Definizione di Failure to Deliver Settlement Price

Failure to Deliver Settlement Price means, in respect of any relevant Warrant or Unit, as the case may be, the fair market value of such Warrant or Unit, as the case may be (taking into account, the Relevant Assets comprising the Entitlement which have been duly delivered as provided above), less the cost to the Issuer and/or its Affiliates of unwinding any underlying related hedging arrangements, all as determined by the Issuer in its sole and absolute discretion, plus, if already paid, the Exercise Price (or, where as provided above some Relevant Assets have been delivered, and a pro rata portion thereof has been paid, such pro rata portion).
Failure to Deliver Settlement Price in respect of any relevant Certificate, shall be the fair market value of such Certificate (taking into account, the Relevant Assets comprising the Entitlement which have been duly delivered as provided above), less the cost to the Issuer and/or its Affiliates of unwinding any underlying related hedging arrangements, all as determined by the Issuer in its sole and absolute discretion.
Failure to Deliver Settlement Price is as defined in Condition 15.2(e); "FBF Agreement" is as defined in Condition 32(d)(ii);

Examples of Failure to Deliver Settlement Price in a sentence

  • Payment of the Guaranteed Cash Settlement Amount as the Failure to Deliver Settlement Price, as the case may be, will be made in such manner as shall be notified to the Holders in accordance with Condition 11.

  • Any payment of the Guaranteed Cash Settlement Amount or the Failure to Deliver Settlement Price, as the case may be, in respect of a Certificate shall constitute a complete discharge of BNPP's obligations in respect of such Certificate.

  • Payment of the Guaranteed Cash Settlement Amount as the Failure to Deliver Settlement Price, as the case may be, will be made in such manner as shall be notified to the Holders in accordance with Condition 10.

  • Any payment of the Guaranteed Cash Settlement Amount or the Failure to Deliver Settlement Price, as the case may be, in respect of a W&C Security shall constitute a complete discharge of the relevant Guarantor's obligations in respect of such W&C Security.

  • Any payment of the Guaranteed Cash Settlement Amount or the Failure to Deliver Settlement Price, as the case may be, in respect of a Security shall constitute a complete discharge of BNPP's obligations in respect of such Security.

  • Any payment of the Guaranteed Cash Settlement Amount or the Failure to Deliver Settlement Price, as the case may be, in respect of a Warrant shall constitute a complete discharge of BNPP's obligations in respect of such Warrant.

  • Payment of the Failure to Deliver Settlement Price will be made in such manner as shall be notified to the Securityholders in accordance with Condition 8.

  • Payment of the Guaranteed Cash Settlement Amount or the Failure to Deliver Settlement Price, as the case may be, will be made in such manner as shall be notified to the Holders in accordance with Condition 11.

  • Any payment of the Guaranteed Cash Settlement Amount or the Failure to Deliver Settlement Price, as the case may be, in respect of a Certificate shall constitute a complete discharge of BNPP’s obligations in respect of such Certificate.

More Definitions of Failure to Deliver Settlement Price

Failure to Deliver Settlement Price is as defined in Condition 15.2(e);
Failure to Deliver Settlement Price means, in respect of any relevant Security, or in the case of Warrants, if Units are specified in the applicable Final Terms, Unit, as the case may be, the fair market value of such Security or Unit, as the case may be (taking into account the Relevant Assets comprising the Entitlement which have been duly delivered as provided above), less the cost to the Issuer and/or its Affiliates of unwinding any underlying related hedging arrangements, all as determined by the Issuer in its sole and absolute discretion, plus, in the case of Warrants, if applicable and already paid, the Exercise Price (or, where as provided above some Relevant Assets have been delivered, and a pro rata portion thereof has been paid, such pro rata portion).

