PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. 11.1. You represent that you are the controller of the data of:
11.1.1. candidates (Website users) who filed an application in reply to your Job Announcement;
11.1.2. your staff members, processed on the Website in connection with the Brand Story Service;
11.1.3. your staff members who have access to your Employer’s Panel.
11.2. You represent that you have a valid and effective basis for processing the personal data referred to in section 11.
1. above, including in particular that you obtained consent from the individuals mentioned in section 11.
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. 1. DelayFix is the controller of the Customer’s personal data. DelayFix provides the following contact details: xx. xx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 0, 00-000 Xxxxxx; email:; telephone number: +48 222 G2G 222.
2. DelayFix processes personal data in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and other generally applicable data protection legislation, including in particular the Act of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws of 201G, item 1781, as amended).
3. DelayFix shall process Customer’s personal data on the basis of:
a. Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR, i.e. freely given consent, if any, however the consent is not necessary for the conclusion of the Contract and the Claims Assignment Contract,
b. Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR, in order to conclude and perform the Contract and the Claims Assignment Contract to the extent necessary for the performance of the Contract and the Claims Assignment Contract,
c. Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR, in order to comply with DelayFix’s legal obligations,
d. Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by DelayFix, including but not limited to: direct marketing of its own services, processing of Complaints, investigation of possible claims related to the Contract and the Claims Assignment Contract.
4. The provision of personal data for the purpose of concluding and performing the Contract and the Claims Assignment Contract to which the Customer is a party is voluntary, but necessary for that purpose.
5. The following may be data recipients: public authorities authorised by law and third parties, including, but not limited to, banks, IT providers, postal service providers, entities providing legal, payroll and audit assistance, entities providing accounting, debt collection, tax or consulting services, entities acting in the process of claiming Redress.
6. DelayFix shall make the Customer’s personal data available to third parties only subject to the conditions listed below: (a) if the Customer has given his/her consent; (b) if this serves a direct purpose related to the original purpose for which the personal data have been obtained; (c) if this is necessary for the preparation, negotiation or performance of the Contract and the Claims Assignment Contract; (d) if this is required by law or DelayFix has been obliged to do so by an administrative authority or court.
7. If DelayFix entrusts the personal data processing to processors, these shall only be entities whi...
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. 1. DelayFix is the controller of the Customer’s personal data. DelayFix provides the following contact details: ul. ks. którym Klient może złożyć Reklamację.
2. Klient może złożyć Reklamację na własny koszt za pomocą środków porozumiewania się na odległość w sposób następujący:
a. poprzez wysłanie email na adres:,
b. poprzez wysłanie listu poleconego lub przesyłki kurierskiej.
3. Reklamacje są rozpatrywane w terminie 30 dni od dnia doręczenia Reklamacji.
4. W ramach rozpatrywania Reklamacji DelayFix podejmuje wszelkie działania dozwolone prawem w celu ustalenia stanu faktycznego i przyczyny złożenia Reklamacji. W przypadku uznania Reklamacji DelayFix podejmuje stosowne działania lub zaniechania w celu wyeliminowania podobnych zdarzeń mogących powstać w przyszłości a będących przedmiotem Reklamacji.
5. Po rozpatrzeniu Reklamacji, DelayFix informuje o działaniach podjętych w celu rozpatrzenia Reklamacji, efektach tych działań oraz proponuje Klientowi rozwiązanie zgłaszanego problemu. Oświadczenie jest doręczane Klientowi w formie pisemnej za pomocą listu poleconego lub przesyłki kurierskiej na adres korespondencyjny wskazany w Reklamacji, za wyjątkiem, gdy Klient w Reklamacji wyraził zgodę na otrzymanie odpowiedzi w formie email – w takim przypadku odpowiedź jest doręczana Klientowi na adres email wskazany w Reklamacji.
6. Koszt doręczenia odpowiedzi na Reklamację za pomocą środków porozumiewania się na odległość na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej pokrywa DelayFix.
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. 9.1. We are the Controller of your personal data processed as part of the provision of the Services through the Website.
9.2. We are processing data in accordance with the law, including in particular the GDPR.
9.3. The data is processed by us in particular in order to provide the Services through the Website, including in order to ensure the due quality of services, to monitor and verify the correctness of the Services provided – for their duration (Article 6 (1) b) of the GDPR).
9.4. The detailed rules for personal data processing and protection of your privacy are set out in the “Privacy Policy” document which is available at xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxx-xxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx.
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. 9.1 Please get acquainted with the information provided below, as using the Services and in some cases, using the Car Park is related to processing of your personal data (“Personal Data”, “Data”).
9.2 The Personal Data Controller is MPL Services Sp. z o.o. (“MPL Services”).
9.3 The personal data is processed with appropriate security measures, which meet the legal requirements. The personal data shall be processed:
a) to provide services stipulated by these Rules, including lease of parking spaces;
b) to settle and invoice parking services;
c) to send correspondence in the above cases, also to conduct a possible complaint procedure (if applicable);
d) to conduct video surveillance;
e) for marketing purposes, if the permitted and legitimate personal data controller’s interests constitute the basis for processing - art. 6 item 1 letter f) of the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) 2016/679 of the 27th of April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing the Directive 95/46/EC (“GDPR”).
9.4 Moreover, Personal Data can be used for statistical purposes within the framework of the legitimate and justified personal data controller’s interest (art. 6 item 1 letter f) of GDPR). Personal Data shall be stored in the system database of xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx. The Personal Data shall be stored only for the period required for correct implementation of the above objectives and after their execution for the period required by the obligations imposed on the data controller by the legal provisions, including (i) the provisions regarding civil liability for due performance of obligations by the parties and (ii) the tax provisions.
9.5 Adequate co-workers of MPL Services can be the Personal Data Recipients, to the extent required for performance of their obligations related to execution of the processing objectives mentioned above. The recipients of your Data shall also be external service providers, including the accounting service provider, i.e. Fakturownia Sp. z o.o. with the registerd office in Xxxxxxxx (00-000) ul. Juliana Smulikowskiego 6/8, NIP (TIN) 5213704420 that has personal data of the Reserving Party necessary to issue the VAT invoice. The data is stored on the invoice servers on the basis of the personal data processing agreement. Moreover, external service providers can also be your Personal Data Recipients (e.g. entities providing postal, courier, ba...
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. 19.1 Please get acquainted with the information provided below, as using the Services and in some cases, using the Car Park is related to processing of your personal data (“Personal Data”, “Data”).
19.2 The Personal Data Controller is MPL Services Sp. z o. o. (“MPL Services”).
19.3 The personal data is processed with appropriate security measures, which meet the legal requirements. The personal data shall be processed:
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. 1. We are the Controller of the Users’ and the Clients’ personal data processed as part of the provision of the Services through the Website.
2. We are processing data in accordance with the law, including in particular the GDPR.
3. The data is processed by us in particular in order to provide the Services through the Website, including in order to ensure the due quality of services, to monitor and verify the correctness of the Services provided – for their duration (Article 6 (1) b) of the GDPR).
4. The Client represents that he is the controller of the data of:
a. candidates (Website users) who filed an application in reply to your Job Announcement;
b. Client’s staff members who have access to your Employer’s Panel.
5. The Client represents that he has a valid and effective basis for processing the personal data referred to in section 4. above.
6. Unless separately agreed in the Contract or the Purchase Order or in any other documented manner (e.g. by email), it is confirmed by the Client and us that within the scope of performance of the Contract, we will have access to the personal data of the candidates interested in the Client’s Job Announcements.
7. The Client entrusts us with the processing of the candidates’ personal data on the terms and conditions specified in the agreement for entrusting personal data processing concluded between the Client and us and attached hereto as Schedule 1. The agreement for entrusting personal data processing can be concluded in a documentary form, i.e. in particular by an exchange of emails or scans of signed counterparts of the agreement.
8. We are authorised to suspend the publication of a Job Announcement or the commencement of the provision of other Services until the agreement for entrusting personal data processing consistent with the draft attached hereto as Schedule 1 hereto is signed.
9. The detailed rules for personal data processing and protection of your privacy are set out in the “Privacy Policy” document which is available at xxxxx://xxxxxxx.xx/xxxxx-xxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. 1. The Collector of the personal data within the meaning of the Article 4 (7) of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter referred to as 'GDPR') is Customer (within the meaning of the §1 (4) (b) of the Conditions), who transacts or plans to transact sale or supply of Goods with Supplier.
2. The data are processed for the purpose of implementing cooperation on the basis of contracts, orders or arrangements (hereinafter referred to as 'Cooperation').
3. The legal basis of the processing for Cooperation is the performance of the contract or taking the actions necessary to perform the contract before its conclusion (Article 6 (1)
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. 1. The Parties as independent data administrators shall make personal data of their representatives and of other persons related to execution of the Contract mutually available for the purpose of execution of the Contract, depending on the needs resulting from stipulations of this Contract, including the following data categories: identification data (i.e. name, surname, position), contact data (i.e. company e-mail address, company telephone number, work location).
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. 1. Zamawiający powierza Ekspertowi przetwarzanie danych osobowych zawartych w dokumentacji przekazanej przez Zamawiającego dotyczącej konkursu na dofinansowanie projektu w celu realizacji przedmiotu Umowy, o którym mowa w § 1 w okresie związania Umową, z zastrzeżeniem ust. 4. Zamawiający powierza Ekspertowi do przetwarzania dane osobowe, o których mowa w zdaniu pierwszym, od dnia zawarcia Umowy do dnia ustania stosunku prawnego łączącego Eksperta z Zamawiającym.
1. The Ordering Party entrusts the Expert with the processing of personal data contained in the documentation provided by the Ordering Party and concerning the competition for project co-financing with the view to the implementation of the subject matter of the Agreement referred to in § 1 during the Agreement term, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4. The Ordering Party entrusts the Expert with the processing of the personal data referred to in the first sentence from the date of conclusion of the Agreement until the date of termination of the legal
2. Ekspert jest zobowiązany do przetwarzania danych osobowych zawartych w przekazanej przez Zamawiającego dokumentacji, zgodnie z powszechnie obowiązującymi w tym zakresie przepisami prawa, w tym z ustawą z dnia 10 maja 2018 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz. U. poz. 1000) – dalej: ustawa, rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (Dz. Urz. UE L 119 z 04.05.2016, str. 1) – dalej: RODO, oraz do stosowania odpowiednio obowiązujących w Agencji dokumentów, tj. Polityki Ochrony Danych Osobowych, w tym zapewnia wykonanie obowiązków informacyjnych, o których mowa w treści art. 13 i 14 RODO wobec osób, których dane dotyczą, jak również zasadami wskazanymi w Umowie.
3. Xxxxxxx nie decyduje o celach i środkach przetwarzania danych osobowych.
4. Ekspert zobowiązuje się do niewykorzystywania przekazanych danych w celach innych niż związane z realizacją Umowy lub Zamówienia oraz do zachowania ich w tajemnicy.
5. Ekspert zapewni środki techniczne i organizacyjne zapewniające należyte zabezpieczenie danych osobowych i prywatności, wymagane przepisami prawa powszechnie obowiązującego dotyczącego ochrony danych osobowych, w tym w szczególności RODO.
6. Ekspert będzie w szczególności przechowywać dokumenty w przeznaczonych do tego szafach zamykanych na zamek lub...