ACCOUNT (for use by Osaka Securities Exchange Co., Ltd.)
I/we have fully understood the explanation your company has given me/us regarding the features, system, working mechanism and other relevant matters of securities index futures trading (referring to the trading prescribed in Article 2, Paragraph 21, Item 2 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law (Law No. 25 of 1948; hereinafter referred to as the "Law") related to securities; the same shall apply hereinafter) and securities options trading (referring to the trading prescribed in Article 2, Paragraph 21, Item 3 of the Law related to securities; the same shall apply hereinafter) (hereinafter referred to as "Futures/Options Trading") conducted at the exchange financial instruments markets established by the Osaka Securities Exchange Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "OSE"), and I/we will entrust Futures/Options Trading to OSE’s Transaction Participants on my/our own judgment and responsibility. In setting up a Futures/Options Trading Account (hereinafter referred to as the "Account") with your company, I/we hereby agree to abide by the provisions relating to Futures/Options Trading contained in the Law, the laws and regulations, the Articles of Incorporation (Teikan), the Business Regulations (Gyomu Kitei), the Brokerage Agreement Standard (Jutaku Keiyaku Junsoku), the Transaction Participant Regulations (Torihiki Sannkasha Kitei), the Clearing and Settlement Regulations (Seisan Kessai Kitei), the Rules of Clearing Business (Gyomu Hohosho), the Rules regarding Margin and Transfer of Unsettled Transactions of Futures and Options Trading (hereinafter referred to as the "Margin Rules"), other regulations, the decisions and practices of OSE, and hereby further acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions provided in the following articles, and in witness whereof, submit this Agreement to your company. The terms used herein shall have the same meaning as the terms defined in the Articles of Incorporation, the Business Regulations, Brokerage Agreement Standards, the special provisions for such rules concerning Futures/Options Trading, the Transaction Participant Regulations (Torihiki Sannkasha Kitei), the Clearing and Settlement Regulations (Seisan Kessai Kitei), the Rules of Clearing Business (Gyomu Hohosho) and the Margin Rules of OSE.
第1条 私が今後貴社に対して行う先物・オプション取引のうち私が指定する取引
Article 1. (Management through the Account)
With respect to the Futures/Options Trading which I/we will hereafter
(1) 有価証券指数等先物取引に係る証拠金(取引証拠金及び委託証拠金を含む。以下この条において同じ。),計算上の損益金,決済に伴う損益金,その他授受する金銭
(2) 有価証券オプション取引に係る売付け又は買付けに係る取引代金,証拠金,有価証券オプション(有価証券オプション取引に係る権利をいう。以下同じ。)の行使(以下「権利行使」という。)に伴い授受する有価証券及び金銭(信用取引による売付け又は買付けが成立した場合を除く。),その他授受する金銭
conduct through your company, the following items shall be managed through the Account:
(1) Margin (including clearing margin and brokerage margin; the same shall apply hereinafter in this article), unrealized loss or profit, loss or profit at settlement, or other money payable or receivable concerning securities index futures trading; and
(2) Premiums for sales or purchases, margin money payable or receivable, securities deliverable or receivable and money payable or receivable upon exercise of securities options (referring to the right related to securities options trading; the same shall apply hereinafter), (hereinafter referred to as “exercise of right”) (except when the sale or purchase in a margin transaction is carried out) and other money payable or receivable concerning securities options trading.
第2条 証拠金は,私が貴社に対して負担する先物・オプション取引に係る債務の履行を確保することを目的とするものであること。
2 証拠金のうち取引証拠金は,貴社が大阪証券取引所に対して支払い若しくは引き渡すべき私の委託に基づく貴社の先物・オプション取引に係る債務の履行を確保すること及び私が貴社に対して負担する先物・オプション取引に係る債務の履行を確保することを目的とするものであること。
3 前項の規定にかかわらず,貴社が非清算参加者である場合には,証拠金のうち取引証拠金は,貴社の指定清算参加者が大阪証券取引所に対して支払い若しくは引き渡すべき私の委託に基づく貴社の指定清算参加者の先物・オプション取引に係る債務の履行,貴社が貴社の指定清算参加者に対して支払い若しくは引き渡すべき私の委託に基づく貴社の先物・オプション取引に係る債務の履行及び私が貴社に対して負担する先物・オプション取引に係る債務の履行を確保することを目的とするものであること。
Article 2. (Purpose of Margin)
The purpose of margin shall be to ensure my/our performance of obligations to your company relating to Futures/Options Trading.
2 The purpose of clearing margin, which is included in the margin, is to ensure your company's performance of obligations for payment or delivery to OSE by your company relating to Futures/Options Trading based on my order and to ensure my performance of obligations to your company relating to Futures/Options Trading.
3 Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if your company is a non-clearing participant, clearing margin, which is included in the margin, is intended to ensure the execution of your company’s designated clearing participant’s obligations for payment or delivery to OSE relating to Futures/Options Trading based on my/our order, to ensure your company’s obligations for payment or delivery to your company’s designated clearing participant relating to Futures/Options Trading based on my/our order, and my/our obligations to your company relating to Futures/Options Trading.
第3条 私がこの先物・オプション取引⇧座を通じて貴社に差し入れた証拠金(私の現金支払予定額に相当する額の金銭を除く。以下同じ。)は,貴社が保管するのではなく,私の代理人であるxx(貴社が非清算参加者である場合には,貴社及び貴社の指定清算参加者)が,私の委託に基づく未決済約定に係る取引証拠金としてそのまま大阪証券取引所に直接預託し,大阪証券取引所で保管されること。ただし,私が貴社に証拠金を差し入れた日から起算して4日目(大阪証券取引所が定める休業日を除く。)の日までの間は,貴社が取引証拠金としてこれを保管し,貴社自身が所有するこれに相当する金銭又は代用有価証券が差換預託されること
Article 3. (Clearing Margin and Brokerage Margin)
Margin (excluding the amount equivalent to the amount I am scheduled to pay; the same shall apply hereafter) deposited with your company by me/us through the Account shall not be kept by your company, but shall be directly deposited by your company (in the event that your company is a non-clearing participant, your company and your company’s designated clearing participants) acting as my/our agent with OSE as clearing margin concerning my/our unsettled transactions relating to my/our positions and shall be kept by OSE. Notwithstanding the foregoing, I/we
2 前項の規定にかかわらず,私が別に書面による同意をした場合は,私が差し入れ又は預託した証拠金の全部又は一部について,次の各号のいずれかに定める方法により,これに相当する金銭又は代用有価証券が差換預託されることがあり得ることについて異議のないこと。
(1) 私が預託した証拠金を貴社が委託証拠金として保管し,これに相当する貴社自身が所有する金銭又は代用有価証券が取引証拠金として大阪証券取引所に差換預託される方法
(2) 貴社が非清算参加者である場合において,私が預託した証拠金を貴社が委託証拠金として保管し,これに相当する貴社自身が所有する金銭又は代用有価証券が非清算参加者証拠金として貴社の指定清算参加者に預託され,当該非清算参加者証拠金に相当する貴社の指定清算参加者自身が所有する金銭又は代用有価証券が取引証拠金として大阪証券取引所に差換預託される方法
shall not object, for four (4) days (excluding holidays prescribed by OSE) from my/our deposit of the margin with your company, to your company keeping the margin as clearing margin and then depositing the equivalent amount of money or securities owned by your company with OSE in lieu of my/our margin.
2. Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, I/we shall not object, in the case where I/we agree separately in writing, to allow the amount of money or collateral securities equivalent to all or part of the margin deposited by me/us in the following manners:
(1) That your company keeps margin deposited by me/us as brokerage margin and that the money or collateral securities owned by your company that are equivalent to such margin are deposited to OSE as clearing margin in lieu of my/our margin;
(2) That the margin deposited by me/us is kept as brokerage margin, that the money and collateral securities owned by your company that are equivalent to such margin are deposited to your company’s designated clearing participant as margin of the non-clearing participant, and that the money or collateral securities owned by your company’s designated participant that are equivalent to such margin of the non-clearing participant are deposited to OSE as clearing margin in lieu of my/our margin, if your company is a non-clearing participant.
第4条 私は,貴社(xxが非清算参加者である場合には,貴社及び貴社の指定清算参加者)を代理人として大阪証券取引所に対する私の取引証拠金の預託及びその返戻を行うこと。
2 前項に定める代理は,以下を条件とすること。
(1) 私は,前項に定める代理人の解任をしないこと。
(2) 貴社に対し第17条第1項第1号又は第3号の事由により同条第1項に定める支払不能による売買停止等が行われた場合は,前項に定める貴社の代理権は消滅すること。
(3) 貴社が非清算参加者である場合において,貴社に対し,第17条第1項第2号又は第4号の事由により同条第1項に定める支払不能による売買停止等が行われたときは,前項に定める貴社の指定清算参加者の代理権は消滅すること。
3 私の取引証拠金の預託及びその返戻については,貴社(貴社が非清算参加者の場合には,貴社及び貴社の指定清算参加者)以外の者を代理人としないこと。
Article 4. (Agent)
I/we shall deposit my/our clearing margin with OSE and receive the return of the same through your company (in the event that your company is a non-clearing participant, your company and your company’s designated clearing participant) acting as my/our agent.
2 The agency as set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be subject to the following conditions:
(1) I/we shall not release the agent as set forth in the preceding paragraph.
(2) In the event of the suspension and others of your company's transactions due to insolvency prescribed in Article 17, Paragraph 1, as set forth in Item (1) or Item (3) hereof, the agency of your company as set forth in the preceding paragraph shall lapse.
(3) In the event that your company is a non-clearing participant, the suspension and others of your company's transactions due to insolvency prescribed in Article 17, Paragraph 1, as set forth in Item (2) or Item (4) thereof, the agency of your company’s designated clearing participant as set forth in the preceding paragraph shall lapse.
