Payments Voorbeeldclausules

Payments. (a) Payments (b) Payments subject to fiscal laws (c) Paying and Conversion Agents, etc. (d) No Charges (e) Fractions
Payments. (a) Without prejudice to Article 474 of the Companies Code, all payments of Nominal Amount or interest in respect of the Bonds shall be made through the Agent and the NBB System in accordance with the NBB System Regulations. The payment obligations of the Issuer under the Bonds will be discharged by payment to the Agent in respect of each amount so paid. (b) Any payment by the Issuer under the Bonds shall first be allocated to interest and then to any outstanding Nominal Amount. (c) All payments are subject in all cases to any applicable tax or other laws and regulations in the place of payment.
Payments. 11.1. Bij het afsluiten van een Abonnement dient de Klant een automatische incassomachtiging te verstrekken om de maandelijkse Abonnementsfee en andere verschuldigde kosten van het betreffende bankrekeningnummer, creditcard of andere betaalmethode af te laten schrijven. 11.2. Indien extra kosten in rekening worden gebracht, zoals de in deze Algemene Voorwaarden genoemde kosten, heeft Pulse4all het recht om eerst betaling daarvan te verlangen alvorens een nieuwe AED aan de Klant te verstrekken. 11.3. Indien de Abonnementsfee, de Vergoedingen of andere kosten niet kunnen worden afgeschreven of ten onrechte worden teruggeboekt, is de Klant van rechtswege in verzuim. In dat geval ontvangt de Klant een aanmaning om de verschuldigde bedragen binnen veertien (14) dagen te betalen. Pulse4all kan een incassobureau inschakelen als de verschuldigde bedragen niet binnen de termijn van veertien (14) dagen zijn betaald. Alle bijkomende administratiekosten en buitengerechtelijke incassokosten zijn voor rekening van de Klant. Bovendien kan Pulse4all de locatie van de AED opsporen, onder meer door gebruik te maken van een GPS-tracker, en de AED inclusief alle andere Verstrekte Artikelen waarvoor de Klant in gebreke blijft met de betaling, in beslag nemen.
Payments. Payment of the rent and of all such other amounts as may be due pursuant to this tenancy agreement will be made on or before the expiry date, in legal Dutch tender - without any suspension, discount, deduction or set-off against any claim that the tenant has, or asserts, against the landlord, save as provided in Article 7:206(3) DCC - by way of deposit or transfer to an account to be designated by the landlord.
Payments. Payment of the subscription fee due is made by monthly automatic debit and is collected on the 1st or 2nd working day of the month. For registrations after the first of the month, an interim debit is made for the partial amount for that month. If the debit fails, a second debit attempt will be made. In total, two reminders will be sent, possibly with a copy of the original invoice, and if no response is received, Judoschool Van der Hoek will hand over further collection to a collection agency. All legal and extrajudicial collection costs will then be borne by the debtor of Judoschool Xxx xxx Xxxx. For cash payment of a 3-month membership, the first payment must be at least 3 full calendar months plus any remaining amount of the current month. Subsequent payments must always be at least 3 months. For cash payment of a 12-month membership, the first payment must be at least 3 full calendar months plus any remain- ing amount of the current month. Subsequent payments must always be at least 3 months.
Payments. ITEM DESCRIPTION REQUIRED YES NO Payments in advance: (hotel/conference center) Arranged by Host State √
Payments. 6.1. Advertisers are obliged to settle the due payments for advertising services within 14 days, indicating the invoice number and in Euros. 6.2. The client is not entitled to suspend its payment obligation for any reason whatsoever. Only payments to WKG are liberating.
Payments. (a) Principal (b) Other amounts (c) Record Date (d) Payments in respect of Bonds in dematerialised form (e) Payments subject to fiscal laws (f) Delay in payment (g) Paying and Conversion Agents and Calculation Agents (h) No charges (i) Fractions
Payments. 12.1 IPS handles payments in accordance with the payment conditions agreed with the dealer. 12.2 All payments are made net including VAT and any (return) shipping costs. 12.3 In case of a repeat-repair accepted by IPS, IPS will provide a credit note afterwards. 12.4 IPS reserves the right, after examination of the product, to refuse a previously accepted warranty application. In that case, the repaired product will be returned after approval by the customer.
Payments. 13.1. Aanbestedingskalender B.V. invoices on the basis of a subscription per annum or per the period stipulated in the signed offer, in advance from the moment of registration. Separate announcements or products and services that are purchased once-only are invoiced immediately after award of the contract. 13.2. Complaints about invoices must be submitted within 8 days after despatch of the invoice. Complaints do not lead to suspension of the payment obligation of the user . After the expiry of the said time limit the user is deemed to agree with the received invoice. 13.3. The user pays within the time limit that is mentioned on the invoice or that was specifically and bilaterally negotiated in writing. If a payment term is not mentioned then payment by the user shall take place within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice. The moment that the payable amount has been received in full by Aanbestedingskalender B.V. is qualified as the moment of payment. 13.4. Payment takes place without discount or settlement. The user is not entitled to suspend their payment in the event that the user has or alleges to have a claim in respect of Aanbestedingskalender B.V. Each and every reliance by the user on settlement with a claim in respect of Aanbestedingskalender B.V. is excluded. 13.5. Payments are always first applied to settlement of outstanding interest and costs and then to due and payable invoices that have been outstanding the longest, even if the user indicates that the payment is related to a later invoice. 13.6. In case of failing (late) payment the user shall, without a further notice of default being required, be in default. 13.7. If the user is in default on the due date then the following provisions are applicable without a notice of default being required: the user shall be liable to pay interest at a rate of 2% per month; moreover, the payable licence royalties shall be increased by 10% of the value of the agreement, with a minimum of €60.00, without prejudice to the right of Aanbestedingskalender B.V. to, in addition, claim full damages. 13.8. If Aanbestedingskalender B.V. had to incur more expenses, which expenses Aanbestedingskalender B.V. could reasonably incur, that exceed the collection costs as intended in the previous paragraph, then the user must also pay the said expenses to Aanbestedingskalender B.V. 13.9. Aanbestedingskalender B.V. shall always be entitled to suspend or discontinue the services, or to render the product in questio...