Treatment period Clausole campione

Treatment period. The treatment period (cycles) extends from the day of first treatment with cabozantinib and lanreotide to 4 weeks (28 days) until progression or unaccetable toxicity or consent withdraw. - Perform full physical examination - ECOG-PS - Record vital signs: blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, height (cm) and weight (kg) - Blood draw for hematology, chemistry and urine evaluations. Only for cycle 1 day 1, these examinations could be the same executed at baseline if performed within 7day prior to the start of study treatment, according to baseline and screening section (see section 5.6). - Record AEs, SAEs - Record concomitant medications/therapy - Drug accountability/dispensing - Perform full physical examination - ECOG-PS - Record vital signs: blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, height (cm) and weight (kg) - Blood draw for hematology, chemistry and urine evaluations (CBC, chemistries, Pregnancy test, Thyroid function test, Coagulation test, Urinanalysis) see appendix III. - Record AEs, SAEs - Record concomitant medications/therapy - Drug accountability/dispensing - Perform full physical examination - ECOG-PS - Record vital signs: blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, height (cm) and weight (kg) - Blood draw for hematology, chemistry and urinary evaluations (CBC, chemistries, Pregnancy test, Thyroid function test, Coagulation test, Urinanalysis) see appendix III. - Record AEs, SAEs - Record concomitant medications/therapy - Drug accountability/dispensing - Perform full physical examination - ECOG-PS - Record vital signs: blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, height (cm) and weight (kg) - Blood draw for hematology, chemistry and urine evaluations (CBC, chemistries, Pregnancy test, Thyroid function test, Coagulation test, Urinanalysis) see appendix III. - Other blood text including HbA1c, insulin, HDL/LDL-cholesterol, triglycerids B12- cianocobalamin, D-vitamin, PTH, Chromogranine A, NSE. (see appendix III). - Record AEs, SAEs - Record concomitant medications/therapy - Drug accountability/dispensing - A chest/abdominal/pelvic CT scan or MRI (time window for the scans is +/- 28 days). The same imaging modalities used at baseline have to be used for disease assessment. A subject who experiences radiological progression at CT scan can be discontinued. CT or MRI of the head must be conducted only in the presence or in the suspect of brain metastases. - Appropriate radiological ev...