3 I/we shall not appoint a party other than your company(your company
and your company’s designated clearing participant, in the event that your company is a non-clearing participant)as my/our agent for the deposit and return of my/our clearing margin.
第5条 次の各号に掲げる取引証拠金及び委託証拠金に対する返還請求権は,私が貴社に対して負担する先物・オプション取引に係る債務のうち未履行部分に相当する額(以下「未履行債務額」という。)を控除した額に相当する部分について,私が有すること。
(1) 私が差し入れた取引証拠金が直接預託された場合
(2) 私が委託証拠金を預託し,取引証拠金が差換預託された場合(第3条第1項ただし書に規定する差換預託が行われた場合を含む。)
a 貴社の差換預託分の取引証拠金(清算参加者委託分の取引証拠金(差換預託分)又は非清算参加者委託分の取引証拠金(差換預託分)をいう。以下同じ。)として金銭が預託されている場合は,私が預託した委託証拠金に相当する額の金銭
b 貴社の差換預託分の取引証拠金として代用有価証券が預託されている場合は,当該代用有価証券のうち,私が預託した委託証拠金に相当する額の有価証券
2 前項の規定により,私が有する取引証拠金に対する返還請求権は,大阪証券取引所に対して私が直接行使することができず,私の代理人である貴社(貴社が非清算参加者の場合には,貴社及び貴社の指定清算参加者)を通じてのみ行使できること。
3 貴社が清算参加者である場合においては,第1項に規定する私の未履行債務額
4 貴社が非清算参加者である場合においては,第1項に規定する私の未履行債務額に相当する部分の取引証拠金に対する返還請求権は,貴社が貴社の指定清算参加者に対して支払い又は引き渡すべき私の委託に基づく先物・オプション取引に係る債務のうち未履行部分に相当する額を控除した部分について貴社が有し,当該未履行部分について貴社の指定清算参加者が有すること。
Article 5. (Claims for Return of Clearing Margin and Brokerage Margin)
I/we shall be able to claim the return of the following money or securities deposited as clearing margin and brokerage margin, after deducting the amount equivalent to my/our obligations to your company relating to Futures/Options Trading that have not been performed (hereinafter referred to as the "Unperformed Obligations").
(1) If the clearing margin deposited by me/us is directly deposited:
In the clearing margin (clearing margin entrusted to clearing participant (direct deposit) or clearing margin entrusted to a non-clearing participant (direct deposit), the same shall apply hereinafter) for direct deposit, the money equivalent to the amount deposited by me/us with OSE through your company (your company and your company’s designated clearing participant, in the event that your company is not a clearing-participant) acting as my/our agent or the securities deposited by me/us in lieu of money with OSE through your company (your company and your company’s designated clearing participant, in the event that your company is not a clearing-participant) acting as my/our agent.
(2) If I/we deposit the brokerage margin, which is replaced and deposited by the clearing margin (including the replacement deposit set forth in the proviso of Article 3, Paragraph 1):
The brokerage margin deposited by me/us (including the clearing margin deposited by me/us with your company in case of the replacement deposit set forth in the proviso of Article 3, Paragraph 1; the same shall be applied hereinafter in this item) and :
a. In the case where your company has deposited money as the clearing margin (clearing margin entrusted to clearing participant (replacement deposit) or clearing margin of the brokerage for a non-clearing participant (replacement deposit), the same shall apply hereinafter) for the replacement deposit, the money equivalent to the amount of the brokerage margin deposited by me/us; or
b. In the case where your company has deposited securities in lieu of money as the clearing margin for the replacement deposit, the securities equivalent to the amount of the brokerage margin deposited by me/us in such securities in lieu of money.
2. The claim owned by me/us against OSE for return of the clearing
margin in accordance with the preceding paragraph may not be exercised directly by me/us, but may only be exercised through your company (your company and your company’s designated clearing participant, in the event that your company is a non-clearing participant).
3. In the event that your company is a clearing participant, your company shall be able to claim the return of the clearing margin whose amount is equivalent to my Unperformed Obligations as set forth in Paragraph 1 (after deducting the amount equivalent to unperformed part of your company's obligations relating to Futures/Options Trading based on my order that should be paid or delivered to/from OSE by your company).
4. In the case where you are a non-clearing participant, your company owns, with regard to claims for return of the amount of clearing margin equivalent to my/our Unperformed Obligations stipulated in Paragraph 1 of this Article, the part of such claims after deducting the amount equivalent to my/our obligations to your company relating to Futures/Options Trading that have not been performed, and your company’s designated clearing participant owns the part of such unperformed obligations.
第6条 私が委託証拠金を預託し,取引証拠金が差換預託された場合(第3条第1項ただし書に規定する差換預託が行われた場合を含む。)は,次の各号に異議のないこと。
(1) 私が取引証拠金の全部又は一部の返還請求権を行使した場合には,私が預託した委託証拠金(第3条第1項ただし書に規定する差換預託が行われた場合における私が貴社に差し入れた取引証拠金を含む。次号において同じ。)が返還されること。
(2) 第3条第2項に規定する差換預託が行われた場合(同条第1項ただし書に規定する差換預託が行われた場合を含む。)において,私が委託証拠金の全部又は一部の返還を受けたときは,当該返還を受けた委託証拠金に相当する額の限度で,私の有する取引証拠金の返還請求権が貴社に移転すること。
Article 6. (Claims for Return of Clearing Margin for Replacement Deposit)
If I/we deposit the brokerage margin, which is replaced and deposited by the clearing margin (including the replacement deposit set forth in the proviso of Article 3, Paragraph 1), I/we shall not object to the following provisions:
(1) If I/we exercise claim for return of all or part of the clearing margin, the brokerage margin deposited by me/us (including the clearing margin deposited by me/us with your company in case of the replacement deposit set forth in the proviso of Article 3, Paragraph 1; the same shall be applied hereinafter in the next item) shall be returned to me/us; and
(2) In case of the replacement deposit set forth in Article 3, Paragraph 2 (including the replacement deposit as set forth in the proviso of Article 3, Paragraph 1), and when I/we receive the return of all or part of the brokerage margin, the claim owned by me/us for return of the clearing margin shall be transferred to your company within the amount of such return.
第7条 証拠金の差入れ又は預託を有価証券をもって代用する場合については,貴社は,大阪証券取引所の規則又は規則に基づく措置により定める範囲のうち貴社
Article 7. (Scope and Ratio of Securities Deposited in Lieu of Margin)
In the case where securities are deposited as margin in lieu of money, I/we shall not object to your company receiving such securities as long as it
2 前項の有価証券の代用価格の計算において,時価(大阪証券取引所の規則に基づき決定される時価)に乗ずべき率については,大阪証券取引所の規則又は規則に基づく措置により定める率を超えない率として貴社が設定する率とすることに異議のないこと。
is regulated in the OSE regulations or measures based thereon and acceptable to your company.
2 In calculating appraisal value of securities in the preceding paragraph, I/we shall not object that your company decides what ratio should multiply the market value (referring to the market value decided based on the OSE regulations); provided that such ratio does not exceed the ratio prescribed in the OSE regulations or measures based thereon.
第7条の2 過誤のある注文により先物・オプション取引が成立した場合において,大阪証券取引所が先物・オプション取引の取消しを行ったときは,その措置に従うこと。
2 天災地変その他のやむを得ない理由により大阪証券取引所のシステム上の取引記録が消失した場合において,大阪証券取引所が先物・オプション取引の取消しを行ったときは,その措置に従うこと。
3 私が貴社に委託した先物・オプション取引の取消しが行われた場合には,当該取り消された取引に係る私の貴社に対する権利及び義務は初めから発生しなかったものとされることに異議のないこと。
4 私は,大阪証券取引所が先物・オプション取引を取り消したことにより損害を被った場合においても,過誤のある注文を発注した取引参加者に対して,当該発注に際して故意又は重過失が認められる場合を除き,その損害の賠償を請求しないこと。
5 私は,大阪証券取引所が先物・オプション取引を取り消したことにより損害を被った場合においても,大阪証券取引所に対して,故意又は重過失が認められる場合を除き,その損害の賠償を請求しないこと。
Article 7-2. (Cancellation of Transactions)
In the case where Futures/Options Trading is effected through an erroneous order and OSE cancels such Futures/Options Trading, I/we shall follow that measure.
2. In the case where a trading record on the system of OSE is lost due to any act of God and/or other circumstance beyond its reasonable control and OSE cancels such Futures/Options Trading, I/we shall follow that measure.
3. In case where Futures/Options Trading I/we entrusted to your company is canceled, I/we shall not object that my/our right and obligation to your company related to such canceled trading are considered not to have existed from the beginning.
4. Even if I/we sustain a loss due to the Futures/Options Trading canceled by OSE, I/we shall not make any claim for the damages against a transaction participant who placed the erroneous order except in the case willful negligence or gross negligence is acknowledged in the erroneous order placement.
5. Even if I/we sustained a loss due to the Futures/Options Trading canceled by OSE, I/we shall not make any claim for damages against OSE, except the case willful negligence or gross negligence is acknowledged in the placement of the erroneous order.
第8条 有価証券オプション取引について,大阪証券取引所が定める方法により,貴社の顧客の委託に基づく建玉に対し権利行使の割当てが行われた場合において,貴社が貴社の定める方法により割当てを行うことに異議のないこと。
2 有価証券オプション取引について,私が権利行使日において次の各号に定める場合に該当する銘柄について権利行使を行わない旨を所定の時限までに貴社に指示しなかったときは,当該銘柄について権利行使の指示を行ったものとみなされることに異議のないこと。
(1) プットオプション(権利行使により当該権利行使をした者が売主としての地位を取得するものをいう。)については,権利行使価格が権利行使日のオプション清
Article 8. (Procedures in the Case of Assignment of Exercise of Options)
When an exercise of options in securities options trading is assigned to positions based on the instruction of your company’s customer in the manner prescribed by OSE, I/we shall not object to your company's assigning the same in the manner prescribed by your company.
