Confidentiality Eksempelklausuler

Confidentiality. Nothing in this Chapter shall require a Party to provide information when this may affect an ongoing investigation or may be contrary to its laws, including those regarding disclosure of information, confidentiality or business secrecy. A Party may request consultations regarding any matter related to this Chapter. The request for consultations shall indicate the reasons therefore. Consultations shall be held promptly. Any Party may request that consultations continue within the Joint Committee in order to obtain its recommendations in relation to the issue at hand. The Party addressed shall provide all assistance required to examine the issue and seek a solution thereto.
Confidentiality. Any information received by a Contracting Party under this Agreement shall be treated as confidential and may be disclosed only to persons or authorities (including courts and administrative bodies) in the jurisdiction of the Contracting Party concerned with the assessment or collection of, the enforcement or prosecution in respect of, or the determination of appeals in relation to, the taxes covered by this agreement. Such persons or authorities shall use such information only for such purposes. They may disclose the information in public court proceedings or in judicial decisions. The information may not be disclosed to any other person or entity or authority or any other jurisdiction without the express written consent of the competent authority of the requested Party. Incidence of costs incurred in providing assistance shall be agreed by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties.
Confidentiality. Nothing in this Chapter shall require a Party to pro­ vide information when this may affect an ongoing investigation or may be contrary to its laws, inclu­ ding those regarding disclosure of information, confidentiality or business secrecy.
Confidentiality. Any information received by a Contracting Party under this Agreement shall be treated as confiden­ tial and may be disclosed only to persons or autho­ rities (including courts and administrative bodies) in the jurisdiction of the Contracting Party concer­ ned with the assessment or collection of, the enfor­ cement or prosecution in respect of, or the determi­ nation of appeals in relation to, the taxes imposed by a Contracting Party. Such persons or authorities shall use such information only for such purposes. They may disclose the information in public court proceedings or in judicial decisions. The informa­ tion may not be disclosed to any other person or avslå å yte bistand der en anmodning ikke er fremmet i samsvar med denne overenskomst.
Confidentiality. Bico respects confidentiality, and keeps confidential information regarding the company, our partners and customers confidential. All our employees are contractually bound by a duty of confidentiality.
Confidentiality. Article 122 of the EEA Agreement, Article 9 of Protocol 24 to the EEA Agreement and, for the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA States, Article 17(2) of Chapter IV of Protocol 4 to the Surveillance and Court Agreement require the Commission, the EU Member States, the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA States, their officials and other servants not to disclose information they have acquired through the application of Articles 57 and 58 of the EEA Agreement, Protocol 24 to the EEA Agreement and, for the EFTA States, Chapter IV of Protocol 4 to the Surveillance and Court Agreement of the kind covered by the obligation of professional secrecy. The same principle must also apply to protect confidentiality between notifying parties. If you believe that your interests would be harmed if any of the information you are asked to supply were to be published or otherwise divulged to other parties, submit this information separately with each page clearly marked «Business Secrets». You should also give reasons why this information should not be divulged or published. In the case of mergers or joint acquisitions, or in other cases where the notification is completed by more than one of the parties, business secrets may be submitted under separate cover, and referred to in the notification as an annex. All such annexes must be included in the submission in order for a notification to be considered complete. Notifying party or parties: in cases where a notification is submitted by only one of the undertakings who is a party to an operation, «notifying parties» is used to refer only to the undertaking actually submitting the notification. Party(ies) to the concentration or parties: these terms relate to both the acquiring and acquired parties, or to the merging parties, including all undertakings in which a controlling interest is being acquired or which is the subject of a public bid. Except where otherwise specified, the terms notifying party(ies) and party(ies) to the concentration include all the undertakings which belong to the same groups as those parties. Affected markets: Section 6 of this Form CO requires the notifying parties to define the relevant product markets, and further to identify which of those relevant markets are likely to be affected by the notified operation. This definition of affected market is used as the basis for requiring information for a number of other questions contained in this Form CO. This term can refer to a relevant market ...
Confidentiality. Article 122 of the EEA Agreement, Article 9 of Protocol 24 to the EEA Agreement and, for the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA States, Article 17(2) of Chapter IV of Protocol 4 to the Surveillance and Court Agreement, require the Commission, the EU Member States, the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA States, their officials and other servants not to disclose information they have acquired through the application of the Regulation of the kind covered by the obligation of professional secrecy. The same principle must also apply to protect confidentiality between notifying parties. If you believe that your interests would be harmed if any of the information you are asked to supply were to be published or otherwise divulged to other parties, submit this information separately with each page clearly marked «Business Secrets». You should also give reasons why this information should not be divulged or published. In the case of mergers or joint acquisitions, or in other cases where the notification is completed by more than one of the parties, business secrets may be submitted under separate cover, and referred to in the notification as an annex. All such annexes must be included in the submission in order for a notification to be considered complete.
Confidentiality. Article 122 of the EEA Agreement, Article 9 of Protocol 24 to the EEA Agreement and, for the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA States, Article 17(2) of Chapter IV of Protocol 4 to the Surveillance and Court Agreement require the Commission, the EU Member States, the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA States, their officials and other servants not to disclose information they have acquired through the application of the Regulation of the kind covered by the obligation of professional secrecy. The same principle must also apply to protect confidentiality between submitting parties.
Confidentiality. (1) The Parties agree to maintain secrecy with respect to all confidential information. For this, the JDLink non-disclosure provisions shall apply.
Confidentiality. 6.1 The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be confidential and shall not, unless the Parties otherwise agree, be disclosed to a third party, except to: