IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI SIGNIFIKAN 2. The Mutual Fund's financial statements for the period ended December 31, 2021 were completed and authorized for issuance on Maret 31 , 2022 by the Investment Manager and the Custodian Bank, who are responsible for the preparation and presentation of the Mutual Fund’s financial statements in accordance with their respective duties and responsibilities as the Investment Manager and the Custodian Bank, as stipulated in the Collective Investment Contract of Reksa Dana Terproteksi Xxxxxxxx Proteksi 7, and in accordance with prevailing laws and regulations. The financial statements have been prepared and presented in accordance with the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (“SAK”), which consist of the Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (“PSAK”) and Interpretations to Financial Accounting Standards (“ISAK”) issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board of the Indonesian Institute of Accountants, and OJK regulation No. 33/POJK.04/2020 dated May 25, 2020 concerning "Preparation of Financial Statements of Investment Product in the Form of Collective Investment Contract" and OJK Circular Letter No.14/SEOJK.04/2020 dated July 8, 2020 concerning "Guidelines for the Accounting Treatment of Investment Product in the Form of Collective Investment Contract". The financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis, except for the statement of cash flows, using historical cost concept, except for certain accounts which are measured on the bases as described in the relevant Notes herein. The statement of cash flows are prepared using the direct method and classify cash flows into operating and financing activities. Investing activities are not separately classified since the investing activities are the main operating activities of the Mutual Fund. The reporting currency used in the financial statements is the Indonesian Rupiah (“Rp”), which is also the Mutual Fund’s functional currency.
IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI SIGNIFIKAN 2. The Mutual Fund's financial statements for the period ended December 31, 2020 were completed and authorized for issuance on April 12 , 2021 by the Investment Manager and the Custodian Bank, who are responsible for the preparation and presentation of the Mutual Fund’s financial statements in accordance with their respective duties and responsibilities as the Investment Manager and the Custodian Bank, as stipulated in the Collective Investment Contract of Reksa Dana Terproteksi Xxxxxxxx Proteksi 3, and in accordance with prevailing laws and regulations. The financial statements have been prepared and presented in accordance with the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (“SAK”), which consist of the Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (“PSAK”) and Interpretations to Financial Accounting Standards (“ISAK”) issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board of the Indonesian Institute of Accountants, and the regulation Number X.D.1, “The Reports of Mutual Fund”, of the capital market regulator. The financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis, except for the statement of cash flows, using historical cost concept, except for certain accounts which are measured on the bases as described in the relevant Notes herein. The statement of cash flows are prepared using the direct method and classify cash flows into operating and financing activities. Investing activities are not separately classified since the investing activities are the main operating activities of the Mutual Fund. The reporting currency used in the financial statements is the Indonesian Rupiah (“Rp”), which is also the Mutual Fund’s functional currency.
IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI SIGNIFIKAN 2. The financial statements of the Mutual Fund for the year ended December 31, 2021 were completed and authorized for issuance on March 31 , 2022 by the Investment Manager and the Custodian Bank, who are responsible for the preparation and presentation of the Mutual Fund’s financial statements in accordance with their respective duties and responsibilities as the Investment Manager and the Custodian Bank, as stated in the Collective Investment Contract of Reksa Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, and in accordance with prevailing laws and regulations on the Mutual Fund’s financial statements. The financial statements have been prepared and presented in accordance with the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (“SAK”), which consist of the Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (“PSAK”) and Interpretations to Financial Accounting Standards (“ISAK”) issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board of the Indonesian Institute of Accountants, and OJK regulation No. 33/POJK.04/2020 dated May 25, 2020 concerning "Preparation of Financial Statements of Investment Product in the Form of Collective Investment Contract" and OJK Circular Letter No.14/SEOJK.04/2020 dated July 8, 2020 concerning "Guidelines for the Accounting Treatment of Investment Product in the Form of Collective Investment Contract".


  • IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI Berikut ini adalah dasar penyajian laporan keuangan dan kebijakan akuntansi yang diterapkan dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan Reksa Dana.

  • IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI DAN PELAPORAN KEUANGAN PENTING (lanjutan) Instrumen Keuangan (lanjutan) a. Penentuan Nilai Wajar (lanjutan) Aset Keuangan (lanjutan)

  • Dukungan Teknis Dukungan teknis untuk Layanan Cloud diberikan melalui email, forum online, dan sistem pelaporan masalah secara online. Panduan dukungan perangkat lunak sebagai layanan IBM tersedia di xxxxx://xxx-00.xxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxx/xxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxx.xxxx yang menyediakan kontak dukungan teknis serta informasi dan proses lain. Dukungan teknis ditawarkan dengan Layanan Cloud dan tidak tersedia sebagai suatu tawaran terpisah.

  • PENDAPAT AKUNTAN TENTANG LAPORAN KEUANGAN (halaman ini sengaja dikosongkan)

  • Penyediaan Jasa Komunikasi Sumber Daya Air dan Listrik Rp. 26.232.000 APBD

  • Risiko Berkurangnya Nilai Aktiva Bersih Setiap Unit Penyertaan Nilai setiap Unit Penyertaan MANDIRI INVESTA DANA SYARIAH dapat berubah akibat kenaikan atau penurunan Nilai Aktiva Bersih Reksa Dana yang bersangkutan. Terjadinya penurunan Nilai Aktiva Bersih setiap Unit Penyertaan dapat disebabkan antara lain oleh perubahan harga efek dalam portofolio.

  • Jangka Waktu dan Opsi Pembaruan Jangka waktu Layanan Cloud dimulai pada tanggal ketika IBM memberi tahu Klien mengenai akses mereka ke Layanan Cloud, sebagaimana yang didokumentasikan dalam PoE. PoE akan menetapkan apakah Layanan Cloud memperbarui secara otomatis, berlanjut berdasarkan penggunaan berkelanjutan, atau berakhir pada akhir jangka waktu. Untuk pembaruan otomatis, kecuali apabila Klien memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis untuk tidak memperbarui setidaknya 90 hari sebelum tanggal habis masa berlakunya jangka waktu, Layanan Cloud akan secara otomatis memperbarui untuk jangka waktu yang yang ditetapkan dalam PoE. Untuk penggunaan berkelanjutan, Layanan Cloud akan terus tersedia dengan basis per bulan hingga Klien memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis 90 hari sebelumnya mengenai pengakhiran. Layanan Cloud akan tetap tersedia hingga akhir bulan kalender setelah periode 90 hari tersebut.

  • Pembubaran Dan Likuidasi 17.1. BATAVIA DANA LIKUID berlaku sejak ditetapkan pernyataan Efektif oleh OJK dan wajib dibubarkan, apabila terjadi salah satu dari hal-hal sebagai berikut :

  • MEKANISME PENYELESAIAN PENGADUAN i. Dengan tunduk pada ketentuan angka 18.1 di atas, manajer Investasi dan/atau Bank Kustodian akan melayani dan menyelesaikan adanya pengaduan Pemegang Unit Penyertaan. Penyelesaian pengaduan yang dilakukan oleh Bank Kustodian wajib ditembuskan kepada Manajer Investasi.

  • Risiko Pembubaran dan Likuidasi Dalam hal (i) diperintahkan oleh OJK; atau (ii) Nilai Aktiva Bersih MAYBANK DANA OBLIGASI NEGARA menjadi kurang dari Rp,- (sepuluh miliar Rupiah) selama 120 (seratus dua puluh) Hari Bursa berturut-turut, maka sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 45 huruf c dan d POJK Tentang Reksa Dana Berbentuk KIK serta Pasal 28.1 butir (ii) dan (iii) dari Kontrak Investasi Kolektif MAYBANK DANA OBLIGASI NEGARA, Manajer Investasi akan melakukan pembubaran dan likuidasi, sehingga hal ini akan mempengaruhi proteksi dan hasil investasi MAYBANK DANA OBLIGASI NEGARA.