GENERAL PROVISIONS. 8.1 By participating in the Game, Participants confirm that they are fully aware of the provisions herein and express their agreement in this respect. Participation in the Game shall equal to the obligation to observe and comply with the provisions herein. The Participant warrants that he/she will comply with all applicable laws and regulations during or in connection with the participation. In the event of any breach of the law resulting from the Participant’s actions, the Participant shall fully indemnify the Organiser and the Implementers.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. The provisions hereunder shall apply to the assistance contracts of UNIQA Biztosító Zrt. (hereinafter referred to as: Insurer) as well as to its other con- tracts containing a paragraph on the provision of assistance, provided that the contract has been concluded under reference to the present provisions. All conditions not regulated by the present provisions shall be governed by the regulations of the Civil Code of Hungary and settled according to the effective regulations of the Hungarian law. The insurance contract is concluded by way of a written contract.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. The conclusion of this Agreement is subject to the Network Usage Framework Contract and the IT Platform User Agreement (hereinafter: IPUA) concluded between the system operator and the Member (Network User) (hereinafter: IPUA): 2 Member undertakes to conclude a Service Agreement and a KID Licensing Agreement with KELER Központi Értéktár Zrt. (KELER Zrt.) participating in the TP settlement, and a Clearing Membership Agreement for the Gas Industry as well as an agreement for invoicing services with KELER KSZF Központi Szerződő Fél Zrt (KELER KSZF Zrt.) By signing this Agreement, the Member shall be entitled to submit TP offers and enter into transactions according to the statutory regulations, the effective TP Rules and the relevant provisions of Business and Commercial Code. The current versions of the contract samples referred above are available at xxx.xxxx.xx , at xxx.xxxxx.xx and at xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx. In the absence of the contracts listed above, Member is not entitled to exercise its rights and obligations laid down in this Agreement.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 8.1 By participating in the Game, Participants confirm that they are fully aware of the provisions herein and express their agreement in this respect. Participation in the Game shall equal to the obligation to observe and comply with the provisions herein. 8.2 The Organizer reserves the right to terminate or suspend the Game at any time in its sole discretion. 8.3 Neither the Organizer nor any of the companies commissioned by the Organizer that run the Game shall be responsible or liable for any participation in or in connection with the Game. The winner is solely and fully responsible for the use of the Prize, the Organizer and the Implementers exclude their liability for personal injuries to the Winner and any third parties resulting from the use of the Prize. No legal proceedings may be instituted in such cases 8.4 In case the Organizer reasonably suspects that any Participant manipulates by any means the Website or does not respect or comply with the provisions of the Game Rules, the Organizer shall exclude such Participant from the Game with immediate effect. The entire registration of the excluded Participant will be removed from the Website. In addition, the Participant will be automatically excluded from any future game / promotion
GENERAL PROVISIONS. (1) The general terms and conditions, the master agreement and the individual rental agreements shall be governed by Hungarian law.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. The purpose of these GCS is to establish the specific terms and conditions pursuant to which Nu Skin sells to its retail customers (the “Customer”) the products offered for sale via the Internet site of Nu Skin (hereinafter the “Site”). The GCS apply to the exclusion of any other conditions. Nu Skin reserves the right to amend the GCS at any time. The GCS enforceable against the Customer shall be those existing on the date when the order is placed. The contract shall not be archived. By placing an order, the Customer declares and warrants that he/she is at least eighteen
GENERAL PROVISIONS. The conclusion of this Agreement is subject to the Network Usage Framework Contract and the IT Platform User Agreement (hereinafter: IPUA) as well as the Contract for Using Title Transfer Services amended from time to time concluded between the system operator and the Member (Network User) (hereinafter: IPUA): The present Agreement shall enter into force provided the Clearing Membership with KELER KSZF Központi Szerződő Fél Zrt (KELER KSZF Zrt.) is covered by a valid declaration thereof. By signing this Agreement, the Member shall be entitled to submit TP offers and enter into transactions according to the statutory regulations, the effective TP Rules and the relevant provisions of Business and Commercial Code. The current versions of the contract samples referred above are available at xxx.xxxx.xx , at xxx.xxxxx.xx and at xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx. In the absence of the contracts listed above, Member is not entitled to exercise its rights and obligations laid down in this Agreement.