Por este instrumento particular, e na melhor forma de direito, as partes: This agreement is entered into by and between:
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Por este instrumento particular, e na melhor forma de direito, as partes: |
This agreement is entered into by and between: |
B3 S.A. – BRASIL, BOLSA, BALCÃO, sociedade anônima organizada sob as leis da República Federativa do Brasil, com sede na Capital do Estado de São Paulo, na Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, 00, 0x xxxxx, inscrita no Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (“CNPJ”) sob nº 09.346.601/0001-25, e sua filial localizada na Rua Ricardo Prudente de Aquino, n.º 85, Bairro Tamboré, Município de Santana de Parnaíba, Estado de São Paulo, inscrita no CNPJ sob o nº 09.346.601/0012-88, neste ato representada de acordo com seu Estatuto Social, doravante denominada “B3”; e |
B3 S.A. – BRASIL, BOLSA, BALCÃO, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, with its head office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, Xx. 00, 7th floor, enrolled with the Brazilian Corporate Taxpayers’ Register of the Finance Ministry (“CNPJ”) under nº. 09.346.601/0001-25, and its subsidiary located in the City of Santana de Parnaíba, State of São Paulo, at Xxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, Xx. 00, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, enrolled with the CNPJ under nº 09.346.601/0012-88, herein represented pursuant to its by-laws, hereinafter referred to as “B3”; and |
[RAZÃO SOCIAL], sociedade empresária organizada sob as leis do País [preencher], com sede [preencher], no Endereço, inscrita no CNPJ sob n.º [preencher], neste ato devidamente representada na forma de seu Estatuto/Contrato Social, doravante denominada “CONTRATANTE”; |
[COMPANY NAME], a corporation duly organized under the laws of the Country/State [complete] with its principal place of business located at [complete], enrolled with the Corporate Taxpayers’ Register under (CNPJ) No. [complete], herein represented pursuant to its by-laws, hereinafter referred to as “CONTRACTING PARTY”; |
B3 e CONTRATANTE serão doravante denominadas em conjunto como “Partes” e individual e indistintamente como “Parte”; |
B3 and CONTRACTING PARTY are referred to herein jointly as “Parties” and severally as “Party”. |
TENDO EM VISTA as premissas e cláusulas aqui contidas, as Partes acordam o que se segue por meio deste Termo De Adesão Ao Co-Location B3 (“Termo”). |
IN VIEW OF the premises and clauses set forth herein, the Parties hereby agree to the following by this Adhesion Term For B3 Co-Location (“Term”): |
Conforme empregados no presente Termo, os termos a seguir terão os significados indicados abaixo: |
For the purposes of this Term, the following definitions shall apply: |
“Co-location B3” refere-se ao conjunto formado pela locação de Unidades de Hospedagem padrão, pela disponibilização de Área de Staging, e pelo Apoio Técnico Local (Smart Hands). |
“B3 Co-location” refers to the set consisting of the renting of standard Hosting Units, the provision of a Staging Area, and the Smart Hand Technical Support. |
“Unidade de Hospedagem” refere-se às estruturas físicas padronizadas para acondicionamento e instalação do Equipamento, nos termos da Política Comercial do Co-location. |
“Hosting Unit” refers to the standardized physical structures for packing and installation of Equipment, pursuant to the provisions set forth in Co-location Commercial Policy. |
“Área de Staging” refere-se ao espaço físico segregado, restrito e controlado, dentro das instalações da B3, disponível para Manutenção Técnica, preparação, teste e armazenamento de Equipamento. |
“Staging Area” refers to the segregated, restricted and controlled physical space, which is located within the B3 data processing center facilities and available for Technical Maintenance, preparation, testing and storage of Equipment. |
“Apoio Técnico Local (Smart Hands)” refere-se às atividades acessórias à operacionalização do Co-location B3, conforme definido na Política Comercial do Co-location. |
“Technical Support from Smart Hands” refers to the activities that are accessory to the operationalization of the B3 Co-location, under the conditions set forth in the B3 Co-location Commercial Policy. |
“Área de Co-location” significa o espaço físico segregado, restrito e controlado, dentro das instalações do centro de processamento de dados da B3, destinado à hospedagem do Equipamento. |
“Co-location Area” means the segregated, restricted and controlled physical space, which is located within the B3 data processing center facilities and geared to the hosting of the Equipment. |
“Equipamento” refere-se aos equipamentos eletrônicos de negociação instalados na Unidade de Hospedagem, de rede e de serviços de conectividade e telecomunicações, de propriedade ou licenciados pela CONTRATANTE, conforme definido no Política Comercial do Co-location. |
“Equipment” refers to the electronic trading equipment installed in the Hosting Unit, the network equipment and the connectivity and telecommunication services equipment, either owned or licensed by the CONTRACTING PARTY, as defined in the B3 Co-location Commercial Policy. |
