Definizione di Research programme description

Research programme description. Medical cyber-physical systems consist of heterogeneous components and are affected by uncertainty induced by the environment in which they are deployed.
Research programme description. The research program is aimed at advancing the knowledge of biobased functional coatings for sustainable food packaging applications. The work plan will pursue 3 main objectives:
Research programme description. As systems become ever more automated, there is a growing need to provide technical support to individuals performing inspection, repair a maintenance tasks on digital, mechanical, electrical, chemical and many other types of equipment. Such tasks require highly technical expertise that the technicians may not possess, and require them to contact experts (often remotely) to instruct and guide them to perform the task. Large Vision Model (LVM) technology has improved dramatically over the last year, and may now offer an opportunity automate some of this remote expert assistance. In this project we will investigate the extent to which remote assistance can be provided using multimodal dialog systems trained specifically to function well in Italian. The aim of the project will be to investigate, evaluate and extend Large Language Model (LLM) and Large Vision Model (LVM) technology for use in multi-modal technical support situations where a user is attempting to perform a complicated technical task, such as motor vehicle repair. Deliverables for the project will be (i) the production of research prototype multi-modal and multi-lingual chatbot technology that works demonstrably well in Italian contexts, along with (ii) the generation of reports and research articles describing the datasets and models. Activities that the Temporary Research Fellow will carry out, obligations of the Temporary Research Fellow and conditions : Project Activities:

More Definitions of Research programme description

Research programme description. As the world energy system evolves, the amount of electricity from variable-generation sources will increase, which could result in additional times when electricity demand is lower than available production and vice versa. Thus, technologies that traditionally have provided base-load electricity¿such as nuclear power plants¿can explore new operating procedures. Concurrently, innovations in nuclear reactor design coupled with sophisticated control systems now allow for more complex apportionment of heat and electricity within an integrated energy system. The main aim of the research program is to study i) the definition of new hybrid energy systems including nuclear reactors iii) dynamic simulation of the new concepts selected iii) Identification of the most suitable control strategy. The research program focuses on the identification of new hybrid systems with nuclear reactors following these steps: 1) development of new concepts and consequent new simulators, 2) identification of dynamic characteristics and new control strategies for nuclear reactors. Activities that the Temporary Research Fellow will carry out, obligations of the Temporary Research Fellow and conditions : The researcher will develop the following activities:
Research programme description. Development of an advanced end-effector for lifting and safe handling of graphite blocks used in graphite- moderated nuclear reactors, in the context of their decommissioning. The project includes detailed mechanical-structural design and engineering, with the aim of creating a functional and optimized hardware prototype to effectively manage materials in high safety conditions. The solution aims to ensure efficiency and reliability in the dismantling process, reducing risks to the environment and human health. The work program for the mechanical part aims to develop a prototype optimized for lifting and handling graphite blocks, with the aim of reaching TRL 6 status in 12 months. Activities that the Temporary Research Fellow will carry out, obligations of the Temporary Research Fellow and conditions :
Research programme description. La ricerca vuole identificare gli attributi informativi BIM per i prodotti della chimica delle costruzioni e strutturare le informazioni necessarie allo sviluppo di specifici applicativi informatici. Il campo di ricerca è specificatamene circoscritto agli aspetti materici delle strutture in conglomerato cementizio armato.
Research programme description. Literature survey on the recovery and valorisation of agrifood biomasses. Retrieval and treatment of biomass waste from the agro-food chain. Studies on biomass fractionation with innovative and sustainable methods. Characterization of the various fractions obtained. Identification and purification of products with high added value. The candidate will initially carry out a careful bibliographic survey on the state of the art concerning the valorisation and fractionation of waste biomass in the agri-food chain. Subsequently, he/she will obtain food waste biomasses in particular coming from the project partnership. Then he/she will develop innovative fractionation methods (eutectic solvents, microwaves, biotechnological processes, etc.) which can lead to the separation of products of interest in the perspective of sustainable recycling. The analytical characterization of both the starting biomass and the all recovered products will be an integral part of this work. Activities that the Temporary Research Fellow will carry out, obligations of the Temporary Research Fellow and conditions:
Research programme description. Literature survey on the recovery and valorisation of agrifood biomasses. Retrieval and treatment with sustainable technologies of biomass waste from the agro-food chain. Purification of fatty acids. Preparation of modiifed phospholipids with different acyl chains and polar heads in order to produce high value final products. The candidate will initially carry out a careful bibliographic survey on the state of the art concerning the valorisation and fractionation of waste biomasses in the agri-food chain. Subsequently, he/she will obtain food waste biomasses in particular coming from the project partnership. Then he/she will develop innovative fractionation methods (eutectic solvents, microwaves, biotechnological processes, etc.) which can lead to the separation of products of interest in the perspective of sustainable recycling. The analytical characterization of both the starting biomass and the all obtained products will be part of the work. Then, the candidate will set-up the synthesis of modified phospholipids using the extracts products. Activities that the Temporary Research Fellow will carry out, obligations of the Temporary Research Fellow and conditions :
Research programme description. The main aim of the research program, to be developed in the frame of the FASTEN research project (Grant Agreement 777096), is to constantly align user requirements in the aeronautics sector with an Industry 4.0 generic IT platform. The activity consists to support an aeronautics company in the adoption of the platform and implementation of an Industry 4.0 digital Transformation and to provide feedback to the platform development team. At the end of the 12 months, this research activity will materialize in updating the existing deliverable "Reference Architecture and System Specification" (WP3 of the project "Open Source Industrial IOT Platform") with new requirements coming from the aeronautic industrial case (WP6 of the project "The Embraer case experimentation"). Il programma di ricerca studierà in dettaglio la versione esistente delle specifiche della piattaforma software (M1), valuterà la sua adozione nel caso di studio industriale (M2-M6), effettuerà un'analisi dei risultati della sperimentazione in campo (M7-M10) e fornirà elementi nuovi per la redazione della nuova versione delle specifiche (M11-M12). Activities that the Temporary Research Fellow will carry out, obligations of the Temporary Research Fellow and conditions : L'assegnista svolgerà la sua attività in collaborazione con il responsabile del progetto per il Politecnico ed interagirà via meeting sia remoti sia fisici con altri partner, soprattutto l'industria aeronautica portoghese ed il responsabile della piattaforma informatica tedesco. To participate in the selection procedure, candidates are required to be in possession: Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) of the classes (LM-21) Biomedical engineering or (LM-31) Management engineering or (LM-33) Mechanical engineering or related degrees that are considered equated and equivalent ex lege or other possible qualifications that are considered equivalent ex lege to the corresponding degrees under the old educational system1 If the academic qualification/s mentioned above is/are/was/were obtained abroad, it/they must be the official qualification/s of the foreign university system, issued by an institution officially recognized in the foreign system of reference. With reference to the qualification mentioned in the previous paragraph, if obtained abroad, this must be equivalent, for the sole purpose of selection, by type, level and correspondence of study subject, to the related Italian qualification indicated above and it ca...
Research programme description. The main scope of the project is to address the theoretical challenges posed by the extension of the Finite Element Methods to polygonal and polyhedral grids, and to test their capabilities facing real problems problems such as wave propagation phenomena and fluid-structure interaction problems. A deeper theoretical insight, supported by a wider numerical experience on benchmark problems, will be developed to gain a better understanding of the method's potentials. The project deals with the development of finite element methods for the discretization of differential problems on computational grids made of polyhedral elements. A second part of the research will consist in the application of the developed methods in the context of wave propagation phenomena and fluid- structure interaction problems. Activities that the Temporary Research Fellow will carry out, obligations of the Temporary Research Fellow and conditions :