2 In the event that, with regard to securities options trading, I/we fail to notify your company by the prescribed time on the exercise date to the effect that I/we will not exercise the options concerning issues falling under the provisions of the items as follows, I/we shall not object if it is deemed that
(2) コールオプション(権利行使により当該権利行使をした者が買主としての地位を取得するものをいう。)については,権利行使価格が権利行使日のオプション清算値段又はオプション清算数値を下回っている場合
I/we have given an instruction to exercise the options concerning such issues:
(1) For a put option (referring to an option enabling a person who exercises the right to obtain the position as a seller), the strike price exceeds the option settlement price or the option settlement index on the exercise day.
(2) For a call option (referring to an option enabling a person who exercises the right to obtain the position as a buyer), the strike price falls below the option settlement price or the option settlement index on the exercise day.
第9条 大阪証券取引所が,天災地変,経済事情の激変,品不足その他やむを得ない理由に基づいて,先物・オプション取引に係る決済物件,権利行使期間,権利行使日又は最終決済期日の変更等の決済条件の変更を行った場合には,その措置に従うこと。
Article 9. (Change in the Conditions of Settlement)
In the event that OSE makes any change in the conditions of settlement, such as deliverable assets, exercise period of the option, exercise date of the options or final settlement date, due to a natural disaster, a drastic change in overall economic conditions, a shortage in deliverable assets or other unavoidable reason, I/we shall comply with such change.
第10条 大阪証券取引所が,有価証券指数等先物取引における最終決済期日前に特別清算数値に誤りがあると認められた場合において,最終清算数値の変更を行ったときは,その措置に従うこと。
2 大阪証券取引所が,有価証券オプション取引における権利行使に係る決済の日の前日までにオプション清算値段又は特別清算数値に誤りがあると認められた場合において,オプション清算値段又はオプション清算数値の変更を行ったときは,その措置に従うこと。
3 私が,先物・オプション取引において,当該先物・オプション取引に係る有価証券に基づき算出される指数(以下「有価証券指数」という。)の算出若しくは配信の不能,遅延若しくは誤り又は最終清算数値,オプション清算値段若しくはオプション清算数値の変更により損害を被った場合においても,貴社,大阪証券取引所,有価証券指数の算出者(当該算出者から有価証券指数の算出に関して業務の委託を受けた者を含む。)及び大阪証券取引所が最終清算数値,オプション清算値段又はオプション清算数値の算定等のために指定する他の取引所金融商品市場を開設する金融商品取引所に対してその損害の賠償を請求しないこと。ただし,貴社又は大阪証券取引所に故意又は重大なる過失がある場合にあっては,当該故意又は重大なる過失がある者に対する請求はこの限りではない。
4 私が,貴社との間で行う有価証券オプション取引に関し,当該有価証券オプションが大阪証券取引所において上場廃止となった場合又は取引の停止となった場合の処理については,大阪証券取引所の定める方法により処理されても異議のないこと。
Article 10. (Change in the Index for Final Settlement, etc.)
In the event that OSE, prior to the final settlement date for securities index futures trading, finds any error in the special settlement index and changes the relevant final settlement index, I/we shall comply with such change.
2. In the event that OSE, prior to the settlement date with respect to the exercise of an option in securities options trading, finds any error in the option settlement price or special settlement index and changes its relevant option settlement price or option settlement index, I/we shall comply with such change.
3. Even if I/we sustain a loss in Futures/Options Trading due to an inability to compute or disseminate an index calculated based on securities related to the Futures/Options Trading (hereinafter referred to as “securities index”) , or due to a delay in dissemination, or an error in a computed index, or a change in the final settlement index or option settlement price, or option settlement index, I/we shall not make any claim for damages against your company, OSE, the calculator (including an agent entrusted with the calculation of a securities index by such calculator), and financial instruments exchange who operates other exchange financial instruments markets OSE designates to compute, etc. the final settlement index, option settlement price or option settlement index.
4. If the securities option trading which is traded by me/us through your company is delisted or suspended from trading, I/we shall not object to such
securities option being disposed of in accordance with the manner prescribed by XXX.
第11条 私について次の各号の事由のいずれかが生じた場合には,貴社から通知,催告等がなくても貴社に対する先物・オプション取引に係る債務について当然期限の利益を失い,直ちに債務を弁済すること。
(1) 支払いの停止又は破産手続開始,再生手続開始,会社更生手続開始,若しくは特別清算開始の申立てがあったとき。
(2) 手形交換所の取引停止処分を受けたとき。
(3) 私の貴社に対する先物・オプション取引に係る債権又はその他一切の債権のいずれかについて仮差押,保全差押又は差押の命令,通知が発送されたとき。
(4) 私の貴社に対する先物・オプション取引に係る債務について差し入れている担保の目的物について差押又は競売手続の開始があったとき。
(5) 外国の法令に基づく前各号のいずれかに相当又は類する事由に該当したとき。
(6) 住所変更の届出を怠るなど私の責めに帰すべき事由によって,貴社に私の所在が不明となったとき。
2 次の各号の事由のいずれかが生じた場合には,貴社の請求によって貴社に対する先物・オプション取引に係る債務の期限の利益を失い,直ちに債務を弁済すること。
(1) 私の貴社に対する先物・オプション取引に係る債務又はその他一切の債務のいずれかについて一部でも履行を遅滞したとき。
(2) 私の貴社に対する債務(先物・オプション取引に係る債務を除く。)について差し入れている担保の目的物について差押又は競売手続の開始(外国の法令に基づくこれらのいずれかに相当又は類する事由に該当した場合を含む。)があったとき。
(3) 私が貴社との本約諾又はその他一切の取引約定のいずれかに違反したとき。
(4) 前3号のほか債権保全を必要とする相当の事由が生じたとき。
Article 11. (Acceleration of Performance of Obligations)
Upon the occurrence of any of the following events with regards to me/us, the obligations which I/we owe your company in relation to Futures/Options Trading shall automatically become due and payable without any notification from, demand by or any other similar action on the part of your company, and I/we shall perform such obligations immediately:
(1) If I/we suspend payment, or a petition for bankruptcy procedure, rehabilitation procedure, corporate reorganization procedure, or special liquidation is filed against me/us;
(2) If the Clearing House takes any procedure to suspend my/our bank transactions;
(3) If an order or a notice of provisional attachment, preservative attachment or attachment on any part of the claims relating to Futures/Options Trading or other claims of mine/ours against your company is sent;
(4) If a procedure for attachment or auction of a collateral for the obligations which I/we owe your company relating to Futures/Options Trading is begun;
(5) If any event under foreign laws and regulations equivalent or similar to any of the preceding items occurs to me/us; or
(6) If my/our whereabouts become unknown to your company due to reasons attributable to me/us, such as neglecting to notify a change of my/our address.
2. Upon the occurrence of any of the following events to me/us and upon your company's request, all obligations which I/we owe your company in relation to Futures/Options Trading shall immediately become due and payable, and I/we shall perform such obligations immediately:
(1) If I/we delay the performance of all or part of the obligations which I/we owe your company in relation to Futures/Options Trading or other obligations which I owe to your company;
(2) If procedures for attachment or auction of a collateral (including procedures under foreign laws and regulations which are equivalent or similar thereto) for the obligations which I/we owe your company (except for obligations relating to the Futures/Options Trading) are begun;
(3) If I/we fail to comply with any of the provisions in this agreement or other agreements on any transactions with your company; or
(4) Other than the events set forth in the foregoing items, when there arises a reasonable and probable cause which necessitates the preservation of
your company's claims.
(期限の利益を喪失した場合等における先物・オプション取引の転売又は買戻し等)第12条 私が前条第1項各号のいずれかに該当したときは,私が貴社に設定した先物・オプション取引⇧座を通じて処理されるすべての先物・オプション取引につ
2 私が前条第2項第1号に掲げる債務のうち,先物・オプション取引に係る債務について一部でも履行を遅滞したときは,大阪証券取引所の規則により,当該遅滞に係る先物・オプション取引を決済するために必要な転売又は買戻し等を,私の計算において貴社が任意に行うことに異議のないこと。
3 私が前条第2項各号のいずれかに該当したときは,貴社の請求により,貴社の指定する日時までに,私が貴社に設定した先物・オプション取引⇧座を通じて処理されるすべての先物・オプション取引を決済するために必要な転売又は買戻し等を,貴社に委託して行うこと(前項の規定により貴社が転売又は買戻し等を行う場合を除く。)。
4 前項の日時までに,私が転売又は買戻し等の委託を行わないときは,貴社が任意に,私の計算においてそれを決済するために必要な転売又は買戻し等を行うことに異議のないこと。
5 前各項の転売又は買戻し等を行った結果,損失が生じた場合には,貴社に対して,その額に相当する金銭を直ちに支払うこと。
Article 12. (Resale, Repurchase, etc. in Futures/Options Trading in Case of Acceleration, etc.)
In the case that any of the events set forth in the items described in Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article occurs to me/us, I/we shall not object if your company, at its discretion and for and on my/our account, carries out any resale, repurchase, final settlement or exercise of options or enters into any agreement concerning the purchase or sale of securities which shall be carried out by the exercise of an option relating to any Futures/Options Trading (including the entrustment of these actions; hereinafter referred to as the "Resale, Repurchase, etc."), which may be necessary for settlement of any Futures/Options Trading made by me/us through the Account with your company,.