“Grupo Econômico” refere-se ao grupo de instituições constituído por: (a) pessoas jurídicas que sejam, direta ou indiretamente, controladas por uma mesma pessoa jurídica; e/ou (b) controlador e suas controladas, direta ou indiretamente. |
“Economic Group” refers to the group of legal entities consisting of: (a) legal entities which are directly or indirectly controlled by the same entity; and/or (b) the controller and its controlled entities, directly or indirectly. |
“Clientes da CONTRATANTE” terá o significado definido na Política Comercial do Co-location então vigente. |
“CONTRACTING PARTY’s Customers” shall have the meaning set forth in the applicable Co-location Commercial Policy. |
“Infraestrutura Tecnológica B3” refere-se aos programas de computador (softwares) e aos hardwares (computadores, equipamentos de rede, de segurança, cabeamento e outros), de propriedade ou licenciados à B3. Incluem-se nesta definição, para os fins previstos no presente Termo, todos os softwares e hardwares que eventualmente sucedam ou substituam os atuais. |
“B3 Technological Infrastructure” refers to the computer programs (softwares) and hardwares (computers, network and security equipment, cables and other equipment), owned or Licensed by B3. For the purposes set forth in this Term, shall be included in this definition any and all software and/or hardware that may succeed or replace the current version. |
“Infraestrutura Tecnológica da CONTRATANTE” refere-se aos programas de computador (softwares), às Linhas de Comunicação, aos hardwares (computadores, equipamentos de rede, de segurança, cabeamento e outros) de propriedade ou contratados pela CONTRATANTE, que propiciam, conjuntamente, as condições técnicas necessárias para a CONTRATANTE acessar a Infraestrutura Tecnológica B3. |
“CONTRACTING PARTY’s Technological Infrastructure” refers to the computer programs (softwares), Communication Lines and hardwares (computers, network and security equipment, cables and other equipment), owned or Licensed by CONTRACTING PARTY, which jointly provide the technical conditions necessary for CONTRACTING PARTY to access B3 Technological Infrastructure. |
“Linhas de Comunicação” significa o meio físico de transmissão de dados contratado por intermédio de rede de telecomunicações de Operadoras.
“Communication Lines” refers to the physical data transmission medium hired through the Providers’ telecommunication network. |
“Manutenção Técnica” refere-se à atuação técnica e específica para atualização, ajustes, correção ou troca de componentes do Equipamento ou softwares da CONTRATANTE, realizada na Área de Staging ou por meio remoto. |
“Technical Maintenance” refers to the technical and specific activities related to the update, adjustment, correction or exchange of components of the CONTRACTING PARTY’s Equipment or software, which are conducted in the Staging Area or by remote access. |
“Mercados B3” refere-se aos mercados administrados pela B3. |
“B3 Markets” refers to the markets managed by the B3. |
“Operadora” significa a empresa de telecomunicações, devidamente autorizada pela Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (“ANATEL”) e que apresenta requisitos técnicos mínimos exigidos nos Normativos da B3, que prestará os serviços de telecomunicação necessários ao Acesso da Infraestrutura Tecnológica da CONTRATANTE à Infraestrutura Tecnológica B3. |
“Provider” refers to the telecommunication company duly authorized by the National Telecommunications Agency (“ANATEL”), and which has the minimum technical requirements required in the B3 Rules, which shall provide the telecommunication services required for connecting Contracting Party’s Technological Infrastructure into the B3 Technological Infrastructure. |
“Representantes da B3” significa funcionários, associados, pessoal registrado, diretores, representantes, subsidiárias, afiliadas e quaisquer pessoas ou entidades relacionadas à B3. |
“B3 Representatives” means the employees, associates, registered personnel, directors, officers, representatives, subsidiaries, affiliates and any other persons or entities related to B3. |
“Normativos da B3” refere-se aos Regulamentos, Ofícios Circulares, Comunicados, Manuais e demais documentos publicados pela B3. |
“B3 Rules” refers to the Circular Letters, External Communication, Rules, Manuals and other documents published by B3. |
“Política Comercial do Co-location” é um documento publicado pela B3 contendo as regras, informações técnicas e comerciais acerca do Co-location B3. Este documento poderá ser alterado pela B3, a seu exclusivo critério, por meio da publicação de Comunicado Externo ou Ofício Circular, com antecedência mínima de 90 (noventa) dias. |
"Co-location Commercial Policy" is a document published by B3 containing all the rules, technical and commercial information about Co-location B3. This document may be amended by B3, at its sole discretion, by means of the publication of an External Communication or Circular Letter, at least 90 (ninety) days in advance. |
