Site Acceptance Tests Clausole campione

Site Acceptance Tests. Immediately following installation, all components of the System, including displays, shall be tested for operation and approved by the designer before delivery of the relevant structural component to site. Before the bridge is opened to the public, and following completion of the System installation, the System shall be proof-tested. This proof-test shall demonstrate that the System runs without the development of errors. The test shall consist of continuous operation of the System, including the performing of designed operation tasks. The test shall be performed for a minimum of 30 continuous days. When an error is discovered it shall be corrected immediately. The test shall demonstrate error-free operation for a minimum of 15 continuous days. The duration of the test shall be extended if required to demonstrate this. The sub-contractor shall be required to perform the proof-test with sufficient allowance to ensure that the System will be certified prior to the opening of the bridge.
Site Acceptance Tests. The tests described in this section are not included in the present Procurement. Nevertheless, these tests are summarized in the following for IS convenience as they are scheduled after the SNU installation in the JT-60SA site. During the testing activities, all the requirements and rules reported in [8] and [10] shall be applied and followed. For the test a voltage of 5 kV rms at 50 Hz shall be applied for 10 minutes (see also [5]). The requirements of the tests are satisfied if no discharges occur on the test object.