2. In the event that relating to Futures/Options Trading I/we delay the performance of any of my/our obligations set forth in Paragraph 2, Item (1) of the preceding Article, I/we shall not object if your company, at its discretion and for and on my/our account, carries out any Resale, Repurchase, etc. which may be necessary for the settlement of any Futures/Options Trading relating to such delay in accordance with the rules of OSE.
3. In the case that any of the events set forth in the items described in Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article occurs to me/us, I/we shall, upon your company's request and by the date and time designated by your company, carries out with any Resale, Repurchase, Etc. which may be necessary for the settlement of any Futures/Options Trading through my/our Account with your company (except for the case where your company carries out the Resale, Repurchase, etc. in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph) .
4. In the event that I/we fail to carry out any Resale, Repurchase, etc. through my/our Account with your company by the date set forth in the preceding paragraph, I/we shall not object if your company, at its option and for and on my/our account, carries out any Resale, Repurchase, etc. which may be necessary for the settlement of Futures/Options Trading.
5. In the event that any loss is incurred due to the Resale, Repurchase, etc. set forth in the preceding paragraphs in the Article, I/we shall immediately pay your company the amount equivalent to such loss.
(貴社に増担保等措置が実施された場合の措置) Article 12-2. (Measures in case your company is required to increase
第12条の2 貴社(貴社が非清算参加者である場合には,貴社の指定清算参加者)について,大阪証券取引所が私の委託に基づく先物・オプション取引に関して増担保等措置(業務方法書第28条第3項第1号に規定する措置のうち取引証拠金に係るものをいう。以下同じ。)を実施した場合において,貴社が当該措置に従うために必要な範囲内で私に対して次の各号に掲げる措置を行うことに異議のないこと。
(1) 証拠金の差入れ又は預託を有価証券をもって代用する場合における貴社が受け入れる銘柄の制限
(2) 証拠金の差入れ又は預託を有価証券をもって代用する場合の代用価格の計算における時価に乗ずべき率の引下げ
(3) 証拠金の額の引上げ
the margin of deposit)
In case OSE applies a measure against your company (in case your company is a non-clearing participant, it shall be your company’s designated clearing participant) to increase the margin of deposit for Futures/Options Trading based on my/our entrustment (referring to the measure which is prescribed in Rule 28, Paragraph 3, Item 1 of Rules of Clearing Business; the same shall apply hereinafter), I/we shall not object if your company takes the measures prescribed below against me/us to follow the above measure.
(1) Limitation on issues of securities which can be accepted by your company in case the margin is deposited by securities in lieu of cash;
(2) Reduction of the ratio which multiplies the market value to calculate the appraisal price in case the margin is deposited by securities in lieu of cash;
(3) Raise of margin amount.
第12条の3 私が正当な理由なく前条の増担保等措置に従わないことによって,大阪証券取引所が貴社に対して業務方法書第28条第4項に基づきポジション保有状況の改善指示(以下「改善指示」という。)を行った場合であって,私の先物・オプション取引の委託が当該改善指示の事由と密接な関係を有している場合には,貴社が,私の委託に基づく未決済約定について,転売又は買戻し等又は貴社以外の取引参加者への引継ぎを要請することがあり得ることに異議のないこと。
2 前項の要請があった場合において,私が貴社以外の取引参加者に当該未決済約定の引継ぎ(以下「建玉の移管」という。)を希望するときは,私が当該取引参加者に対して,建玉の移管について申し込み,その承諾を受けなければならないことに異議のないこと。
3 私が前項の貴社以外の取引参加者の承諾を受けた場合において,私がその旨を貴社に通知したときは,貴社は,大阪証券取引所の定めるところにより,建玉の移管について,大阪証券取引所の承認を求めること。
4 前項の大阪証券取引所の承認又は否認があった場合には,貴社は,その旨を私に連絡すること。
Article 12-3. (Positions transfer in case an Instruction for Improvement has been issued to your company regarding the positions condition)
In case I/we do not follow the measure of increasing the margin of deposit prescribed in the preceding Article without reasonable cause and OSE has issued an instruction to your company to improve the positions condition based on Rule 28, Paragraph 4 of the Rules of Clearing Business (hereinafter referred to as “Instruction for Improvement”), I/we shall not object if your company may request to resell or repurchase unsettled transactions based on my/our entrustment or to transfer those unsettled transactions to a transaction participant other than your company in case my/our entrustment of Futures/Options Trading has a close relationship with the cause of the Instruction for Improvement.
2. In case the request in the preceding paragraph is made and I/we desire to transfer those unsettled transactions to a transaction participant other than your company (hereinafter referred to as “Positions Transfer”), I/we shall not object to apply for Positions Transfer to the transaction participant and obtain its approval.
3 If I/we obtain the approval from the transaction participant other than your company prescribed in the preceding paragraph and inform your company of it, your company shall request OSE’s approval for Positions Transfer in accordance with the OSE regulations.
4. Your company shall inform me/us of the approval or disapproval of OSE in the preceding paragraph.
第12条の4 貴社(貴社が非清算参加者である場合には,貴社の指定清算参加者)が,改善指示を受けた場合であって,私の先物・オプション取引の委託が当該改善指示の事由と密接な関係を有している場合には,前条のほか,貴社(貴社が非清算参加者である場合には,貴社の指定清算参加者を含む。)が,他の方法により当該改善指示に適合するべく合理的な努力を行ってもなお当該改善指示に適合できないときは,私が貴社に設定した先物・オプション取引⇧座を通じて処理されるすべての先物・オプション取引につき,私の計算において,それを決済するために必要な転売又は買戻し等を合理的に必要と認められる範囲内で行うことに異議のないこと。
2 貴社が,私に対して,あらかじめ,前項の転売又は買戻し等を自ら行うことを合理的な猶予期間を定めて要請したにもかかわらず,私がこれらを正当な理由なく行わなかったときに限り,貴社は,同項の規定に基づき,同項の転売又は買戻し等を行うことができること。
3 第1項の転売又は買戻し等を行った結果,私が損害を被った場合であっても,貴社及び大阪証券取引所(貴社が非清算参加者である場合には,貴社,貴社の指定清算参加者及び大阪証券取引所)に対してその損害の賠償を請求しないこと。ただし,貴社,貴社の指定清算参加者又は大阪証券取引所に故意又は重大なる過失がある場合にあっては,当該故意又は重大なる過失がある者に対する請求はこの限りではない。
Article 12-4. (Resale or repurchase, etc. of Futures/Options Trading in case an Instruction for Improvement has been issued to your company)
In case your company (in case your company is a non-clearing participant, it shall be your company’s designated clearing participant) received an Instruction for Improvement and my/our entrustment of Futures/Options Trading has a close relationship to the cause of the Instruction for Improvement, I/we shall not object if all Futures/Options Trading is resold/repurchased for the purpose of settlement on my/our own account through the Account I set up with your company, as long as it is deemed reasonable, after it is found out that your company (including your company’s designated clearing participant in case your company is a non-clearing participant) can not meet the Instruction for Improvement in the method of the preceding Article or the other method, even though your company made a reasonable effort.
2. Only in case, even though your company requested me/us in advance to conduct resale or repurchase of the preceding paragraph within a reasonable grace period, I did not conduct the resale or repurchase without reasonable cause, your company may conduct the resale or repurchase in the same paragraph based on the provision of the same paragraph.
3. As a result of conducting the resale or repurchase in the Paragraph 1, I/we shall not claim for the damage against your company and OSE (in case your company is a non-clearing participant, your company, your company’s designated clearing participant and OSE). However, in case willful negligence or gross negligence of your company, your company’s designated clearing participant or OSE has proved to be the cause of the damage, this shall not apply to imposing charges to the person who has committed such willful negligence or gross negligence.
第13条 私が先物・オプション取引に関し,貴社に対し負担する債務を所定の時限までに履行しないときは,通知,催告を行わず,かつ,法律上の手続によらないで,次の各号に掲げるものを,私の計算において,その方法,時期,場所,価格等は貴社の任意で処分し,その取得金から諸費用を差し引いた残額を法定の順序にかかわらず債務の弁済に充当されても異議なく,また当該弁済充当を行った結果,残債務がある場合は直ちに弁済を行うこと。
(1) 私が差し入れた代用有価証券が取引証拠金として直接預託された場合には,大阪証券取引所に預託されている代用有価証券
(2) 私が委託証拠金として預託した代用有価証券
Article 13. (Disposal of Clearing Margin, etc.)
In the event that I/we fail to perform by the prescribed date and time any of the obligations which I/we owe your company relating to Futures/Options Trading, I/we shall not object to your company, at its discretion and for and on my/our account, disposing of the securities and other assets set forth in the following items, in such a manner, at such time and place, for such price and on such other terms as may be determined by your company, without any notification from, demand by your company, and without following the procedures under the laws, applies the proceeds (after deducting expenses) of such disposal to the payment of any of my/our
(3) その他金融商品取引に関し,貴社が占有し,又は社債,株式等の振替に関する法律(平成13年法律第75号)に基づく⇧座に記録している私の有価証券及びその他の動産
obligations, regardless of the legal priority of such obligations; and in the event that any obligation remains unsatisfied after the abovementioned application of the proceeds, I/we agree to immediately satisfy the same:
(1) In the case where the securities deposited in lieu of money by me/us is directly deposited with OSE as clearing margin, the securities deposited in lieu of money with OSE;
(2) The securities deposited in lieu of money by me/us as brokerage margin; and
(3) Other securities or other movable properties owned by me/us and possessed by your company or recorded in your company’s account based on the Xxx xx Xxxxxxxx xx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx, xxx. (Xxx Xx. 00 xx 0000) relating to any other financial instruments transaction.
第14条 期限の到来,期限の利益の喪失その他の事由によって,貴社に対する債務を履行しなければならない場合には,その債務と私の貴社に対する先物・オプション取引に係る債権その他一切の債権とを,その債権の期限のいかんにかかわらず,いつでも貴社は相殺することができること。
2 前項の相殺ができる場合には,貴社は事前の通知及び所定の手続を省略し,私に代わり諸預け金の払戻しを受け,債務の弁済に充当することもできること。
3 前2項によって差引計算をする場合,債権債務の利息,損害金等の計算については,その期間を計算実行の日までとし,債権債務の利率については貴社の定める利率によるものとし,先物・オプション取引に係る貴社に対する債務の遅延損害金の率については,大阪証券取引所の定める率によるものとし,貴社に対するその他の債務の遅延損害金の率については,貴社の定める率によるものとする。
Article 14. (Calculation in Case of Setoff)
When I/we have to perform obligations to your company due to the expiration of the term, acceleration, or other reasons, your company may set off such obligation against your company's obligations to me/us, including those relating to Futures/Options Trading, regardless of the remaining term of such obligations.
2. If the setoff set forth in the preceding paragraph is available, your company may, on behalf of me/us, receive the return of the deposits and apply it to the performance of the obligations I/we owe your company, without giving me/us prior notice and without following the prescribed procedures.
3. In the event that obligations are to be set off in accordance with the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, in calculating the period for interest and overdue interest on the obligations, the period shall be the period ending on the date of calculation, and interest on the obligation shall be calculated by using the rate prescribed by your company; overdue interest of the obligations I/we owe your company relating to Futures/Options Trading shall be calculated by using the rate prescribed by OSE; and overdue interest concerning other obligations I/we owe your company shall be calculated by using the rate prescribed by your company.
第15条 債務の弁済又は前条の差引計算を行う場合,私の債務の全額を消滅させるのに足りないときは,貴社が適当と認める順序方法により充当することができること。
Article 15. (Order of Appropriation in Payment)
If payments made by me/us or setoffs set forth in the preceding Article made by your company are insufficient to discharge all of my/our obligations, your company may appropriate such payments or such setoffs to satisfy my/our obligations in such order as your company deems proper.
第16条 私が先物・オプション取引に関し,貴社に対する債務の履行を怠ったときは,貴社の請求により,貴社に対し履行期日の翌日より履行の日まで,大阪証券取引所の定める率による遅延損害金を支払うことに異議のないこと。
Article 16. (Payment of Overdue Interest)
In the event that I/we fail to perform any of the obligations I/we owe your company relating to Futures/Options Trading, I/we shall not object, upon request by your company, to pay your company overdue interest at the rate prescribed by OSE for the period from the day following the due date to the date of actual performance.
第17条 次の各号のいずれかの事由により,大阪証券取引所の取引参加者規程の規定に基づき貴社の有価証券の売買等(有価証券等清算取次ぎによるものを除く。)又は有価証券等清算取次ぎの委託の停止(以下「支払不能による売買停止等」という。)が行われ,大阪証券取引所が貴社の顧客の委託に基づく未決済約定(取引最終日までに転売又は買戻しを行わなかった未決済約定を除く。)について引継ぎ又は転売若しくは買戻し又は権利行使(これらの委託を含む。以下同じ。)を行わせることとした場合において,私が貴社以外の大阪証券取引所が指定する取引参加者に当該未決済約定の引継ぎ(以下「売買停止等時の建玉の移管」という。)を行おうとするときは,大阪証券取引所の定めるところにより,私が当該取引参加者のうち一の者に当該売買停止等時の建玉の移管について申し込み,大阪証券取引所が定める日時までにその承諾を受けなければならないことに異議のないこと。
(1) 貴社が支払不能となり又はそのおそれがあると認められたことその他特に必
(2) 貴社が非清算参加者である場合において,貴社の指定清算参加者が支払不能となり又はそのおそれがあると認められたことその他特に必要があると認められたこと。
(3) 貴社が改善指示に違反したこと。
(4) 貴社の指定清算参加者が改善指示に違反したこと。
2 前項の売買停止等時の建玉の移管を行う場合には,私が移管先の取引参加者(以下「売買停止等時の移管先取引参加者」という。)に先物・オプション取引⇧座を設定しなければならないこと。
3 第1項の場合において,私が私の委託に基づく未決済約定の転売若しくは買戻し又は権利行使を希望するときは,大阪証券取引所の定めるところにより,大阪証券取引所が定める日時までに,貴社に対しその旨を指示しなければならないことに異議のないこと。
4 第1項の場合において,大阪証券取引所が定める日時までに,私が第1項の承諾を受けておらず,かつ,前項の指示を行わなかったときは,私の委託に基づく未決済約定は,大阪証券取引所の定めるところにより,私の計算において任意に転売若しくは買戻し又は権利行使が行われることに異議のないこと。
Article 17. (Transfer of Positions in the Event of Suspension and others of Transactions due to Insolvency)
In the event of falling under any of the following items, your company's transactions of securities (excluding transactions made by an agency firm of clearing for securities and others) or the entrustment by an agency firm of clearing for securities and others are suspended in accordance with the provisions of Rules For Transaction Participants of OSE (hereinafter referred to as "Suspension and others of Transactions due to Insolvency"), and OSE decides to have the unsettled transactions relating to customers’ positions (except for unsettled transactions for which Resale, Repurchase, etc. was not carried out by the last day of trading) transferred, resold or repurchased, or to have options in connection with such positions exercised (including the entrustment of these actions; the same shall apply hereinafter); and when I/we wish to transfer my/our position from your company to one of transaction participants designated by OSE (hereinafter referred to as the "Transfer of Positions in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions "), I/we shall not object to being required to make a request to and obtain consent from such a transaction participant with respect to the Transfer of Positions in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions in accordance with the rules of OSE and by the date and time fixed by XXX.
(1) That your company becomes or is deemed likely to become insolvent, or in the case where it is deemed necessary in particular;
(2) That the clearing participant your company designates becomes insolvent or is deemed likely to become insolvent, or in the case where it is deemed necessary in particular, if you are a non-clearing participant.
(3) That your company violated the Instruction for Improvement.
(4) That your company’s designated clearing participant violated the Instruction for Improvement.
2. In the event that the Transfer of Positions in the Event of the
5 前各項の規定にかかわらず,私が,次の各号(第1項第1号の事由に該当していない場合は,第2号を除く。)のいずれかに該当した場合は,私の委託に基づく未決済約定は,大阪証券取引所の定めるところにより,私の計算において任意に転売若しくは買戻し又は権利行使が行われることに異議のないこと。
(1) 私が支払不能による売買停止等の前に,第11条に定めるところにより期限の利益を失ったとき。
(2) 私が貴社の子会社・親会社であり,かつ,大阪証券取引所により売買停止等時の建玉の移管を行うことが適当でないと認められたとき。
3. In the case of Paragraph 1 above, if I/we wish to resell or repurchase the unsettled transactions or exercise options related to my/our positions, I/we shall not object to being required to give instructions to that effect to your company in accordance with the provisions prescribed by OSE by the date and time fixed by OSE.
4. In the case of Paragraph 1 above, if I/we do not obtain the consent set forth in Paragraph 1 and do not give the instructions as set forth in the preceding paragraph by the date and time fixed by OSE, I/we shall not object if, with respect to the unsettled transactions relating to my/our customers’ positions, resale or repurchase is carried out or options are exercised at your company’s discretion for and on my/our account in accordance with the provisions prescribed by OSE.
5. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraphs in this Article, in the event of any of the following items (excluding (2), in the case where I/we do not fall within Item (1) of Paragraph 1 of this Article) occur to me/us, I/we shall not object if, with respect to unsettled transactions relating to my/our customers’ positions, resale or repurchase is carried out or options are exercised at your company’s discretion for and on my/our account in accordance with the provisions prescribed by OSE:
(1) If the due date of the obligations is accelerated, in accordance with the provision of Article 11 hereof before the Suspension and others of Transactions due to Insolvency; or
(2) If I/we am/are a subsidiary or parent company of your company and OSE deems it inappropriate to carry out the Transfer of Positions in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions.
第18条 貴社について支払不能による売買停止等が行われた場合において,私が委託証拠金を預託し,取引証拠金が差換預託されていたとき(第3条第1項ただし書に規定する差換預託が行われていたときを含む。)は,次の各号に掲げる取扱いが行われることに異議のないこと。
(1) 代用有価証券が大阪証券取引所に預託されていたときは,大阪証券取引所が当該代用有価証券の全部又は一部を換金して,金銭により返還することがあり得ること。この場合において,私と大阪証券取引所との間に委任契約が成立していたものとみなされること。
Article 18. (Treatment of Deposited Margin in Case of Replacement Deposit)
If your company is subject to the Suspension and others of Transactions due to Insolvency and I/we deposit the brokerage margin, which is replaced and deposited by the clearing margin (including the replacement deposit set forth in the proviso of Article 3, Paragraph 1), I/we shall not object to the application of the following items:
(1) If securities were deposited with OSE in lieu of money, OSE may liquidate all or part of such securities and return the proceeds. In this
(2) 第5条第1項第2号の規定にかかわらず,次のa又はbのいずれか小さい方の額につき,私の未履行債務額を控除した額に相当する部分について,私が取引証拠金の返還請求権を有すること。
a 私が預託した委託証拠金に相当する額(第3条第1項ただし書に規定する差換預託が行われた場合における私が貴社に差し入れた取引証拠金を含む。次のbにおいて同じ。)
b 貴社が大阪証券取引所に預託している差換預託分の取引証拠金(前号の規定により大阪証券取引所が換金した場合は,差換預託分の取引証拠金として預託している金銭及び当該換金に係る有価証券以外の有価証券並びに当該換金の後の金銭の額から当該換金に要した費用を差し引いた額の金銭)を,私を含む貴社の各顧客が貴社に預託した委託証拠金に相当する額に応じてあん分した額
2 前項の場合において,私の有する返還請求権は,大阪証券取引所が同項第1号に規定する換金及び各顧客の返還請求権の額の計算につき要する相当の期間を経過するまではこれを行使し得ず,また大阪証券取引所が相当の注意をもってなした返還請求権の額の決定に従うものであること。
case, the brokerage agreement shall be deemed concluded between me/us and OSE;
(2) Notwithstanding the provision of Article 5, Paragraph 1, Item (2) hereof, I/we shall have a claim for return of the clearing margin for the portion equivalent to the amount less my Unperformed Obligations in the lesser amount of a. or b. which follows:
a. The amount of brokerage margin deposited by me/us (including the clearing margin deposited by me/us with your company in case of the replacement deposit set forth in the proviso of Article 3, Paragraph 1; the same shall be applied hereinafter in the following item (b)); or
b. The amount obtained by apportioning the clearing margin deposited by your company for the replacement deposit (in the event OSE liquidates the margin according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the amount of money after deducting the expenses required for the liquidation from the sum of the money deposited as clearing margin for the replacement deposit, the securities other than those subject to the liquidation, and the proceeds of the liquidation) in proportion to the amount of brokerage margin of the respective customers of your company (including me/us).