“Representantes da CONTRATANTE” significa funcionários, associados, pessoal registrado, conselheiros, diretores, representantes, subsidiárias, afiliadas e quaisquer pessoas ou entidades relacionadas à CONTRATANTE, a serem expressamente indicados e autorizados pela CONTRATANTE. |
“CONTRACTING PARTY’s Representatives” means the employees, associates, registered personnel, board members, officers, representatives, subsidiaries, affiliates and any other persons or entities related to the CONTRACTING PARTY, whose shall be expressly indicated and authorized by the CONTRACTING PARTY. |
“Serviços de Cross Connection” significa prover conectividade entre: (i) racks e acesso à Sala de Telecomunicações, ambientes de negociação e pós-negociação da B3; (ii) racks de um mesmo contratante dentro do mesmo espaço de co-location; e (iii) racks de diferentes contratantes dentro do mesmo espaço de co-location. Nesse caso, é imprescindível a aprovação pela B3, além da anuência de ambas as partes por escrito, por meio do envio de carta de autorização (LoA – Letter of Authorization) junto ao pedido de abertura da requisição. |
“Cross Connection Services” means provide connection between (i) racks and access to the Meet-Me Room, trading, and post-trade environments of B3; (ii) racks of the same licensee within the same co-location space; (iii) racks of different licensees within the same co-location space. In this case, B3’s approval is mandatory, in addition to the written consent of both parties involved, via a Letter of Authorization (LoA) together with the application request. |
“Sistema B3” refere-se à plataforma eletrônica de negociação administrada pela B3, destinada à negociação ou ao registro de operações realizadas com instrumentos de negociação autorizados por esta. |
“B3 System” refers to the electronic trading platform managed by B3, which is geared to the trading or the registration of transactions with securities authorized by B3. |
“Sistema da CONTRATANTE” refere-se ao Equipamento e demais programas de computadores de propriedade ou licenciados pela CONTRATANTE. |
“CONTRACTING PARTY’s System” refers to the Equipment and other computer programs owned or licensed by the CONTRACTING PARTY. |
1. Object. Through this instrument, B3 provides the CONTRACTING PARTY, in a non-exclusive manner, the hosting of its Equipment in the Co-Location Area, pursuant to the conditions specified in the Co-location Commercial Policy. |
1.1. The CONTRACTING PARTY shall use the Hosting Unit to maintain and operate the Equipment in accordance with the purposes established and/or permitted by the Co-location Commercial Policy and B3 Rules. |
1.2. The CONTRACTING PARTY shall not use the Hosting Unit for any purposes other than those specified in the Object herein without the prior written authorization of B3. |
1.3. Except in the cases stipulated in clauses 1.1 to 1.2 above, the Parties represent and agree that this Term and its Annexes refer exclusively to hosting the Co-location Area, without any warranties, representations, or affirmations with respect to the right of third parties to access the Co-location Area. |
2. Equipment. The CONTRACTING PARTY assumes liability for submitting a request to B3 to install or remove Equipment in the Co-location Area, in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Co-location Commercial Policy. |
2.1. All the necessary Technical Maintenance services for the Equipment shall be performed by the CONTRACTING PARTY. |
2.2. B3 reserves the right to install, remove and change the location of both the Equipment and the Hosting Unit in the Co-location Area, to organize the B3 data processing center and implement proper security measures. All measures taken by B3 shall be communicated to the CONTRACTING PARTY in advance of, at least, five (5) days, in order not to adversely affect the operation of the Equipment. |
3. Access of the CONTRACTING PARTY to the Co-location and Staging Areas. The Parties hereby agree that the CONTRACTING PARTY or authorized CONTRACTING PARTY Representatives shall have access to the Co-location Area and/or Staging Area only upon compliance with the terms and conditions specified in the Co-location Commercial Policy and the B3 Rules. |
3.1. The CONTRACTING PARTY or CONTRACTING PARTY Representatives shall have access to the Staging Area, in order to perform Technical Maintenance in the Equipment, subject to prior authorization from B3, provided that such access shall not interfere with the regular operations of B3. |
3.2. The CONTRACTING PARTY shall be liable for any individuals they authorize and/or allow to access the Xx-xxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxx xx X0 Technological Infrastructure. |
3.3. The Equipment may be accessed remotely, pursuant to the provisions set forth in the Co-location Commercial Policy and in the B3 Rules. |
4. Implementation, Certification and Connection. The Parties represent that: |
4.1. Only technological solutions owned or licensed by the CONTRACTING PARTY and previously certified by B3 in accordance with its functionality tests, pursuant to the Co-location Commercial Policy, shall be used in the B3 Co-location. |
