Other provisions Przykładowe klauzule
Other provisions. 1) As part of the remuneration set out in the Employment Contract, the Employee shall grant the Employer permission for multiple, unlimited in time and territorially use of their image, name, surname, and voice (hereinafter referred to as “the Image”), recorded on photographs and promotional videos (audio-visual materials) made during the Fellowship for the purposes related to, among other things, promotion and advertisement of the Project and PASIFIC Programme, as well as control and/or audit of the PASIFIC Programme, including the implementation of advertising and promotional materials that contain all forms of perpetuating an Image and/or its parts. Under the permission granted, the Employer shall have the right to, among other things, record, reproduce in any form, and place on the market materials containing the Image and/or its parts, lend, lease, public screen, display, play, make available to the public in such a manner that it is accessible to any individual in a place and at a time of their own choosing, amongst others online, including the Employer's website, their social media profiles, as well as the right to grant further authorisations to third parties authorised by the Employer, as well as for the purposes of their organisation (including presentations, lectures, training sessions, etc.). The dissemination of the Image may take place regardless of the form of its recording and placing on the market, e.g., after processing with the use of all artistic, graphic, and digital techniques, changes in colour and saturation, scale, and proportions, in its entirety or parts, as well as combined with other works, images, and materials.
2) The Contract has been drawn up in two language versions: Polish and English. Should the English version contain provisions which are not included in the Polish version or if they contradict the Polish version, the Polish version shall prevail.
Other provisions. 12.1. The Card Agreement shall be provided in Polish and English and the Polish version of the Card Agreement shall prevail in the case of any conflict between the two versions. You agree that information under or relating to the Card Agreement will be supplied in Polish and in English, with Polish versions prevailing. Communication shall be held in Polish.
12.2. The Card Agreement shall be governed by Polish law. You may only bring proceedings against PejKarta in the Member State of the European Union where you are domiciled, or in Malta. PejKarta may bring proceedings against you in the Member State of the European Union where you are domiciled. Both parties may bring a counter-claim in the court where the original claim is pending.
Schedule 1 Pejkarta Credit Card Agreement Withdrawal Form
Other provisions. (1)The Customer may not transfer any rights and obligations pertaining to or in association with this Agreement to third parties unless it has the prior written consent of Xxxx Xxxxx - ISG to do so.
(2) Amendments and additions to the Agreement shall require the written form. This shall apply also to the amendment or cancellation of this clause.
(3) General terms and conditions of business of the Customer shall not apply.
(4) This Agreement shall be governed exclusively by German law under exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods dated 04/11/1980 (CISG).
(5) The exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be Mannheim.
(6) In the event that individual provisions of this Agreement are ineffective, this shall in principle not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The Contracting Parties shall endeavor to find a replacement for the ineffective provision that best fulfills the purpose of the Agreement in legal and economic terms.
Other provisions. 1. In matters not covered by this Contract, the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.
2. Disputes that may arise in connection with the performance of the contract, which cannot be settled amicably, will be resolved by the court competent for the seat of the Contracting Party.
3. W przypadku jakichkolwiek rozbieżności lub sprzeczności pomiędzy wersją umowy w języku polskim i angielskim Strony zgodnie oświadczają, że wiążąca będzie polska wersja językowa umowy.
4. Zamawiający dopuszcza możliwość dokonania zmiany w umowie w zakresie przedłużenia terminu realizacji dostawy oprogramowania w następujących sytuacjach:
a) z przyczyn nieleżących po stronie Wykonawcy,
b) w przypadku wystąpienia sił wyższych,
c) z przyczyn leżących po stronie Zamawiającego.
5. Zamawiający dopuszcza możliwość dokonania zmiany w umowie m. in.:
a) jeżeli nastąpi zmiana powszechnie obowiązujących przepisów prawa w zakresie mającym wpływ na realizację przedmiotu zamówienia,
6. Warunki dokonywania zmian:
a) inicjowanie zmian na wniosek Wykonawcy lub Zamawiającego,
b) uzasadnienie zmiany prawidłową realizacją przedmiotu umowy,
c) forma pisemna pod rygorem nieważności w formie aneksu do umowy.
Other provisions. 1. The Operator may transfer its rights and obligations to third parties resulting from this Agreement exclusively by a written consent of the Customer.
2. The Customer has overall responsibility to the Operator for any damages caused to the Operator by itself and by the entities which are used by it.
3. Representation of the principal of having adequate financial resources.
Other provisions. 1. The Contracting Parties agree to communicate with each other primarily via FLATIO®. Messages and documents sent to the other Contracting Party via the account at FLATIO® shall be deemed delivered within 24 hours of their dispatch (unless agreed or proved otherwise).
2. The purpose of this Agreement is not a satisfaction of the tenant” housing needs and is negotiated as a temporary lease.
3. All annexes to this Agreement constitute an integral part hereof.
4. This Agreement becomes valid and effective as of the date of its conclusion. For details of the moment of conclusion see Article 2.10 of the General Terms and Conditions published at FLATIO®. okresu wypowiedzenia. Okres wypowiedzenia wynosi 30 dni od dnia doręczenia oświadczenia o rozwiązaniu Umowy drugiej Stronie.
