Research programme description. These are preliminary/definitive static and seismic verification activities of existing and new structures, as a part of the redevelopment project of the Centro Scolastico Omincomprensivo di Vimercate. Structural analysis of existing and new buildings. Assessment of seismic vulnerability of existing buildings. Seismic checks of new buildings. Drafting of descriptive and calculation reports and preparation of graphic documents. Activities that the Temporary Research Fellow will carry out, obligations of the Temporary Research Fellow and conditions : Structural analysis activities of existing and new buildings. Assessment of seismic vulnerability of existing buildings. Seismic checks of new buildings. Activities of participation in interdisciplinary work meetings. Preparation of descriptive and calculation reports and graphic elaborations. In order to participate to the selection procedure, candidates must possess a "Laurea Magistrale" (equivalent to Master of Science) of the classes (LM-23) Civil engineering or (LM-24) Construction engineering or related degrees that are considered equated and equivalent ex lege or other possible qualifications that are considered equivalent ex lege to the corresponding degrees under the old educational system1 If the academic qualification/s mentioned above is/are/was/were obtained abroad, it/they must be the official qualification/s of the foreign university system, issued by an institution officially recognized in the foreign system of reference. With reference to the Master of Science mentioned in the previous paragraph, if obtained abroad, this must be equivalent, for the sole purpose of selection, by type, level and correspondence of study subject, to the related Italian qualification indicated above and it can allow the access to a Ph.D. programme in Italy. Equivalence, as regards the correspondence of study subjects, will be notified by the Head of the Department where the research activity will be carried out. The Interministerial Decree 9.7.2009 relating to the equivalence between old university system degrees, laurea specialistica and laurea magistrale study 1 programmes, is made available at the following link: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/XxxxXxxxx/ The Interministerial Decrees that establish the equipollence of Italian academic qualifications applied to participation in public calls for application are available at the following link: xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxx/xxx/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx.xxxx If ...
Research programme description. The project is focused on the study of cold-formed steel members and also on the activities planned within the SARCOS project. In detail, those activities will be on both the assistance in planning the experimental tests to be carried out on composite steel-concrete slabs and on cold-formed components and the theoretical/numerical modelling by means of the use of specific sofwtare and non-linear models The researcher will work every day in the ABC department, in the dedicated rooms. Update meetings are scheduled at least twice a week. Activities that the Temporary Research Fellow will carry out, obligations of the Temporary Research Fellow and conditions : The planned activity will be experimental and numerical. The researcher will have to attend the experimental tests carried out on cold-formed steel members and on the steel-concrete composite slabs. Finally, the results will be replicate through the use of specific codes. In order to participate to the selection procedure, candidates must possess a "Laurea Magistrale" (equivalent to Master of Science) of the classes (LM-23) Civil engineering or (LM-24) Construction engineering or related degrees that are considered equated and equivalent ex lege or other possible qualifications that are considered equivalent ex lege to the corresponding degrees under the old educational system1 If the academic qualification/s mentioned above is/are/was/were obtained abroad, it/they must be the official qualification/s of the foreign university system, issued by an institution officially recognized in the foreign system of reference. With reference to the Master of Science mentioned in the previous paragraph, if obtained abroad, this must be equivalent, for the sole purpose of selection, by type, level and correspondence of study subject, to the related Italian qualification indicated above and it can allow the access to a Ph.D. programme in Italy. Equivalence, as regards the correspondence of study subjects, will be notified by the Head of the Department where the research activity will be carried out. The Interministerial Decree 9.7.2009 relating to the equivalence between old university system degrees, laurea specialistica and laurea magistrale study 1 programmes, is made available at the following link: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/XxxxXxxxx/ The Interministerial Decrees that establish the equipollence of Italian academic qualifications applied to participation in public calls for application are available at the follo...
Research programme description. La posizione intende recrutare un/una assegnista che si unisca al nostro progetto di ricerca incentrato sul "Trattamento fotocatalitico delle acque reflue utilizzando catalizzatori a singolo atomo". La posizione prevede la conduzione di studi scientifici per promuovere lo sviluppo di metodologie sostenibili di purificazione dell'acqua. Questa opportunità consente di partecipare attivamente a ricerche allavanguardia, contribuendo al progresso dei trattamenti fotocatalitici delle acque reflue. The candidate must focus solely on the research project, conducting experiments, presenting at scientific conferences, and publishing their results in top-tier scientific journals. Activities that the Temporary Research Fellow will carry out, obligations of the Temporary Research Fellow and conditions : The candidate will conduct catalysis experiments, which include the preparation of structured catalytic materials, their characterization, and testing in batch and continuous reactors. Additionally, the candidate will assist with research management tasks, literature reviews, and the development of scientific concepts for the research project. In order to participate to the selection procedure, candidates must possess a "Laurea Magistrale" (equivalent to Master of Science) of the classes (LM-22) Chemical engineering or (LM-54) Chemistry or (LM-71) Industrial chemistry or related degrees that are considered equated and equivalent ex lege or other possible qualifications that are considered equivalent ex lege to the corresponding degrees under the old educational system1 If the academic qualification/s mentioned above is/are/was/were obtained abroad, it/they must be the official qualification/s of the foreign university system, issued by an institution officially recognized in the foreign system of reference. With reference to the Master of Science mentioned in the previous paragraph, if obtained abroad, this must be equivalent, for the sole purpose of selection, by type, level and correspondence of study subject, to the related Italian qualification indicated above and it can allow the access to a Ph.D. programme in Italy. Equivalence, as regards the correspondence of study subjects, will be notified by the Head of the Department where the research activity will be carried out. The Interministerial Decree 9.7.2009 relating to the equivalence between old university system degrees, laurea specialistica and laurea magistrale study 1 programmes, is made available at the foll...
More Definitions of Research programme description
Research programme description. Pluronics, also known as poloxamers, are nonionic amphiphilic copolymers with a triblock structure containing poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO). Thanks to their unique properties, these synthetic polymers find many applications in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. In water, pluronics may exist as unimers, micelles, and other supramolecular structures, depending on concentration and temperature. Understanding the mechanisms underlying the transitions between these phases on the molecular scale is key to many applications. The first step of this investigation involves the characterization of the transport properties of individual pluronics molecules in dilute solutions. Within the present project, this goal will be addressed by means of molecular dynamics. The behavior of selected pluronic molecules will be investigated using full-atom molecular dynamics (MD). The aim is to characterize the behavior of single molecules in aqueous solutions, quantifying their transport properties, by performing simulations at different concentrations and temperatures. The research work will be carried out on Linux platforms, supported by highly parallel architectures. The calculations will be carried out on the computational resources dedicated to the 2022 PRIN project Non-equilibrium self-assembly of structured fluids: a multi-scale engineering problem (2022JJRH8H, CUP D53D23003620006). Additional CPU time will be requested via an ISCRA-C proposal submission at CINECA HPC facilities. Activities that the Temporary Research Fellow will carry out, obligations of the Temporary Research Fellow and conditions : The research activity will cover all the stages necessary to project development, from the generation of the input structures required for the calculations, to the analysis of the molecular dynamics trajectories. Simulation results will be thoroughly compared with the experimental results available in the literature for the selected compounds. The researcher will actively contribute to the goals identified in the 2022 PRIN project Non-equilibrium self-assembly of structured fluids: a multi-scale engineering problem (2022JJRH8H, CUP D53D23003620006). In order to participate to the selection procedure, candidates must possess a PhD and a "Laurea Magistrale" (equivalent to Master of Science) of the classes (LM-22) Chemical engineering or (LM- 53) Material engineering or related degrees that are considered equated and equivalent ex lege or other...
Research programme description. The research program will consist of the design, simulation, implementation and experimental characterization of a multi-channel module for X-ray spectrometers with high spatial and energy resolution and capable of operating at very high radiation fluxes (5x10^8 photons/s/mm^2). The module will be based on the use of compound semiconductor detectors (CdTe, CdZnTe) and on readout electronics (ASIC) with low noise, low power consumption and high response speed. The design and characterization of the ASIC will be an integral part of the research, together with the integration with the detector. The research program will be implemented at the Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuit Laboratory located in the Como Campus of the Polytechnic of Milan. Participation in conferences, seminars and meetings with other research and development groups from other Universities or Companies will be included. Activities that the Temporary Research Fellow will carry out, obligations of the Temporary Research Fellow and conditions : The research activity of the researcher will include all the study and development phases of the ASIC and the integrated detector-ASIC system, including the entire experimental characterization part. In order to participate to the selection procedure, candidates must possess a "Laurea Magistrale" (equivalent to Master of Science) of the classes (LM-17) Physics or (LM-29) Electronic engineering or related degrees that are considered equated and equivalent ex lege or other possible qualifications that are considered equivalent ex lege to the corresponding degrees under the old educational system1 If the academic qualification/s mentioned above is/are/was/were obtained abroad, it/they must be the official qualification/s of the foreign university system, issued by an institution officially recognized in the foreign system of reference. With reference to the Master of Science mentioned in the previous paragraph, if obtained abroad, this must be equivalent, for the sole purpose of selection, by type, level and correspondence of study subject, to the related Italian qualification indicated above and it can allow the access to a Ph.D. programme in Italy. Equivalence, as regards the correspondence of study subjects, will be notified by the Head of the Department where the research activity will be carried out. The Interministerial Decree 9.7.2009 relating to the equivalence between old university system degrees, laurea specialistica and laurea magistr...
