The Insured(s) mintaszakaszok

The Insured(s). The Principal-Insured and the Co-Insured (hereinafter referred to as: The Insured(s)) shall be the natural person or legal entity indicated to this effect in the insurance contract. Co-Insured shall be: – the spouse or common law companion of the Principal-Insured, and/or – his/her under-age children (including the foster and adapted children) provided for by the Principal-Insured. The following persons shall not be Insured(s): – persons who are over 70 at the time of submitting a proposal concerning the conclusion of an insurance contract – persons working outside the territory of the Republic of Hungary (here- inafter: abroad) extending over a period of 90 days (hereinafter: perma- nently) and the members of their families staying with them, as well as any other persons residing permanently abroad for any reason – persons who qualify as non-residents under the Foreign Exchanges Act – persons who do not have sufficient coverage as specified by the law for the costs of medical treatment in Hungary or an insurance covering these expenses.
The Insured(s). The Principal-Insured and the Co-Insured (hereinafter referred to as: The Insured(s)) shall be the natural person or legal entity indicated to this effect in the insurance contract. Co-Insured shall be: – the spouse or common law companion of the Principal-Insured, and/or – his/her under-age children (including the foster and adapted xxxx- xxxx) provided for by the Principal-Insured. The coverage of the suplementary insurance shall be extended for the co-insured only in case of travelling together with the Principal Insured. The following persons shall not be Insured(s): – persons who are over 80 at the time of submitting a proposal con- cerning the conclusion of an insurance contract – persons working outside the territory of the Republic of Hungary (hereinafter: abroad) permanently and the members of their families staying with them, as well as any other persons residing permanent- ly abroad for any reason – persons who qualify as non-residents under the Foreign Exchanges Act – persons who do not have sufficient coverage as specified by the law for the costs of medical treatment in Hungary or an insurance cov- ering these expenses.
The Insured(s). The Insured shall be the natural Person indicated to this effect in the insur- ance contract. Based on the insurance contract concluded between the Contractor and the Insurance Company the Insured(s) can be the natural person holding a valid – Visa Gold, MasterCard Gold or Visa Business or Visa Business Gold card, or a – Visa Electron, Visa Classic, MasterCard Standard or Maestro card and applied in writing for being included in the circle of the Insured(s), and travelling abroad as a tourist or visitor, or on business with a daily allowance or with a scholarship. – persons working outside the territory of the Republic of Hungary (here- inafter: abroad) extending over a period of 90 days (hereinafter: perma- nently) and the members of their families staying with them, as well as any other persons residing permanently abroad for any reason – persons qualifying as non-residents under the Foreign Exchanges Act, in case they do not have sufficient coverage as specified by the law for the costs of medical treatment in Hungary or do not hold an insurance cover- ing these expenses.

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