2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, I/we shall not exercise the claim for return until reasonable time passes for OSE to liquidate the securities as set forth in Item (1) of the preceding paragraph and to calculate the amount of claim for return by each customer, and I/we shall agree to the amount of claim for return that OSE decided with reasonable care.
第19条 第17条第1項の売買停止等時の建玉の移管が行われた場合には,次の各号に掲げる取扱いが行われることに異議のないこと。
(1) 私が差し入れた取引証拠金が直接預託されていたときは,売買停止等時の移管先取引参加者(売買停止等時の移管先取引参加者が非清算参加者である場合には,当該売買停止等時の移管先取引参加者及びその指定清算参加者)を代理人として取引証拠金を預託していたものとみなされること。
(2) 私が委託証拠金を預託し,取引証拠金が差換預託されていたとき(第3条第1項ただし書に規定する差換預託が行われていたときを含む。)は,前条第1項第2号の規定により私が返還請求権を有する額について,売買停止等時の移管先取引参加者(売買停止等時の移管先取引参加者が非清算参加者である場合には,当該売買停止等時の移管先取引参加者及びその指定清算参加者)を代理人として取引証拠金を預託していたものとみなされること。
(3) 第5条第1項に定める取引証拠金返還請求権は,同条第2項の規定にかかわらず,代理人たる売買停止等時の移管先取引参加者(売買停止等時の移管先取引参
Article 19. (Handling of Deposited Margin Relating to Transfer of Positions in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions)
In the event that the Transfer of Positions in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions set forth in Article 17, Paragraph 1 hereof is carried out, I/we shall not object to the application of the following items:
(1) If the clearing margin deposited by me/us is directly deposited, the amount equivalent to such clearing margin shall be deemed to have been deposited through the Transferee in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions (or Transferee in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions and the clearing participant designated by such Transferee, in the case where the Transferee in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions is a non-clearing participant) acting as my/our agent;
(2) If I/we deposit the brokerage margin, which is replaced and deposited by the clearing margin (including the replacement deposit set forth in the proviso of Article 3, Paragraph 1), the amount of my/our claim for return set forth in the preceding Article, Paragraph 1, Item (2) hereof shall be deemed to have been deposited through the Transferee in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions (or Transferee in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions and the clearing participant designated by the Transferee, in the case where the Transferee is a non-clearing participant in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions) acting as my/our agent.
(3) Notwithstanding the provision of Article 5, Paragraph 2 hereof, the claim for return of clearing margin set forth in Article 5, Paragraph 1 hereof may only be exercised through the Transferee in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions (or Transferee in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions and the clearing participant designated by the Transferee, in the case where the Transferee in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions is a non-clearing participant) acting as my/our agent.
第20条 第17条第1項の売買停止等時の建玉の移管が行われた場合において,私が委託証拠金を預託し,取引証拠金が差換預託されていたとき(第3条第1項ただし書に規定する差換預託が行われていたときを含む。)は,次の各号に掲げる取扱いが行われることに異議のないこと。
(1) 私が貴社に預託した委託証拠金(第3条第1項ただし書に規定する差換預託が行われた場合における私が貴社に差し入れた取引証拠金を含む。以下この条において同じ。)の返還を売買停止等時の移管先取引参加者(売買停止等時の移管先取引参加者が非清算参加者である場合には,当該売買停止等時の移管先取引参加者及びその指定清算参加者)に求めることはできないこと。
(2) 前条第3号の規定により取引証拠金返還請求権を行使した場合は,第6条第1号の規定にかかわらず,前条第2号の規定により取引証拠金として預託していたものとみなされる額に相当する額の金銭の返還がなされること。この場合において,当該金額を限度として,私の委託証拠金の返還請求権が消滅すること。
(3) 私が前号の規定により取引証拠金の返還を受ける前に,貴社(貴社が非清算参加者である場合には,貴社又は貴社の指定清算参加者)から委託証拠金の全部又は一部の返還を受けた場合は,その限度で,私が有する第5条第1項に定める取引証拠金返還請求権が貴社(貴社が非清算参加者である場合には,貴社又は貴社の指定清算参加者)に移転すること。
Article 20. (Special Provisions in Case of Replacement Deposit)
In the event that the Transfer of Positions in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions set forth in Article 17, Paragraph 1 hereof is carried out, and I/we deposit the brokerage margin, which is replaced and deposited by the clearing margin (including the replacement deposit set forth in the proviso of Article 3, Paragraph 1), I/we shall not object to the application of the following items:
(1) I/we may not claim return of the brokerage margin deposited with your company by me/us (including the clearing margin deposited by me/us with your company in case of the replacement deposited set forth in the proviso of Article 3, Paragraph 1; the same shall apply hereinafter in this Rule) against the Transferee in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions (or Transferee in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions and the clearing participant designated by the Transferee, in the case where the Transferee in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions is a non-clearing participant);
(2) Notwithstanding the provision of Article 6, Item (1) hereof, in the event that a claim for return of the clearing margin is exercised in accordance with the preceding Article, Item (3), such return shall be conducted in the form of money equivalent to the amount of the clearing margin which is deemed to have been deposited in accordance with the provisions of the
preceding Article, Item (2) hereof. In such a case, a claim for return of my/our brokerage margin shall lapse to the extent of the amount of return; and
(3) In the event that I/we receive all or part of the brokerage margin from your company before I/we receive the return of the clearing margin in accordance with the provision of the preceding item, my/our claim for return of the clearing margin set forth in Article 5, Paragraph 1 hereof shall be transferred to your company (or your company or the clearing participant designated by your company, in the case where your company is a non-clearing participant) to the extent of the amount returned by your company.
第21条 貴社について支払不能による売買停止等が行われ,大阪証券取引所が顧客の委託に基づく未決済約定について引継ぎ又は転売若しくは買戻し又は権利行使を行わせることとした場合(私の委託に基づく未決済約定について第17条第1項の売買停止等時の建玉の移管が行われた場合を除く。)には,第5条の規定にかかわらず,次の各号に掲げる取扱いが行われることに異議のないこと。
(1) 私が差し入れた取引証拠金が直接預託されていたときは,第5条第1項第1号に掲げる金銭又は代用有価証券につき,大阪証券取引所の定めるところにより,大阪証券取引所に対して直接返還請求が行えること。
(2) 私が委託証拠金を預託し,取引証拠金が差換預託されていたとき(第3条第1項ただし書に規定する差換預託が行われていたときを含む。)は,第18条第1項第
(3) 私が前号の規定により取引証拠金の返還を受ける前に,貴社(貴社が非清算参加者である場合には,貴社又は貴社の指定清算参加者)から委託証拠金の全部又は一部の返還を受けた場合は,その限度で,私が有する前号に定める取引証拠金返還請求権が貴社(貴社が非清算参加者である場合には,貴社又は貴社の指定清算参加者)に移転すること。
Article 21. (Handling of Deposited Margin in the Case that the Transfer of Positions in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions is not Carried Out)
Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5 hereof, if your company is subject to the Suspension and others of Transactions due to Insolvency and OSE decides to have the unsettled transactions relating to your customers’ positions transferred, resold or repurchased or to have options in connection with such position exercised (except for the case where the unsettled transactions of your customers’ positions are subject to the Transfer of Positions in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions set forth in Article 17, Paragraph 1 hereof), I/we shall not object to the application of the following items:
(1) If the clearing margin deposited by me/us is directly deposited, I/we may claim directly against OSE the return of the money or securities in lieu of money set forth in Article 5, Paragraph 1, Item (1) hereof, in accordance with the provisions prescribed by XXX.
(2) If I/we deposit the brokerage margin, which is replaced and deposited by the clearing margin (including the replacement deposit set forth in the proviso of Article 3, Paragraph 1), I/we may claim directly against OSE the return of the money equivalent to the amount of my/our claim set forth in Article 18, Paragraph 1, Item (2) hereof, in accordance with provisions prescribed by OSE. In such a case, a claim for return of the brokerage margin (including the clearing margin deposited by me/us with your company in case of the replacement deposit set forth in the proviso of Article 3, Paragraph 1; the same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph) against your company shall lapse to the extent of the amount of the return; and
(3) In the event that I receive all or part of the brokerage margin from your
company (or your company or the clearing participant designated by your company, in the case where your company is a non-clearing participant) before I/we receive the return of the clearing margin in accordance with the provision of the preceding item, my/our claim for return of the clearing margin set forth in the preceding item shall be transferred to your company to the extent of the amount returned by your company (or your company or the clearing participant designated by your company, in the case where your company is a non-clearing participant).