4.2. Without prejudice to the certification, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall be solely liable before B3 and any third parties for the selection, contracting, implementation and validity of the technological solution that best suits it. |
4.3. The CONTRACTING PARTY may hire the Cross Connection Services by the signature of the Cross Connection Services Order Form to disponible by B3 (“Order Form”), following rules defined below: |
4.3.1. The CONTRACTING PARTY shall obtain all the third-parties authorization to B3 execute the Cross Connection Services, as well it exempt B3 of such authorization. |
4.3.2. The CONTRACTING PARTY is aware that B3 may change, from time to time, the conditions to send the Order Form to B3, which will be indicated by the Co-location Commercial Policy. |
5. Systems Operation. The Parties are liable for the maintenance and operation of their respective Systems. |
5.1. The CONTRACTING PARTY shall be totally and exclusively liable before B3 and third parties for the maintenance and operation of the CONTRACTING PARTY’s System, paying for the corresponding costs. |
5.2. B3 shall be exclusively liable before the CONTRACTING PARTY for the maintenance and operation of the B3 System, paying for the corresponding costs. |
5.3. The CONTRACTING PARTY commits to take all appropriate and necessary measures in order to avoid unlawful exchange and transmission of information, complying with the laws applicable to this matter. |
5.4. USER is aware and agrees that: (i) B3 may temporarily suspend USER's access to B3 Systems, B3 Technological Infrastructure and/or B3 Co-location, as well as other connections that are related to the object of this Term and/or adopt other appropriate actions, in the event of a possible cyber incident, which results in risks to B3's or USER's environments, in order to protect the security of the USER, B3 and its other customers, as well as to guarantee compliance with the security, integrity and confidentiality provided for in this Term; (ii) in case of suspension, the USER's access will only be resumed after B3 confirms the security and reliability of said connection; and (iii) such suspension will not be characterized as a breach of the obligations established in this Term. |
6. Contingency. The contingency structure for the Equipment that are hosted in B3 Co-location shall be provided by the CONTRACTING PARTY, in a location outside the Co-location Area, pursuant to their needs and in accordance with the B3 Rules. |
7. Remuneration. The CONTRACTING PARTY shall pay B3 for hosting its Equipment in the B3 Co-location, in accordance with the fee schedule as specified in the applicable Co-location Commercial Policy published by B3. |
7.1. B3 may modify the fee schedule no more than once every twelve (12) months, at its sole discretion, by sending prior written notice to CONTRACTING PARTY, or by publishing an External Communication or Circular Letter, upon ninety (90) days’ advance notice. For avoidance of doubt, the Fee Schedule’s modification limit, referred in this section, do not include the modifications related to the annual price adjustment established by the Co-location Commercial Policy. |
7.2. Failure to make payment in accordance with the form and terms established in the then applicable Fee Schedule contained in the Co-location Commercial Policy shall obligate CONTRACTING PARTY to pay a penalty of two percent (2%) cumulative with default interest of 1% (one percent) per month, incident on the total debt. |
7.3 The invoices referring to the services object of this Term will be issued by the subsidiary of B3, located in the city of Santana de Parnaíba. |
8. Intellectual Property. The Parties hereby represent to one another that the Equipment and the B3 Technological Infrastructure, including any updates or improvements made to them, shall constitute commercial secrets, copyrights and patent rights reserved to the CONTRACTING PARTY and to B3, respectively. The Parties, on their behalf and on behalf of their employees and representatives, agree to maintain such information strictly confidential and use it exclusively to perform their activities strictly in accordance with the provisions of this Term. The Parties agree to take, or cause to take, all the precautions deemed reasonably necessary to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of such information, not disclosing it to third parties. The provisions of this clause shall prevail even in the event that the present Term is terminated, regardless of the reason of termination. |
9. Confidentiality. The Parties shall maintain confidentiality of all oral and written information provided during the validity of this Term, including but not limited to the terms, conditions and values contained in this Term and Annexes, as well as any and all oral and written information related to their respective technologies, businesses, marketing plans and, especially, to the localization of the Co-location Area and Staging Area. |
