Liability and indemnity Voorbeeldclausules

Liability and indemnity. 12.1. In the event of a material breach of the Agreement by one of the parties, the defaulting party will compensate the other party for the actual direct damages suffered as a result of this breach, including but not limited to: a. all reasonable costs to mitigate damages and protect rights; b. all reasonable costs for replacement products and services; c. all reasonable costs incurred by Coolblue in connection with incorrect or late delivery by Supplier; d. all reasonable costs to demand performance of the Agreement by the defaulting party; e. all reasonable costs to determine the cause and scope of the damages; f. all reasonable costs related to overtime of internal employees and the costs of hiring external staff; g. any costs (including regulatory fines) that arise from infringement applicable privacy legislation and regulations by the defaulting party; h. all reasonable costs arising from the loss of data or the loss of data confidentiality; i. all reasonable legal costs incurred. 12.2. Coolblue’s liability under the Agreement is always limited to an amount equal to a maximum of the invoiced amount for the product and/or service during a period of twelve (12) months prior to the event from which such liability arises. 12.2. De aansprakelijkheid van Coolblue onder de Overeenkomst is altijd beperkt tot een bedrag ter hoogte van maximaal het gefactureerde bedrag voor het product en/of de dienst gedurende een periode van twaalf (12) maanden voorafgaand aan de gebeurtenis waaruit zulke aansprakelijkheid voortvloeit. 12.3. Ondanks het bepaalde in artikel 12.2, is Coolblue nooit aansprakelijk tegenover Leverancier voor indirecte schade, incidentele schade, bijzondere schade of gevolgschade van Leverancier, hoe dan ook veroorzaakt en ongeacht de grondslag van de vordering, waaronder ten minste begrepen winstderving, bedrijfsstagnatie, gemiste besparingen en verlies of vermindering van goodwill, reputatie, handel, contracten of gegevens. In tegenstelling tot Xxxxxxxx, blijft Leverancier aansprakelijk voor alle in dit artikel 12.3 genoemde schadeposten. 12.4. Leverancier vrijwaart Coolblue en stelt Coolblue volledig schadeloos voor alle vorderingen van derden op vergoeding van enige door hen geleden schade,
Liability and indemnity. 12.1 HOTEL BLINK is never liable for any direct or indirect damage, including but not limited to consequential damage, interruption damage, delay damage, loss of orders, loss of profit and processing costs of the client, its guests or third parties, in connection with or arising from the agreement or the services, unless this damage was caused by demonstrable intent or gross negligence on the part of HOTEL BLINK 12.2 Without prejudice to what is stipulated elsewhere in the general terms and conditions, the liability of HOTEL BLINK towards the client, for whatever reason, per event (whereby a coherent series of events counts as one event) is limited to that by the client to HOTEL BLINK fee paid for the agreed services (including VAT). `This compensation must be related to the extent to which HOTEL BLINK would have failed. Slight deviations in the range of services do not entitle to compensation. 12.3 The client, his guests and / or third parties engaged by the client on behalf of the client are jointly and severally liable for all damage that is and / or will arise for HOTEL BLINK or any third party as a direct or indirect result of an attributable shortcoming and / or wrongful act, including violation of the house rules, committed by the client, its guests and / or third parties engaged on behalf of the client, as well as for all damage caused by any animal and / or any substance and / or anything of which they are the holder or under their control. are supervised. 12.4 HOTEL BLINK is not liable for damage to or loss of goods that have been brought to the location by a guest of the client and / or a third party engaged by or on behalf of the client. The client indemnifies HOTEL BLINK against claims from guests and / or third parties engaged by or on behalf of the client in this regard.
Liability and indemnity. 15.1. We have a duty to supply Goods and Services to you as described on the website and which conform to the Contract and Course Descriptions. 15.2. We (ANIVADO & ANIVADO TUTORS) are not liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages or loss of profits or revenues incurred directly or indirectly due to misinterpretation or out of context application of knowledge supplied in the courses provided through ANIVADO. Material provided is theoretical and ANIVADO does not underwrite any nutritional advice given by students. We strongly advise to seek further professional advice in specific individual situations. 15.3. The hand-picked experts represented on our site are well respected within their scientific communities and have a high level of qualifications as well as industry and practical experience. Opinions of different experts may be put forward but these may not necessarily fully reflect the beliefs of ANIVADO and this is in line with scientific philosophy and discourse. ANIVADO does not underwrite all the content provided by partner- tutors or associate institutions on our platform.
Liability and indemnity. 6.1 Furthermore, Prowareness is not liable, neither on the basis of the law nor under agreement, for consequential loss which Client or a third party might suffer with regard to the performance of the Agreement or (the use of) the training courses, also including loss of profits, environmental damage or intangible loss. In all events, the liability of Prowareness is limited to the invoice amount of that part of the Agreement from which the damage has arisen. 6.2 The provisions mentioned in article 6.1, first bullet point, do not affect the liability of Prowareness on the basis of Title 3, part 3, Book 6 Civil Code (product liability). Furthermore, Prowareness will not rely on the included limitations of liability if and insofar as the damage is the direct result of intention or gross negligence on the part of Prowareness or its staff. 6.3 Unless the damage is caused by intention or gross negligence on the part of Prowareness or its staff, Client will indemnify Prowareness against all claims of third parties, directly or indirectly related to the performance of the agreement, or as the case may be (the use of) the Courses and will compensate Prowareness for all damage that Prowareness suffers as a result of such claims. 6.4 Prowareness is not liable for compensation of damage if a Course must be interrupted, changed and/or cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances as referred to in article 8.
Liability and indemnity. 9.1 GC's liability in connection with any shortcomings in goods delivered by it is limited to compliance with the guarantee described in the previous article.
Liability and indemnity. 9.1 Under no circumstances shall Convergence be liable, on any ground whatsoever, to the Customer or any other person for any kind of damage or loss, cost or expense, whether caused by assumption based on incorrect or incomplete information provided by the Customer. 9.2 Convergence shall only be liable for direct damages. 9.3 Direct damages exclusively imply: the reasonable costs to determine the cause and extent of the damage, where the determination relates to damage under these Terms; the reasonable costs made for compensating, if occurred, the poor performance of Convergence to reciprocate the agreement, insofar as these can be attributed to Convergence; the reasonable costs made to prevent or minimize damages, insofar as the Customer can demonstrate that such costs have led to the limitation of the direct damage as stated in these Terms. 9.4 Convergence shall never be liable for indirect damages, including consequential damages, lost profits, lost savings and damage due to business interruption. 9.5 If Convergence should be liable for any loss, the liability of Convergence shall be limited to a maximum of one time the invoice value of the order, at least for that part of the order to which the liability relates. 9.6 The liability of Convergence shall always be limited to the amount of the benefits paid by its insurer. 9.7 The limitations of liability herein shall not apply if the damage is due to intent or gross negligence of Convergence or its senior subordinates. 9.8 Clause 9 herein shall prevail over any other provision of these Terms and any other provision agreed between Convergence and the Customer, unless Convergence and the Customer have explicitly deviated from this clause in accordance with clause 1.2 of these Terms.
Liability and indemnity. Intellectual and industrial property