Research programme description. Develop new technological approaches adapted to the warming climatic conditions and the higher intensity of extreme events for increasing the indoor and outdoor comfort in urban spaces and buildings, developing, and testing high-tech and low-tech solutions. Implementing pilot/frontline interventions for the adaptation of indoor and outdoor spaces (e.g. buildings, public open spaces, pedestrian alleys).In the context of MUSA - Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action - ECS00000037. Saranno sviluppate nuove tecniche per la progettazione, la visualizzazione, il controllo e la sperimentazione di tecnologie passive per il comfort estivo, come la ventilazione di comfort, la ventilazione notturna, la ventilazione ibrida, lo scambio radiativo col cielo, per migliorarle e adattarle alle nuove condizioni climatiche. Verranno inoltre sviluppati e testati Sistemi di Controllo Ambientale Personalizzati per tutto l'anno, in grado di fornire comfort in prossimità delle persone/lavoratori in alternativa/complemento al condizionamento di grandi volumi, ad esempio sistemi montati sulle scrivanie o integrati nelle sedie per fornire riscaldamento/raffreddamento e ventilazione. Activities that the Temporary Research Fellow will carry out, obligations of the Temporary Research Fellow and conditions : L'assegnista eseguirà simulazioni dinamiche di sistemi passivi e ibridi (combinazione di sistemi passivi e attivi) e sarà coinvolto nello sviluppo e nella sperimentazione di controlli avanzati. Inoltre, progetterà ed eseguirà misure di variabili ambientali e simultanee interviste sulla sensazione di comfort e soddisfazione degli occupanti di spazi interni ed esterni, in vari regimi di funzionamento. Verranno analizzate sperimentalmente le prestazioni di alcuni nuovi materiali per scambio radiativo verso il cielo. In order to participate to the selection procedure, candidates must possess a "Laurea Magistrale" (equivalent to Master of Science) of the classes (LM-17) Physics or (LM-24) Construction engineering or (LM-30) Energy and nuclear engineering or (LM-33) Mechanical engineering or related degrees that are considered equated and equivalent ex lege or other possible qualifications that are considered equivalent ex lege to the corresponding degrees under the old educational system1 If the academic qualification/s mentioned above is/are/was/were obtained abroad, it/they must be the official qualification/s of the foreign university system, issued by an institution officially recog...
Research programme description. Medical cyber-physical systems consist of heterogeneous components and are affected by uncertainty induced by the environment in which they are deployed.
Research programme description. The research activity is part of a project on the numerical simulation of fault reactivation and induced seismicity. The project aims at using advnced numerical methods such as the Virtual Element Method to simulate the multiphysics problem of subsurface flow, deformation, frictional contact and the wave propagation in a unified framework. Working in close collaboration with the other research units involved in the project, the candidate is expected to focus on the formulation of the frictional contact problem and the subsequent elastic wave propagation using VEM on non-standard grids cut by a fault. The ideal candidate has a knowledge of numerical methods for PDEs and, ideally, experience in the simulation of geological porous media flow and deformation and/or wave propagation in solids. The candidate will work at the Department of Mathematics of Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with researchers working on the project and with the other universities involved in the project. Within the research project FREYA - Fault REactivation: a hYbrid numerical Approach ,Prot. 2022MBY5JM, funded by the Ministry of University Component M4C2. From research to business I1.1 Fund for NRP and PRIN 2022. Activities that the Temporary Research Fellow will carry out, obligations of the Temporary Research Fellow and conditions : The candidate is expected to work on the developlent and application of numerical methods for the problem of frictional contact in poroelastic media and elastic waves propagation. In order to participate to the selection procedure, candidates must possess a "Laurea Magistrale" (equivalent to Master of Science) of the classes (LM-17) Physics or (LM-20) Aerospatial and astronautic engineering or (LM-30) Energy and nuclear engineering or (LM-33) Mechanical engineering or (LM-35) Environmental engineering or (LM-40) Mathematics or (LM-44) Mathematical modelling for engineering or related degrees that are considered equated and equivalent ex lege or other possible qualifications that are considered equivalent ex lege to the corresponding degrees under the old educational system1 If the academic qualification/s mentioned above is/are/was/were obtained abroad, it/they must be the official qualification/s of the foreign university system, issued by an institution officially recognized in the foreign system of reference. With reference to the Master of Science mentioned in the previous paragraph, if obtained abroad, this must be equivalent, for the sole pu...
Research programme description. The research program is aimed at advancing the knowledge of biobased functional coatings for sustainable food packaging applications. The work plan will pursue 3 main objectives:
Research programme description. As systems become ever more automated, there is a growing need to provide technical support to individuals performing inspection, repair a maintenance tasks on digital, mechanical, electrical, chemical and many other types of equipment. Such tasks require highly technical expertise that the technicians may not possess, and require them to contact experts (often remotely) to instruct and guide them to perform the task. Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology for text has improved dramatically over the last year, and may now offer an opportunity automate some of this remote expert assistance. In this project we will investigate the extent to which remote assistance can be provided using multimodal dialog systems trained specifically to function well in Italian. The research assistant will work on the task 4.5.2 NLP of the FAIR project. The aim of the project will be to investigate, evaluate and extend Large Language Model (LLM) and Large Vision Model (LVM) technology for use in multi-modal technical support situations where a user is attempting to perform a complicated technical task. Deliverables for the project will be (i) the collection of data points to build a corpus of multimodal support interactions with video and audio recordings of users being supported by experts to complete different tasks, (ii) the production of research prototype multi-modal and multi-lingual chatbot technology that works demonstrably well in Italian contexts, along with (iii) the generation of reports and research articles describing the datasets and models. Activities that the Temporary Research Fellow will carry out, obligations of the Temporary Research Fellow and conditions : Project Activities: