EVALUATION OF BID/ SHORT FALL DOCUMENTS i. All the offers will first be scrutinized to see whether they meet the basic requirements as incorporated in the bid document. ii. Purchaser will determine the Techno-commercial acceptability of the bidders on the basis of the original offer and subsequent clarification s/ confirmation, if any. iii. After evaluation of the uploaded documents, shortfall/clarification documents, if required, shall be sought from all the bidders.For shortfa ll/ clarification only 01 (ONE) chance will be given. The time period for reply to the clarification will be for 7(SEVEN) days only. Non receipt of communication from GeM will not be accepted as a reason of non-submission of documents within prescribed time. The bidders will upl oad and submit the requested documents, if any, within the specified period. iv. Bidders are hereby informed that all correspondence with them during the pre-contract stage shall be without any commitment whatsoeve
EVALUATION OF BID/ SHORT FALL DOCUMENTS i. All the offers will first be scrutinized to see whether they meet the basic requirements as incorporated in the b id document. ii. Purchaser will determine the Techno-commercial acceptability of the bidders on the basis of the original offer and subsequent clarifications/ confirmation, if any. iii. After evaluation of the uploaded documents, shortfall/clarification documents, if required, shall be sought fro m all the bidders. For shortfall/ clarification only 01 (ONE) chance will be given. The time period for reply to the cla rification will be for 7(SEVEN) days only. Non receipt of communication from GeM will not be accepted as a reason of non-submission of documents within prescribed time. The bidders will upload and submit the requested docume nts, if any, within the specified period. iv. Bidders are hereby informed that all correspondence with them during the pre-contract stage shall be without any commitment whatsoever, SECL reserves the right to verify any of the documents uploaded by the bidder at an y stage. 1375992/2023/O/O HEAD OF MM DIVISION-SECL-HQ NOTE: The submission of forged document, if any, by the bidder(s), shall be dealt as per extant guideline of GeM GTC a nd ATC.


  • Criteri di indennizzabilità La Società corrisponde l'indennità per le conseguenze dirette ed esclusive dell'infortunio che siano indipendenti da condizioni fisiche o patologiche preesistenti o sopravvenute; pertanto l'influenza che l'infortunio può avere esercitato su tali condizioni, come pure il pregiudizio che esse possono portare all'esito delle lesioni prodotte dall'infortunio, sono conseguenze indirette e quindi non indennizzabili. Parimenti, nei casi di preesistente mutilazione o difetto fisico, l'indennità per invalidità permanente è liquidata per le sole conseguenze dirette cagionate dall'infortunio come se esso avesse colpito una persona fisicamente integra, senza riguardo al maggior pregiudizio derivante dalle condizioni preesistenti.