Related to Liability and indemnity

  • Garanties 1. De gebruiker zorgt er voor dat de overeengekomen leveringen en werkzaamheden naar behoren en conform de in zijn branche geldende normen worden uitgevoerd, maar geeft ten aanzien van deze leveringen en werkzaamheden nooit een verdergaande garantie dan zoals uitdrukkelijk tussen partijen werd overeengekomen. 2. De gebruiker staat gedurende de garantietermijn in voor de gebruikelijke normale kwaliteit en deugdelijkheid van de geleverde zaken en de verrichte werkzaamheden. 3. Bij het gebruik van de voor de uitvoering van de overeenkomst benodigde bouwmaterialen baseert de gebruiker zich op de informatie die de fabrikant of leverancier van deze bouwmaterialen verstrekt over de eigenschappen hiervan. Indien voor de geleverde bouwmaterialen door de fabrikant of leverancier een garantie is afgegeven, zal die garantie op gelijke wijze tussen partijen gelden. De gebruiker zal de wederpartij hierover informeren. 4. Indien het doel/de bestemming waarvoor de wederpartij de zaken wenst te bewerken, verwerken of gebruiken afwijkt van het gebruikelijke doel/de gebruikelijke bestemming van deze zaken, garandeert de gebruiker slechts dat de zaken geschikt zijn voor dit doel/deze bestemming indien hij dit schriftelijk aan de wederpartij heeft bevestigd. 5. Geen beroep op de garantie is mogelijk, zolang de wederpartij de voor de zaken overeengekomen prijs en/of de voor de werkzaamheden overeengekomen vergoeding nog niet heeft voldaan. 6. Het vorige lid geldt niet voor de consument. 7. Bij een terecht beroep op de garantie zal de gebruiker - naar zijn keuze - kosteloos zorg dragen voor herstel of vervanging van de zaken, het alsnog op de juiste wijze uitvoeren van de overeengekomen werkzaamheden dan wel voor terugbetaling van of een korting op de overeengekomen prijs of vergoeding. Indien er sprake is van bijkomende schade, gelden hiervoor de bepalingen van het in deze algemene voorwaarden opgenomen aansprakelijkheidsartikel. 8. In afwijking van het vorige lid, heeft de consument de keuze tussen herstel of vervanging van de zaken respectievelijk het alsnog op de juiste wijze uitvoeren van de overeengekomen werkzaamheden, tenzij dit in redelijkheid niet kan worden gevergd van de gebruiker. In plaats daarvan mag de consument de overeenkomst altijd bij schriftelijke verklaring ontbinden of een korting op de overeengekomen prijs of vergoeding verlangen.