TRANSFER TO A HOSPITAL IN ITALY. If the Insured Party, following an accident and/or illness, is affected by a pathology that for objective characteristics were to be deemed by the doctors of the Organizational Structure not curable within the regional Hospital Structure of residence, after analyzing the medical case of the Insured Party, in agreement with the attending doctor, they find justified reasons to transfer the Insured Party to a Hospital which is suitable for the treatment of the pathology, the Organizational Structure will: - Identify and reserve, taking into account the existing availability, the Hospital considered to be better equipped for the pathology of the Insured Party; - Organize the transportation of the Insured Party in an ambulance, without mileage limits. The means of transport will be entirely organized by the Organizational Structure, including medical or nursing assistance during the trip, if the doctors of the Organizational Structure deem it necessary. Europ Assistance will bear the relative costs. The service will be provided for sudden lack of necessary and suitable clinical tools for the treatment, by certification of the Chief Medical Officer of the concerned structure. The following are excluded from the service: - Illnesses or injuries which, in the opinion of the doctors of the Organizational Structure, can be treated within the Hospital of the Region of Residence; - Illnesses or injuries that cannot be cured within the Hospital of the Region of Residence due to structural and/or organizational deficiencies of the Hospital; - all cases in which transport involves violation of health regulations.