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 8.1 By participating in the Game, Participants confirm that they are fully aware of the provisions herein and express their agreement in this respect. Participation in the Game shall equal to the obligation to observe and comply with the provisions herein. 8.2 The Organizer reserves the right to terminate or suspend the Game at any time in its sole discretion. 8.3 Neither the Organizer nor any of the companies commissioned by the Organizer that run the Game shall be responsible or liable for any participation in or in connection with the Game. The winner is solely and fully responsible for the use of the Prize, the Organizer and the Implementers exclude their liability for personal injuries to the Winner and any third parties resulting from the use of the Prize. No legal proceedings may be instituted in such cases 8.4 In case the Organizer reasonably suspects that any Participant manipulates by any means the Website or does not respect or comply with the provisions of the Game Rules, the Organizer shall exclude such Participant from the Game with immediate effect. The entire registration of the excluded Participant will be removed from the Website. In addition, the Participant will be automatically excluded from any future game / promotion organized by the Organizer for a period of 2 years from the date of exclusion from the Game. 8.5 By registration, the Participant acknowledges that the content, performance, speed of message- and data transmission and speed of trackback of the Game depends on the provider technology, which therefore can be affected negatively by facts occurring for reasons beyond the control of the Organizer, especially (but not limited to) connection error, performance of the server computer, maintenance of safe network connection. The Organizer and the Implementer fully exclude their liability with regard to the present section. 8.6 The full set of Game Rules may be found on the Website or at the address of the Organizer specified in Section 1.1 hereof. Further information may be requested by filling a contact form (xxxxx:// ehubStandalone?Country=hu&Language=hu&Br and=P%26G&autoModal=false#brandListDiv).
GENERAL PROVISIONS. The use of the Service is subject to the User registering through the Mobile Application, providing his/her data, creating a User Account (Profile) protected by an identification name and password, submitting the necessary documents, accepting these GTC, paying the registration fee and other fees applicable to the rental, the Service Provider finalizing his/her registration and the Framework Agreement being concluded. By accepting the GTC and by using the Service, the User declares that he/she has read, understood and accepted the provisions of the GTC and has consented to their application in the legal relationship between the User and MOL LIMO. MOL LIMO reserves the right to unilaterally modify the GTC and the Tariff attached thereto, and shall notify its Users as follows: - In case of an amendment that entitles the User to a right, at least 1 (one) calendar day before the effective date, - In the case of an amendment that imposes an obligation on the User and which affects an adverse provision, at least 5 (five) calendar days before the effective date publishes on its website and will inform its Users about the change via e-mail. A módosítások legkorábban a közzétételtől, Felhasználó tájékoztatásától számított fenti határidőben lépnek hatályba. A módosítások hatályba lépését követően Felhasználó a Szolgáltatást a módosított feltételekkel tudja igénybe venni, ezen használat az ÁSZF módosítás elfogadásának minősül. MOL LIMO a Felhasználó regisztrációját nem köteles jóváhagyni, fenntartja a jogot, hogy indokolt esetben a regisztrációt, így a Keretszerződés megkötését visszautasítsa. Felhasználó ebben az esetben nem köteles regisztrációs díjat fizetni. A Keretszerződés megkötése sem a MOL LIMO, sem a Felhasználó részére nem teremt jogot az Egyedi Bérleti Szerződések követelésére. MOL LIMO fenntartja a jogot, hogy az Egyedi Bérleti Szerződések megkötését Kreditvásárláshoz kösse, amennyiben Felhasználó korábbi bérlésének ellenértékét nem egyenlítette ki, így Szolgáltató joggal feltételezi, hogy bankkártyáján nem áll rendelkezésre megfelelő fedezet, és a Szolgáltatás ellenértékét nem fogja megtéríteni. A MOL LIMO fenntartja a jogot, hogy a Szolgáltatás nyújtását felfüggessze vagy beszüntesse. A jelen ÁSZF hatálya a Szolgáltatóra, valamint a Felhasználóra terjed ki. Szolgáltató a szolgáltatási tevékenységre vonatkozó etikai és üzleti magatartási kódexe az alábbi weboldalon érhető el: xxxxx://xxx.xx/xx/xxxxxx/xxxxx- es-megfeleles/etika/, melyet Szolgáltató magár...
GENERAL PROVISIONS. (70) The Hungarian authorities confirmed that they will publish on a central website, or on a single website retrieving information from several websites at least the following information on the notified measure: granting authority, individual beneficiary, aid amount, and aid intensity. The information will be published after the granting decision has been taken, will be kept for at least 10 years and will be available for the general public without restrictions.