Arbitration Clause Clausole campione

Arbitration Clause a)Jurisdiction will be the place of issue of the rate contract.Sole Arbitator will be appointed by DG(S&D).For details refer Clause-23 of DGS&D-1001.Further,where the Contract/Rate Contract is governed by DGS&D arbitration clause,the dispute cannot be referred by the supplier or entertained by Facilitation Council or any other Adjudicating Forum. b)The arbitary as appointed under provisions of para 18.1.1 of DGS&D Mannual shall adjudicate only on the disputes arising out of interpretation of terms & conditions stipulated in Rate Contracts.For settlement of disputes relating to execution of supply orders placed by various Direct Demanding officers (DD0s)/Indentors against DGS&D Rate Contracts, each DDO/INDENTOR shall himself nominate an arbitrator at the time of placement of supply orders,as per guidelines/instructions for appointment of arbitator in indenting organisation. c)DGS&D or its regional offices shall not be made a party in any dispute relating to execution of Supply Order placed by DDO/Indentor against DGS&D Rate Contracts including the case filed in MSME Facilitation Councils. All the R/C particulars including prices in respect of individual R/Cs are available on DGS&D website which can be accessed by all.The DGS&D website is xxxx:// Page 6 of 22 Download Date: 03-NOV-16
Arbitration Clause. 19.1 This agreement is subject to Italian law;