Miscellaneous provisions Voorbeeldclausules

Miscellaneous provisions. Force majeure or fortuitous events. The seller cannot be held liable, either contractually or extracontractually, in the event of temporary or definitive non-performance of its obligations where such non-performance results from force majeure or fortuitous circumstances.
Miscellaneous provisions. 16.1 The Client will not be permitted to transfer to third parties any right under an agreement concluded with Codeam.
Miscellaneous provisions a) The official and working languages of ITSO shall be English, French and Spanish.
Miscellaneous provisions. 1. Where under any provision of this Convention any item of income or gains isrelieved from tax in a Contracting State, either in full or in part, and under the laws in force in the other Contracting State a person is subject to tax in respect of that item of income or those gainsby refe- rence to the amount thereof which is remitted to or received in that other Contracting State and not by reference to the full amount thereof, then the relief to be allowed under this Convention in the first-mentioned Stateshall apply only to so much of the item of income or gains as is taxed in the other State.
Miscellaneous provisions. 10. Duration and validity
Miscellaneous provisions. 1. In so far as interests in the area of confidentiality or other important interests of the Customer do not demonstrably constitute a hindrance, we shall be permitted, after previous notification, to inspect the installation supplied by us in the factory, to take note of the company results and to show the installation to interested parties.
Miscellaneous provisions. 11.1 Elke Partij verklaart dat ze bevoegd is om de Overeenkomst aan te gaan en uit te voeren en dat ze geen enkele verplichting jegens derden zal schenden door dit te doen.

Related to Miscellaneous provisions

  • Verpakking en verzending 1. Indien de verpakking van een geleverd product geopend of beschadigd is, dan dient de klant, alvorens het product in ontvangst te nemen, hiervan door de expediteur c.q. bezorger een aantekening op te laten maken, bij gebreke waarvan Celkracht niet aansprakelijk kan worden gehouden voor eventuele schade.