Selection Procedure Clausole campione

Selection Procedure. Candidates are selected by a comparative evaluation of their qualifications, academic and professional curriculum vitae, publications and an interview. Candidate applications shall be evaluated by a Selection Committee appointed by the Director of the Department; the Selection Committee shall comprise three members appointed among lecturers and researchers who are experts in the field of research, one of which, normally, shall be the Research Project Supervisor. The Selection Committee has 100 points to evaluate the candidates and they shall be awarded for: - qualifications point 30: degree, PhD, specialist diploma, certificates of attendance of advanced professional courses (awarded in Italy or abroad). When a Phd, foreign equivalent thereof, or, in related fields, specialist diploma in Medicine with suitable publications, are not compulsory admissions borse di studio o incarichi (sia in Italia che all’estero) pertinenti all’attività di ricerca oggetto del bando; - per la produttività scientifica punti 20: quantità e qualità delle pubblicazioni scientifiche, incluse le tesi di laurea magistrale/specialistica o di dottorato; - per il colloquio punti 30. La data del colloquio è fissata per il giorno 11/05/2021 alle ore 15:00 attraverso piattaforma Zoom, sarà cura della commissione inviare ai candidati il link di collegamento per sostenere il colloquio. L’assenza della candidata/del candidato alle prove sarà considerata come rinuncia alla selezione, qualunque ne sia la causa. Per sostenere il colloquio le candidate e i candidati dovranno esibire un documento di riconoscimento in corso di validità ai sensi della vigente normativa. Al termine dei lavori la Commissione formula una graduatoria provvisoria generale di merito sulla base della somma dei punteggi ottenuti dalle candidate e dai candidati nelle singole prove. Per l’inserimento nella graduatoria, le candidate e i candidati devono conseguire un punteggio complessivo non inferiore a 50. In caso di parità di merito la preferenza è determinata dalla minore età della candidata/del candidato. Gli atti della selezione e la relativa graduatoria generale di merito sono approvati con Decreto del Direttore della Struttura che verrà pubblicato all’Albo Ufficiale di Ateneo. requirements, preference will be given to candidates with these qualifications. - academic and professional curriculum vitae point 20: performance of documented research activity at public and private organizations with contracts, grants or appo...
Selection Procedure. Candidates are selected by a comparative evaluation of their qualifications, academic and professional curriculum vitae, publications and an reference letters. Candidate applications shall be evaluated by a Selection Committee appointed by the Director of the Department; the Selection Committee shall comprise three members appointed among lecturers and researchers who are experts in the field of research, one of which, normally, shall be the Research Project Supervisor. The Selection Committee has 100 points to evaluate the candidates and they shall be awarded for: - qualifications point 35: degree, PhD, specialist diploma, certificates of attendance of advanced professional courses (awarded in Italy or abroad). When a Phd, foreign equivalent thereof, or, in related fields, specialist diploma in Medicine with suitable publications, are not compulsory admissions requirements, preference will be given to candidates with these qualifications. - academic and professional curriculum vitae - per il curriculum scientifico-professionale punti 10: svolgimento di una documentata attività di ricerca presso soggetti pubblici e privati con contratti, borse di studio o incarichi (sia in Italia che all’estero) pertinenti all’attività di ricerca oggetto del bando; - per la produttività scientifica punti 25: quantità e qualità delle pubblicazioni scientifiche, incluse le tesi di laurea magistrale/specialistica o di dottorato; - per le lettere di referenza (max 2) punti 30. Al termine dei lavori la Commissione formula una graduatoria provvisoria generale di merito sulla base della somma dei punteggi ottenuti dalle candidate e dai candidati nelle singole prove. Per l’inserimento nella graduatoria, le candidate e i candidati devono conseguire un punteggio complessivo non inferiore a 50. In caso di parità di merito la preferenza è determinata dalla minore età della candidata/del candidato. Gli atti della selezione e la relativa graduatoria generale di merito sono approvati con Decreto del Direttore della Struttura che verrà pubblicato all’Albo Ufficiale di Ateneo.
Selection Procedure. The selection procedure will be based on merit in accordace with the following criteria:
Selection Procedure. The selection will be made considering candidate qualifications and experience. The first phase of the selection will be based on the examination of the CVs and Application Forms. The best candidates will be admitted to the final phase, which will consist of an interview. Candidates can send their CV and the EGO Application Form to be found here, to xxxx@xxx-xx.xx quoting the reference number of this vacancy notice.
Selection Procedure. Candidates are selected by a comparative xxxxx- xxxxx of their qualifications, academic and profes- sional experience, curriculum vitae, publications and research project. Applications shall be evalu- ated by a Selection Committee appointed by the - the Selection Committee will be the whole Com- missione Scientifica di Indirizzo (CSI) of the De- partment of Mathematics. If the number of appli- cations is too large, or if specific topics are not covered by the expertise of the members of the CSI or in presense of a conflict of interest, the Se- lection Committee can be integrated with some members of the Commissione Valutazione of the Departiment of Mathematics and the Commis- sione Scientifica d'Area. La Commissione di Selezione agirà in due fasi:
Selection Procedure. An interfaculty mobility Committee will evaluate the submitted applications and form a ranked list. Mobilities towards extra-EU countries can be assigned up to 20% of the Erasmus+ contribution received by the SNS. Once the limit is reached, funds will be distributed following the order of the ranked list to the applications towards EU destination until available. Points for the formation of the ranked list will be assigned according to the following criteria:
Selection Procedure. 1. The selection procedure carried out shall be based on the candidate's qualifications, curriculum vitae and research project. The examination board shall assign a maximum of 50 points. In order to select the 22 students for admission, a specific assessment chart is drawn up to award points to candidates as follows: • up to 20 points for the scientific valance and the quality of the research project submitted by the candidate; • up to 10 points for the candidate's qualifications and publications relevant to the topic area indicated in their application form; • up to 5 points for the candidate's degree mark; • up to 5 points for attendance of a Ph.D course. Where two or more candidates obtain the same score, the youngest candidate will be selected.
Selection Procedure. The selection will be made by the Temp Agency considering candidate qualifications and experience. Candidates can send their CV and the EGO Application Form (to be found here), to xxxx@xxx-xx.xx quoting the reference number of this vacancy notice.
Selection Procedure. 1. Selection of candidates is based on a joint comparative evaluation of the qualifications presented and an interview, together with a language test.