OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT and SERVICE Cláusulas Exemplificativas

OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT and SERVICE. 2.1. Object of the Contract and Service. The aim of the service is the provision of telematics and web services in accordance with the German Telecommunications Act (TKG), the Telem edia Act (TMG) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) for machine-to-machine communication devices (M2M communication devices) using the mobile telephone network. The service can potentially be made available in other European countries through the local provider's roaming services. The range and signal strength may vary from location to location and are dependent on the range and signal strength of the local provider. John Deere - ISG does not guarantee certain coverage, range, or signal strength. The telematics system includes also proprietary internet solutions ("Web Services"). Using the Web Services, the Customer can view and manage on their computer data stored on the servers which has been recorded using the system hardware. The systems also include a terrestrial and satellite-based (if offered at the Customer's site) mobile two-way data transmission and position reporting service (the "Field Connect Service"), which allows the transfer of data from the system hardware on the John Deere - ISG server. The terrestrial and satellite-based telecommunications service will be provided via a telecommunications provider. The telecommunications service, web services, and the Field Connect service are collectively referred to as the "Services". The Customer instructs John Deere - ISG to consolidate data captured and collected via the Services in accordance with the provisions of this Contract, the "Regulation on data protection and data security" and in compliance with the agreed technical and organizational measures in central systems and to make it available to the Customer from there for use under this Agreement. Customer may be allowed to transfer the service agreement to another customer upon agreement with John Deere - ISG. The new customer will be required to accept the present terms and conditions for the provision of the service.


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  • DA ESPECIFICAÇÃO DOS SERVIÇOS 3.1. Os serviços fornecidos deverão atender às normas vigentes;

  • DA VIGÊNCIA CONTRATUAL 6.1 O prazo de VIGÊNCIA CONTRATUAL estará adstrito aos créditos orçamentários anuais, a contar da EMISSÃO DA AUTORIZAÇÃO DE FORNECIMENTO.

  • DO VALOR CONTRATUAL 3.1 O presente instrumento tem o valor total de R$.........................................

  • VALOR CONTRATUAL A Contratante pagará ao Contratado pela satisfatória entrega do item, o valor de R$ por unidade, perfazendo o total de R$ .

  • Data 2. Contato na FFM:

  • VIGÊNCIA CONTRATUAL 3.1. O contrato terá vigência de 24 (vinte e quatro) meses, contados a partir da data da última assinatura digital, podendo ser prorrogado até o limite de 5 anos, conforme dispõe o artigo 71, da Lei Federal nº 13.303/2016.

  • DOS LANCES 8.2.1 O pregoeiro divulgará através do Portal de Compras - MG, o resultado da análise de propostas e convidará os licitantes a apresentarem lances por meio do sistema eletrônico, observado o horário estabelecido e as regras de aceitação dos mesmos.

  • ESPECIFICAÇÃO DOS SERVIÇOS (Inc. I e II do art. 32 da IN 01/2019/SGD)

  • ÂMBITO TERRITORIAL DE COBERTURA 3.1 As disposições deste contrato de seguro aplicam-se exclusivamente em Território Brasileiro.