Related to Failure to Deliver Settlement Price

  • Early Termination Reference Price means, subject to any adjustment in accordance with Product Condition 4, an amount (which shall be deemed to be a monetary value in the Underlying Currency) as determined by or on behalf of the Calculation Agent to be the lowest level of the Index on the Termination Date; and

  • Reference Price (Final)" meanz the Reference Price on the Valuation Date; "Register" haz the meaning azcribed to it in Condition l.4;

  • Criteri di valutazione Lo studente dovrà mostrare di avere acquisito le seguenti competenze:

  • Valuta gli investimenti saranno principalmente denominati in euro; è consentito l'investimento in valute diverse dall'euro e privo di copertura del rischio di cambio.

  • Failure to connect electronically to the interview, on the established date and time, or late connection, even if due to force majeure, will be considered as a waiver of participation in the selection.

  • Exchange Business Day means any day that is (or, but for the occurrence of a Market Disruption Event, would have been) a trading day on the relevant Exchange other than a day on which the trading on such exchange is scheduled to close prior to its regular weekday closing time;

  • Certificato di assicurazione il documento, che può essere rilasciato dall’assicuratore, attestante la stipula del contratto di assicurazione.

  • Basket Not Applicable Business Day: As stated in Product Condition 1 Calculation Period: As stated in Product Condition 1 Cash Amount: The amount determined by the Calculation Agent in accordance with the following formula: (Final Reference Price - Current Strike Level) x Entitlement The Cash Amount shall be converted in the Settlement Currency at the prevailing Exchange Rate, if an Exchange Rate is applicable, and rounded to the nearest four decimal places in the Settlement Currency, 0.00005 being rounded upwards Certificate: Not Applicable Current Barrier Level: As stated in Product Condition 1 and rounded to the next two decimal places in the Underlying Currency, 0.005 being rounded upwards. The Current Barrier Level on the Launch Date shall be EUR 12.420 The Current Barrier Level will be published and forwarded to the relevant Exchanges/Clearing systems/Data vendors prior to 1.00 p.m. (Italian time) on the Exchange Business Day preceding the day when the Current Barrier Level becomes effective Current Premium: 8% Current Spread: 2%

  • Share for-Other" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.3; "Share-for-Share" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.3; "Spin-Off Event" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.1;

  • Data di Scadenza Data prevista come termine di efficacia delle coperture assicurative relative a ciascuna Adesione al Contratto ed a partire dalla quale cessano gli effetti delle stesse.

  • Controvalore delle quote l’importo ottenuto moltiplicando il Valore Unitario della Quota per il numero delle quote del Fondo Interno Assicurativo possedute dal Contraente a una determinata data.

  • Conclusione del Contratto momento in cui il Contraente riceve la comunicazione dell’accettazione della proposta da parte della Società. In assenza di tale comunicazione, è il giorno in cui il Contraente riceve il contratto sottoscritto dalla Società.

  • CRITERIO DI AGGIUDICAZIONE Offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa

  • Luogo di esecuzione si intende “l’intero territorio nazionale”; nello schema tipo 1.2

  • Data di Decorrenza la data a partire dalla quale la garanzia assicurativa ha effetto.

  • Modulo di Adesione il documento che firma l’Assicurato e che contiene i suoi dati anagrafici, l’importo del premio dallo stesso dovuto e la durata della Polizza.

  • FAC-SIMILE Gentile Cliente, il presente questionario ha lo scopo di acquisire, nel Suo interesse, informazioni necessarie a valutare l’adeguatezza del contratto che intende sottoscrivere alle Sue esigenze. Qualora Lei non intenda fornire tali informazioni, Le chiediamo gentilmente di sottoscrivere l’apposita “Dichiarazione di rifiuto di fornire le informazioni richieste”.

  • Codice del Consumo il D.Lgs. 6 settembre 2005, n. 206 e successive modifi- che e integrazioni.

  • Xxxxx Xxxxx il moltiplicatore da applicare al fatturato del Contraente attraverso cui determinare il Premio Definitivo;

  • Xxxx Xxxxx È la soluzione R.C.A. della Compagnia che, tramite dispositivi tecnologici e digitali (Vera Box e Vera Connect), implementa le prestazioni di Assistenza.