Other provisions. Appendices to the ToR
Other provisions. The Agreement shall enter into force after it has been signed by both Parties. The moment of crediting the account is considered as the moment of payment. In the event of a discrepancies between the provisions of the Agreement and the Annexes, the provision of the Agreement shall prevail. The Parties to this Agreement shall be free from any liability for total or partial non-compliance with obligations under this Agreement in the event of Force Majeure. The term ‘Force Majeure’ shall be understood as the circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement as a result of extraordinary, irreversible natural disasters and other such circumstances outside the control of the Parties. Any changes to this Agreement may be made by means of annexes signed by the authorized representatives of both Parties, in writing and under the pain of nullity. The Seller and the persons representing the Seller hereby declare and confirm that: The Seller is a duly formed company with legal capacity and capacity to make juridical acts; the conclusion of this Agreement shall not constitute any breach of any obligations arising from applicable regulations or legal relations between the Seller and other entities; the conclusion of this Agreement shall not require the consent of any entity or authority of the Seller; this Agreement is valid and constitutes an effective obligation upon the Seller; there are no circumstances known to the Seller or the Seller's representatives that may hinder or prevent the Seller from performing its obligations under this Agreement; The Seller is not insolvent, no motion for bankruptcy of the Seller has been filed, and no circumstances are known to the Seller or the Seller's representatives that could make the Seller insolvent, In the event that any of the above statements ceases to be true during the term of this Agreement, the Seller undertakes to immediately inform the Buyer. The parties declare that this contract has been constructed based on Polish law and in accordance with this law will be interpreted. Any disputes between the parties arising out of the application, interpretation or execution of this Agreement, the parties submit to jurisdiction of Polish courts under decision of the court competent for the plaintiff's principal place of business. Should any provision of this Agreement be invalid or ineffective for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain in force and the Parties undertake to replace these invalid or ineffect...
Other provisions. 1. Unauthorized Debit Balance becomes overdue and payable as of the day of its occurrence.
2. The Bank will charge interest on the amount of debt referred to in clause 1 for the period from the date of occurrence of the Unauthorized Debit Balance to the day preceding its repayment inclusive, at the variable interest rate specified for Unauthorized Debit Balances in current accounts, published in the Bank’s Announcement, valid in the period for which the interest is charged.
3. Interest referred to in clause 2 is debited from the Available Funds on the Account after the end of the settlement period for which it is charged, and in the absence of Available Funds – from the first receipts in the Account.
4. The Account Holder, in case of a lack of funds to cover the amounts due to the Bank in respect of the Unauthorized Debit Balance, is obliged to make supplementary payments.
5. The Bank collects amounts due in the following order:
1) the debt in respect of the Unauthorized Debit Balance,
2) interest on debt in respect of the Unauthorized Debit Balance.
6. The Bank will initiate the enforcement procedure to recover debt in respect of the Unauthorized Debit Balance if the Account Holder fails to settle it within the deadline set by the Bank.
1. Każda ze stron może rozwiązać Umowę z zachowaniem 30- dniowego terminu wypowiedzenia.
2. Posiadacz Rachunku może rozwiązać Umowę w każdym czasie, bez podania przyczyny z zastrzeżeniem zapisów § 73.
3. Bank może rozwiązać Umowę z ważnych powodów, w szczególności w przypadku:
1) nieprzestrzegania postanowień umowy Rachunku przez Posiadacza,
2) nieudzielania przez Posiadacza Rachunku informacji niezbędnych do prowadzenia Rachunku,
3) braku na Rachunku obrotów przez okres trzech kolejnych miesięcy, z wyłączeniem dopisywania odsetek i ich wypłat, w przypadku gdy Saldo Rachunku nie wystarcza na pokrycie bieżących opłat lub prowizji należnych Bankowi,
4) zaprzestania prowadzenia przez Posiadacza Rachunku działalności, dla obsługi, której Rachunek został otwarty,
5) zaistnienia po stronie Banku okoliczności, które uniemożliwiają prowadzenie Rachunku na dotychczasowych warunkach lub gdy Bank zaprzestał świadczenia tego rodzaju usługi,
6) działania Posiadacza Rachunku stanowiącego nadużycie nadanych mu uprawnień powodującego uszczerbek majątkowy po stronie Banku,
7) braku możliwości wykonania przez Bank obowiązków w ramach stosowania środków bezpieczeństwa finansowego, określonych w Ustawie o przeciwdziałaniu praniu pieniędzy ora...
Other provisions. 1. The Media Partner undertakes to observe the provisions of the Act, including in particular meeting the information obligation under art. 173 section 1 and section 2 of the Act, i.e. inform each Internet user inter alia about using cookie files and the possibility of changing internet browser settings in this scope. The Parties agree that the full responsibility in this scope, in particular obtaining the consent referred to in art. 173 section 2 of the Act, shall be borne by the Media Partner.
2. The Controller shall not remain the Personal Data Controller in relation to the personal data kept by the Media Partner and used by the Media Partner to carry out Campaigns, including Mailing Campaigns.
3. In the event that for the proper performance of the obligations under the Agreement it is necessary to entrust or further entrust (subentrust) personal data, the Controller can do it provided that the personal data is entrusted to the entity which met the obligations specified in GDPR and other generally applicable provisions of law.