第22条 貴社について支払不能による売買停止等が行われた場合において,この約諾書に定める取扱いその他の大阪証券取引所の定める規則に基づき行われる取扱いにより,私が損害を被った場合であっても,売買停止等時の移管先取引参加者及び大阪証券取引所(貴社が非清算参加者である場合には,貴社の指定清算参加者,売買停止等時の移管先取引参加者及び大阪証券取引所)に対してその損害の賠償を請求しないこと。ただし,貴社の指定清算参加者,移管先取引参加者又は大阪証券取引所に故意又は重大なる過失がある場合にあっては,当該故意又は重大なる過失がある者に対する請求はこの限りではない。
Article 22. (Claim in the Case of the Suspension and others of Transactions due to Insolvency)
Even if I/we sustain damages, in the case where your company is subject to the Suspension and others of Transactions due to Insolvency, due to the treatment set forth in this Agreement for Setting Up Futures/Options Trading Account or other rules prescribed by OSE (or the clearing participant your company designates, the Transferee in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions and OSE in the case where your company is a non-clearing participant), I/we shall not claim compensation for such damages against the Transferee in the Event of the Suspension and others of Transactions or XXX. However, in case, willful negligence or gross negligence of your company’s designated clearing participant, transferee transaction participant or OSE has proved to be the cause of the damages, this shall not apply to imposing charges to the person who has committed such willful negligence or gross negligence.
第23条 私が大阪証券取引所及び貴社(貴社が非清算参加者である場合には,貴社,貴社の指定清算参加者及び大阪証券取引所)に対して有する債権は,これを他に譲渡又は質入れしないこと。
Article 23. (Non-assignability of Claims)
I/we shall not assign or pledge in claims which I/we have against OSE and your company (your company,, your designated clearing participant, and OSE in the case where your company is a non-clearing participant).
第24条 私が先物・オプション取引に関し,貴社に証拠金として差し入れ又は預託する金銭又は代用有価証券には,利息その他の対価をつけないこと。
Article 24. (Interest or Other Consideration on Margin)
No interest or other consideration shall accrue on the money or securities in lieu of money deposited by me/us with your company as margin with respect to any Futures/Options Trading.
第25条 貴社への先物・オプション取引の委託は,貴社が定めた取扱時間内に行う
Article 25. (Business Hours)
I/we shall conduct Futures/Options Trading through your company
こと。 during the operation hours as specified by your company.
(報 告)
第26条 第11条第1項各号及び同条第2項各号のいずれかの事由が生じた場合には,貴社に対し直ちに書面をもってその旨の報告をすること。
Article 26. (Report)
In the case that any of the events set forth in Article 11, Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 hereof occurs, I/we shall immediately report to that effect to your company in writing.
第27条 貴社に届け出た氏名若しくは名称,印章若しくは署名鑑又は住所若しくは事務所の所在地その他の事項に変更があったときは,貴社に対し直ちに書面をもってその旨の届出をすること。
Article 27. (Notice of Changes in Reported Matters)
I/we shall immediately give notice to your company in writing whenever any change in my/our name or trade name, seal, signature (shomei kan), address or location of offices or any other matter reported to your company occurs.
第28条 私は,貴社が日本国の法令又は大阪証券取引所の定款若しくは業務方法書等の規則等に基づき要求される場合には,私に係る先物・オプション取引の内容その他を,日本国の政府機関又は大阪証券取引所等宛に報告することに異議のないこと。この場合,私は,貴社の指示に応じて,かかる報告書その他の書類(電磁的記録を含む。次項において同じ。)の作成に協力すること。
2 前項の規定に基づき行われたかかる報告書その他の書類の作成及び提供に関して発生した一切の損害については,貴社は免責されること。
Article 28. (Preparation and Submission of Reports, etc.)
I/we shall not object to your company reporting the matters in connection with Futures/Options Trading carried out by me/us to the governmental authorities of Japan or OSE, etc., if it is required under the laws of Japan or the OSE’s Articles of Incorporation or Rules of Clearing Business , etc. In such a case, I/we shall cooperate with your company in the preparation of such reports, and other documents (including records in an electronic format; the same shall apply to the following paragraph.) under the direction of your company.
2. Your company shall not be liable for any damages caused in relation to the preparation or offering of the reports and other documents conducted in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph.
第29条 天災地変等の不可抗力その他正当な事由により,私の請求に係る取引証拠金又は委託証拠金等の返還が遅延した場合に生じた損害については,貴社及び大阪証券取引所(貴社が非清算参加者である場合には,貴社,貴社の指定清算参加者及び大阪証券取引所)がその責めを負わないこと。
2 前項の事由による取引証拠金又は委託証拠金等の紛失,滅失,き損等の損害についても貴社及び大阪証券取引所(貴社が非清算参加者である場合には,貴社,貴社の指定清算参加者及び大阪証券取引所)がその責めを負わないこと。
3 貴社が,諸届その他の書類に使用された印影又は署名を届出の印鑑又は署名鑑と相当の注意をもって照合し,相違ないものと認めて取り扱ったうえは,それらの書類につき偽造,変造その他の事故があっても,そのために生じた損害につい
Article 29. (Immunity from Liability)
Your company and OSE (or your company, the clearing participant your company designates and OSE, in the case where you are a non-clearing participant) shall not be liable for any damages caused by a delay in the return of clearing margin or brokerage margin, etc. claimed by me/us, due to force majeure, such as a natural disaster and other justifiable reasons.
2. Your company and OSE (or your company, the clearing participant your company designates and OSE, in the case where you are a non-clearing participant) shall not be liable for any damages on clearing margin or brokerage margin, etc., such as loss or mutilation, due to the reasons set forth in the preceding paragraph.
4 大阪証券取引所における先物・オプション取引の立会時間内であるにもかかわらず,貴社の取扱時間外であるために,貴社に対して先物・オプション取引の委託ができないことにより生じた損害については,貴社がその責めを負わないこと。
5 証拠金所要額の計算の不能,遅延若しくは誤り又は変更によって生じた損害については,貴社,大阪証券取引所並びに証拠金計算方法の開発者及び提供者がその責めを負わないこと。
3. If your company collates the seal or signature used in various reports or other documents with the registered seal impression or signature with due diligence, and deems such seal or signature to be genuine, your company shall not be liable for any damages caused by forgery, alteration or other accidents concerning such documents.
4. Your company shall not be liable for any damages caused by my/our not being able to conduct Futures/Options Trading through your company outside of your company's operating hours even through the trade request may have been made during the futures/options trading hours at OSE.
5. Your company, OSE, the margin calculation algorithm developer and provider shall not be liable for any damages caused by any inability, delay, mistake or amendment when calculating margin requirements.
第30条 私が貴社に届け出た住所又は事務所にあて,貴社又は大阪証券取引所によりなされた先物・オプション取引に関する諸通知が,転居,不在その他私の責めに帰すべき事由により延着し,又は到着しなかった場合においては,通常到達すべき時に到達したものとすること。
Article 30. (Effect of Notice)
In the event that a notice of any kind with respect to Futures/Options Trading by your company or OSE addressed to my/our reported address or office location is delayed or does not arrive due to my/our change of address or location, absence or any other reason attributable to me/us, it shall be deemed to have arrived at the time when it should usually have arrived.
第31条 本約諾は,日本国の法律により支配され,解釈されるものとすること。
Article 31. (Applicable Law)
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan and construed in accordance therewith.
第32条 私と貴社との間の先物・オプション取引に関する訴訟については,貴社本店又は 支店の所在地を管轄する裁判所のうちから貴社が管轄裁判所を指定することができること。
Article 32. (Agreed Jurisdiction)
With respect to any legal action arising in connection with Futures/Options Trading between your company and me/us, your company shall have the right to designate a court having jurisdiction over such legal action from the courts having jurisdiction over the place where the head office or branch of your company is located.
第33条 貴社は,その用いる電磁的方法(電子情報処理組織を使用する方法その他の情報通信の技術を利用する方法であって金融商品取引業等に関する内閣府令第 57条の3に定める方法と同様の方法をいう。以下同じ。)の種類及び内容を提示し,私の書面又は電磁的方法による承諾を得た場合には,第3条第2項,第26条及び第27条に規定する書面(印章又は署名鑑の変更に係るものを除く。)の受入れに代えて,電磁的方法により,当該書面によるべき同意を得ること若しくは報告又は届出を受けることができること。この場合において,貴社は私から当該書面によるべき同意を得たもの若しくは報告又は届出を受けたものとみなされること。
2 私が,前項の規定による承諾をした後に,書面又は電磁的方法により,電磁的方法による同意,報告又は届出を行わない旨の申出をした場合(私が再び前項の規定による承諾をした場合を除く。)は,貴社は,前項の規定に基づき電磁的方法により受けることができることとした書面によるべき同意を得ないこと若しくは報告又は届出を受けないこと。
Article 33. (Electronic Transfer of Document)
1. Your company may obtain a consent, receive reports, or be deemed to have got filed by an electronic means (or a means of using computer information processing system and other means of using other information dissemination technology, both of which are prescribed in Article 57-3 of Cabinet Order relating to financial instruments business, or the means of the same kind; the same shall apply hereinafter) that was supposed to be obtained in writing and may receive reports or notifications electronically instead of receiving the document prescribed in Article 3, Paragraph 2, Article 26 and Article 27 (excluding the document for the change of a seal or signature), if your company offers the type and the content of the electronic means your company is to use, and your company obtained my approval in writing or electronically.
