Contractual purposes Clausole campione

Contractual purposes. If you want to stipulate an insurance policy, we need to process your personal data to acquire information preliminary to the contract, complete the said contract and also, subsequently, manage any claims. Art. 6, sub-paragraph 1(b) of the GDPR gives the legal base for our administrative and accounting processing connected with the contractual and precontractual obligations; these include remote communication techniques such as telephonic customer service. Provision of the data, which shall be kept for the period the contract is in force, is compulsory. If the contract is cancelled for any reason, the data shall be stored in relation to the legal regulations (ten years).
Contractual purposes. If you want to stipulate an insurance policy, we need to process your personal data to acquire information preliminary to the contract, complete the said contract and also, subsequently, manage any claims. Art. 6, sub-paragraph 1(b) of the GDPR gives the legal base for our administrative and accounting processing connected with the contractual and precontractual obligations; these include remote communication techniques such as telephonic customer service. Provision of the data, which shall be kept for the period the contract is in force, is compulsory. If the contract is cancelled for any reason, the data shall be stored in relation to the legal regulations (ten years). The company processes your personal data for obligations arising from laws (such as anti-money laundering checks, fraud protection, compulsory notifications for tax purposes, etc.), Community regulations and also regulations issued by supervisory and control authorities or other legally entitled bodies. Art. 6, sub-paragraph 1(b) of the GDPR gives the legal base for the processing we have to carry out in compliance with the legal requirements, regulations and provisions of the legally entitled authorities. Provision of the data is compulsory. The data shall be stored for the period prescribed by the legal requirements and, in detail, ten years from the date of termination of the contract for any reason or the date of a binding decision by a legally entitled authority (such as a court sentence) subsequent to the said termination. Your consent to processing, which you can give by ticking the boxes corresponding to your choice on the enclosed form and revoke at any time, is necessary for: In compliance with Articles 7 and 9, sub-paragraph 1(a) of the GDPR, we need your written consent, which shall form the legal base for processing, to handle certain categories of personal data [as in the case of payment of claims that entail physical damage]. Failure to give consent shall make it impossible for the company to carry out the operations shown in square brackets above, and shall also occur at the time of any subsequent revocation. The particular data categories shall be processed up to the time of revocation or termination, for any reason, of processing and stored for the prescribed time (10 years).