of the services set out in these Terms of Participation. Such circumstances may include in particular: acts of war, rebellion, sabotage, terrorist bombings, natural disasters, strikes, as well as any measures taken by the respective country’s authorities, which impact the fulfillment of the online services listed in the Terms of Participation. Provider and Operator shall have the right to unilaterally modify these Terms of Participation or to discontinue the services at any time during the period of application of these Terms of Participation provided that the Eligible Persons are notified in advance. Provider and Operator shall have the right to check the eligibility of any Eligible Persons, or to revoke or restrict their eligibility if the Eligible Person violates any provisions of these Terms of Participation, the T&C or any provisions of any other MÜPA policies, or in the case of misuse or suspected misuse of the services by the Eligible Person.
RESTRICTIONS. Personnel of the Lounge or of Aquaworld Resort Budapest may deny entry to the Eligible Persons if there are 40 Eligible Persons in the Lounge simultaneously or if Aquaworld Resort Budapest temporarily restricts entry because of technical reasons or if it is full. The Lounge is closed during events; Mastercard Premium services may not be used at such times. The Lounge is open every day between 10 AM and 8 PM. Operator may change the opening hours without prior notice. The Outdoor Lounge is open every day from 10 AM to 8 PM during July and August. The Outdoor Lounge hours may be restricted by the Operator unilaterally and without justification, including, but not limited to, in view of weather conditions and the number of people inside. The designated bar associated with the Outdoor Lounge is open from 11 AM to 6 PM. The Lounge and the changing room are not accessible for people with reduced mobility. Complementary use of the sauna towels in Sauna World is only available to Eligible Persons with a wristband. Guests under the age of 14 are not allowed to use the Sauna World. Personnel of the Lounge or Outdoor Lounge may deny entry and request the Eligible Person to leave if the Eligible Person is presumed to be under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, or behaves in an unacceptable manner including but not limited to breaches of Aquaworld Resort Budapest’s relevant house rules. It is prohibited to take out any food or drinks or the provided newspapers and magazines from the Lounge or Outdoor Lounge area. Smoking and using devices imitating smoking is prohibited in the Lounge to protect the health of non-smokers. Children and infants may only use the Lounge or Outdoor Lounge under parental supervision. Provider and Operator are entitled to ask the guests to leave the Lounge or Outdoor Lounge area if their behavior disturbs other guests. Provider and Operator are responsible only for their own and their employees’ (personnel’s) behavior. Provider and Operator are not liable for any damage or personal injury caused by other guests in the Lounge or Outdoor Lounge area. Any damage or injury resulting from the fault of another guest shall be compensated for by the guest who caused the injury or damage. Staying in the Lounge or Outdoor Lounge area is at everyone’s own risk, and everyone is directly liable for any personal injury or material damage caused by them or by a child under their supervision. Provider and Operator assume no responsibility for objects left...
RESTRICTIONS. The Eligible Person shall not be entitled to a rebate set out in these Conditions if their reservation will be canceled for any reason and any party (client, service provider, intermediary or operator), or the performance of the booked service becomes impossible, or their reservation was not paid. If the Eligible Person later modifies the booking the rebate is based on in a way that reduces the value of the booking, the Eligible Person shall be entitled to a rebate based on the reduced booking value resulting from the modification. At the end of the Promotion Period, rebates not used in the user account of the Eligible Person shall be paid to the bank account associated to the card previously provided by the Eligible Person, even without a separate legal statement. If the Eligible Person’s card cannot be credited automatically (including, but not limited to causes arising from the expiration of the card’s validity period or loss of the card), the payment may only be made upon proof of the eligibility conditions, specifically registering a Mastercard card required for the eligibility level in the account registered on the user interface of Credits shall not expire during the Promotion Period. All credits available shall become invalid after 60 days following the end of the Promotion Period, or upon cancellation of the service. Following the expiration of the validity of any credits, the credits shall be deleted, and their content cannot be restored. The Provider and the Operator expressly exclude their liability for any damages that may arise from the expiration of the validity of the credits, with respect to the Eligible Person.


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