  • Early Termination Date Not Applicable Valuation Date: 8, or in respect of an Emerging Market Disruption Event only, 180 Issuer Call Date: 8, or in respect of an Emerging Market Disruption Event only, 180 Reset Date: As stated in Product Condition 1, on the 15th day of each calendar month Settlement Currency: EUR Settlement Date: Means (i) the sixth Business Day following the Termination Date if an Early Termination Event has occurred, (ii) the third Business Day following the Issuer Call Date if an Issuer Call has occurred and otherwise (iii) the third Business Day following the Valuation Date Redemption Date: Not Applicable Standard Currency: As stated in Product Condition 1 Underlying Currency: EUR Valuation Date(s): The Exercise Date Valuation Time: The time with reference to which the Index Sponsor calculates the "opening-auction price" of each Share that comprises the relevant Index on the Exchange Amendments to General Conditions and/or Product Conditions: Amendments to the Offering Procedure for the Securities: As specified in Additional Condition 1 Not Applicable ISIN: GB00B85WT870 Common Code: Not Applicable Fondscode: Not Applicable WKN: Not Applicable

  • Valutazione al metro quadrato - misurazione effettuata sulle dimensioni in luce per i serramenti interni e sulle dimensioni del foro architettonico in facciata per i serramenti esterni - tutto compreso. E.03.230.05 Spostamento di serramento esterno - escluso opere di ripristino murario mq 86,34 (Euro ottantasei/34 ) E.03.230.10 Spostamento di serramento esterno - compreso opere di ripristino murario mq 228,87 (Euro duecentoventotto/87 ) E.03.230.15 Spostamento di serramento interno - escluso opere di ripristino murario mq 76,76 (Euro settantasei/76 ) E.03.230.20 Spostamento di serramento interno - compreso opere di ripristino murario mq 179,73 (Euro centosettantanove/73 ) E.04 RIMOZIONE E SMALTIMENTO AMIANTO E.04.05 ANALISI, E SMALTIMENTO AMIANTO - IN LASTRE - TETTOIE Intervento di smaltimento di elementi di amianto in lastre per tettoie di qualsiasi tipo e dimensione, secondo le seguenti fasi lavorative: - esecuzione di tutte le analisi preventive di laboratorio sui materiali, necessaria prima dell'inizio di qualsiasi attività in loco; - stesura del piano di lavoro e smaltimento secondo quanto previsto dall'art. 256 della legge 81/08; - intervento di inertizzazione, raccolta, insaccamento in idonei contenitori e carico sugli automezzi preposti per il trasporto, compreso attività di incantieramento e scantieramento di tutti i presidi necessari e previsti nel predetto piano e di tutti gli oneri di trasporto al piano e viceversa di tutti i materiali e dei prodotti di risulta; - trasporto e scarico di tutto il materiale di risulta alle discariche autorizzate entro un raggio di km 200 dal cantiere. Il prezzo comprende e compensa tutto il materiale, i ponteggi di servizio non superiori ai ml. 4,00, le attrezzature e la mano d'opera necessari, le assistenze edili e specialistiche, gli oneri per lo smaltimento del materiale di risulta e quant'altro necessario per dare il lavoro finito a regola d'arte.

  • Xxxxx il pregiudizio subito dall’assicurato a seguito di un sinistro.

  • Documento di Sintesi il documento che riporta, in maniera personalizzata, le condizioni in vigore relative al Servizio, incluse quelle economiche, e più preci- samente il documento denominato per esteso “Documento di Sintesi - Conven- zionamento di operazioni di pagamento”.

  • Supporto durevole è ogni strumento che permetta al Fornitore e al Cliente finale di conservare le informazioni che gli sono personalmente indirizzate in modo da potervi accedere in futuro per un periodo di tempo adeguato alle finalità cui esse sono destinate e che permetta la riproduzione identica delle informazioni memorizzate; rientrano tra detti supporti, a titolo di esempio, documenti su carta, CD-ROM, DVD, schede di memoria o dischi rigidi del computer, messaggi di posta elettronica;