2. Your company does not obtain a consent, receive reports, or get filed by an electronic means, if I/we make an offer of not obtaining a consent, receiving reports or filing documents by an electronic means after getting an approval under the preceding paragraph (except the case your company obtains my/our approval again under the preceding paragraph).
第33条の2 この約諾書において,有価証券とは,法第2条第1項に規定する有価証券及び同条第2項の規定により当該有価証券とみなされる権利をいうこと。
Article 33-2. (Securities)
The term "securities" as used in this Agreement shall mean securities prescribed in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Law and rights deemed as such Securities under Article 2, Paragraph 2 thereof.
第34条 私が取次者である場合は,私は申込者に対して大阪証券取引所の諸規則を遵守させることとし,大阪証券取引所から要請があるときは,私の取次業務に関する資料を貴社を通じて又は直接大阪証券取引所に提出すること。
2 私が取次者である場合は,次の各号に掲げる事項について貴社に対して通知すること。
(1) 私が貴社に委託した先物・オプション取引が申込者の委託に基づくものである場合は,その旨
(2) 前号の場合において,私が貴社に差し入れ又は預託する証拠金について,私が申込者から差入れを受けた取引証拠金若しくは委託証拠金又は私が申込者から取次証拠金の預託を受けて私が差し換えた取引証拠金若しくは委託証拠金の別
3 私が取次者である場合は,申込者との間で,証拠金に対する権利及び返還に関する事項その他この約諾書及び証拠金規則の規定に準じた事項を内容とする契約を締結すること。
4 先物・オプション取引に係る有価証券等清算取次ぎの委託の取次ぎについては,
Article 34. (Rules for Agency Firm)
If I/we am/are an agency firm, I/we shall ensure that any applicant customer abide by the regulations of OSE and that, if requested by OSE, I/we shall submit reference materials on my/our agent services either through your company or directly to OSE.
2. If I/we am/are an agency firm, I/we shall notify the following matters to your company:
(1) That I/we am/are acting as an agency firm for another customer in conducting Futures/Options Trading through your company, if this is the case;
(2) In the case of the preceding Item, whether the margin that I/we deposit with your company is clearing margin or brokerage margin that the applicant customer deposited with me/us or whether it is clearing margin or brokerage margin provided by me/us as replacement deposit after receiving a deposit of agency margin from the applicant customer.
3. If I/we am/are an agency firm, I/we shall make a contract equivalent to the provisions in this Agreement and the Margin Rules with the applicant customer on matters pertaining to the rights and return of margins and the like.
4. With regard to an agency firm of clearing for securities and others relating to Futures/Options Trading, a transaction participant who entrusted such clearing will be deemed as an agency firm for Futures/Options Trading; therefore, Paragraph 1 to 3 of this Article will be applied.
第35条 私が貴社にギブアップに係る先物・オプション取引の委託を行うときは,次の各号に掲げる取扱いに従うことに異議のないこと。
(1) 貴社が注文執行取引参加者である場合は,清算執行取引参加者に先物・オプション取引⇧座を設定しなければならない。ただし,私が取引取次者(注文執行取引参加者に先物・オプション取引を委託した顧客が,金融商品取引業者又は外国証券業者である場合であって,当該委託が注文執行取引参加者に対する先物・オプション取引の委託の取次ぎによるものであるときの当該顧客をいう。以下この項において同じ。)である場合又はギブアップに係る先物・オプション取引の決済の委託の取次ぎを決済取次者(清算執行取引参加者に先物・オプション取引の決済を委託した顧客が,金融商品取引業者又は外国証券業者である場合であって,当該委託が清算執行取引参加者に対する先物・オプション取引の決済の委託の取次ぎによるものであるときの当該顧客をいう。以下この項において同じ。)に対して申し込んだ顧客である場合は,この限りでない。
(2) 貴社が清算執行取引参加者である場合は,注文執行取引参加者に先物・オプシ
2 私が貴社にギブアップに係る先物・オプション取引の委託を行う場合において,貴社が注文執行取引参加者であるときは,次の各号に掲げる取扱いが行われることに異議のないこと。
(1) 清算執行取引参加者がテイクアップ申告を行ったことによってギブアップが成立したときは,貴社において当該ギブアップに係る先物・オプション取引が将来に向かって消滅するとともに,当該消滅した先物・オプション取引についての貴社に対する委託が終了し,当該清算執行取引参加者において当該消滅した先物・オプション取引と同一内容の先物・オプション取引が新たに発生し,当該新たに発生した先物・オプション取引の決済に係る委託が当該テイクアップ申告を行った清算執行取引参加者との間で成立すること。
(2) 清算執行取引参加者がテイクアップ申告を行わなかった場合において,当該テイクアップ申告が行われなかった先物・オプション取引につき,私が処理方法を
Article 35. (Treatment for Give-Up)
If I/we entrust OSE’s Transaction Participant with Futures/Options Trading related to Give-Up, I/we shall not object to the following treatments.
(1) If your company is an executing participant, I/we must open an Account with a carrying participant, save that I/we am/are an executing participant’s affiliate (referring to the customer who entrusts the Futures/Options Trading to an executing participant and who is a financial instruments firm or a person conducting securities-related business in foreign countries, in case such entrustment comes originally from a customer of such customer; the same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph), or a customer who gives instructions to a carrying participant’s affiliate (referring to the customer who entrusted the Futures/Options Trading to a carrying participant and who is a financial instruments firm or a person conducting securities-related business in foreign countries, in case such entrustment comes originally from a customer of such customer; the same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph) to entrust the settlement of the Futures/Options Trading related to Give-Up.
(2) If your company is a carrying participant, I/we must open an Account with an executing participant; save that I/we am/are a carrying participant’s affiliate or a customer who gives instructions to an executing participant’s affiliate to entrust the Futures/Options Trading related to Give-Up.
2. In case I/we entrust the Futures/Options Trading related to Give-Up to your company, and if your company is an executing participant, I/we shall not object to treatments set forth in the following item;
(1) If Give-Up is executed by Take-Up notification of a carrying participant, the Futures/Options Trading related to Give-Up is to be terminated at your company in the future. Also the entrustment of such terminated
(3) 前号の転売若しくは買戻し又は権利行使を行った結果,損失が生じた場合には,貴社に対して,損失の額に相当する金銭を直ちに支払うこと。
3 私が貴社にギブアップに係る先物・オプション取引の委託を行う場合において,貴社が清算執行取引参加者であるときは,次の各号に掲げる取扱いが行われることに異議のないこと。
(1) 貴社がテイクアップ申告を行ったことによってギブアップが成立したときは,注文執行取引参加者において当該ギブアップに係る先物・オプション取引が将来に向かって消滅するとともに,当該消滅した先物・オプション取引についての当該注文執行取引参加者に対する委託が終了し,貴社において当該消滅した先物・オプション取引と同一内容の先物・オプション取引が新たに発生し,当該新たに発生した先物・オプション取引の決済に係る委託が貴社との間で成立すること。
(2) 貴社は,注文執行取引参加者との間であらかじめ定めた条件に合致しないことにより,ギブアップに係る先物・オプション取引の決済に係る委託を受けないことがあること。
Futures/Options Trading to your company is to be completed, and the carrying participant newly receives the same Futures/Options Trading as those terminated, and the settlement for such new Futures/Options Trading is entrusted to a carrying participant who applied for the Take-Up;
(2) If case a carrying participant didn’t apply for Take-Up notification, the Futures/Options Trading which was not taken-up, is to be re-soled, re-purchased, or exercised on my/our own account at your company’s discretion to settle such Futures/Options Trading in case I/we don’t give instructions regarding procedures by the time decided between me/us and your company;
(3) If the loss occurs as a result of the resale, repurchase or exercise set forth in the preceding item, the amount of money equivalent to the loss needs immediately to be paid.
3. In case I/we entrust your company with Futures/Options Trading related to Give-Up, and if your company is a carrying participant, I/we shall not object to treatments in the following items;
(1) If Give-Up is executed by Take-Up notification of your company, such Futures/Options Trading related to Give-Up is to be terminated at an executing participant in the future. Also the entrustment of such terminated Futures/Options Trading to the executing participant is to be completed, and your company newly receives the same Futures/Options Trading as those terminated and the entrustment of settlement for such new Futures/Options Trading is executed with your company;
(2) Your company sometime does not receive the entrustment of settlement for Futures/Options Trading related to Give-up because the conditions established in advance with an executing participant are not consistent.
第36条 私が既に先物・オプション取引⇧座を設定している他の取引参加者に未決済約定の引継ぎ(以下「建玉の移管」という。)を希望するときは,貴社及び当該他の取引参加者に当該建玉の移管について申し込み,所定の時限までにその承諾を受けなければならないことに異議のないこと。
Article 36. (Treatment for Transfer of Positions)
If I/we wish to have unsettled transactions transferred to another transaction participant with whom I/we already opened an Account (hereinafter referred to as “Transfer of Positions”), I/we shall apply for it with your company and another transaction participant and shall not object to the provision that I/we must receive their approval by the designated time.
(1) 顧客が取次者(取引参加者が非清算参加者である場合にあっては,有価証券等清算取次ぎの委託の取次ぎの委託の取次ぎを引き受けた者)でない場合
(2) 顧客がギブアップを行わない場合第35条
(3) 顧客が建玉の移管を行わない場合第36条
Note: Cases prescribed in the following item may be removed from this Agreement.
(1) In case a customer is not an agency firm (or a person who was commissioned to become an agency firm of clearing for securities and others, if a transaction participant is a non-clearing participant)
Article 34
(2) In case a customer does not conduct Give-Up Article 35
(3) In case a customer does not conduct transfer of positions. Article 36
(注) 本約諾書は、日本語によるものをxxとする。 (Note) This Agreement written in the Japanese language shall be original.