9.1. Each Party shall not disclose the identity of the other Parties to third parties without express authorization from the other Parties. This prohibition shall not be applicable to: (i) events where such disclosure becomes necessary by virtue of compliance to this Term; (ii) events where such disclosure is authorized in advance, in writing, by the other Party; or (iii) events where the disclosure of such information is required by law, by rules or by a competent judicial or governmental order. |
9.2. Upon the termination of this Term, each Party shall either destroy or return to the other Party all confidential information, in any tangible form, including all copies thereof. |
9.3. This clause shall prevail for a period of five (5) years even if the present Term is terminated, regardless of the reason of termination. |
10. Liability. The Parties expressly agrees that B3 shall not be considered liable for any lost profits (anticipated or not), loss of use, trading losses, loss of other costs or savings, or losses due to operational interruptions, as well as for any increase in operational expenses, or for any other damages suffered, or costs and expenses incurred by the CONTRACTING PARTY, by its customers or any third parties, of nature or from any cause whatsoever, whether direct, special, incidental or consequential, arising out of the furnishing, performance, maintenance or use of, or inability to use, the B3 Technological Infrastructure, B3 System, Communication Lines, softwares, databases, manuals and any other service or material furnished by and on behalf of B3, notwithstanding that B3 may have been advised of the possibility or imminence of such damages. |
10.2. THE CONTRACTING PARTY ASSUMES FULL LIABILITY FOR ANY LOST PROFITS, loss of use, trading losses, loss of other costs or savings, or for any other damages suffered or costs incurred by the Contracting PartY, by IT’S customers or any third parties, of any nature or from any cause whatsoever, whether direct, special, incidental or consequential, arising out of the furnishing, performance, maintenance or use of, or inability to use, the B3 TECHNOLOGICAL INFRASTRUCTURE, B3 SYSTEM, COMMUNICATION LINES, SOFTWARES, DATABASES, MANUALS AND ANY OTHER SERVICES AND MATERIALS FURNISHED BY AND ON BEHALF OF B3, notwithstanding that B3 may have been advised of the possibility or imminence of such damages. THE CONTRACTING PARTY ASSUMES FULL LIABILITY FOR ANY DECISIONS OR INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS CARRIED OUT BY THE CONTRACTING PARTY THROUGH THE B3 TECHNOLOGICAL INFRASTRUCTURE, B3 SYSTEM, COMMUNICATION LINES, SOFTWARES, THE DATABASES, MANUALS AND OTHER MATERIALS AND SERVICES FURNISHED BY OR ON BEHALF OF B3, notwithstanding that B3 may have been advised of the possibility or imminence of such damages. |
10.3. None of the provisions of this Term shall be interpreted as creating any type of relationship or obligation on the part of B3 to develop, further enhance or maintain any current or future version of the B3 System or any of the systems or services related to the activities of B3. |
10.4. In any claim made by either CONTRACTING PARTY, whether for contractual breach, illegal act or any other reason, the total liability of the B3 shall not exceed BRL 1,000,000.00 (one million Brazilian Reais). |
10.5. The limitations and exclusions of liability contained in this Term shall not apply in the cases of willful misconduct or fraud by B3. |
11. Default. In the event of default by the CONTRACTING PARTY, B3 shall be fully entitled to all rights set forth by law or under principles of equity, including the right to compensation. The following situations constitute a default by the CONTRACTING PARTY pursuant to the provisions of the Term: |
11.1. Breach of any provision or condition contained in this Term; |
11.2. Lack of payment of any amounts due, pursuant to this Term; and |
11.3. Damages caused by the CONTRACTING PARTY to any asset or to the B3 Technological Infrastructure, as well as damages to the assets or equipment of customers or B3 commercial partners. |
12. Indemnification. The CONTRACTING PARTY shall indemnify and exempt B3 and the B3 Participants of any and all liability, obligation, damage, deficiency, loss, claim and expense, of direct, consequential and/or incidental nature, arising or resulting from: (i) negligence or fraud practiced by the CONTRACTING PARTY, it’s counselors, board directors, employees or agents; (ii) any misrepresentation, breach of representation or warranty, or failure to comply with any pact or agreement by the CONTRACTING PARTY, pursuant to the provisions of this Term; or (iii) breach, alleged or real, total or partial, by the CONTRACTING PARTY or by their customers of any right to intellectual property or copyright, or other property rights or B3 equity owner and/or any third party rights. This clause shall prevail even in the event that the present Term is terminated, regardless of the reason of termination. |
12.1. The CONTRACTING PARTY declares that itself as well as the CONTRACTING PARTY Representatives know and agree to the terms and conditions provided by this Term, as well as agree to all the B3 Rules, including the Co-location Commercial Policy, assuming liability for its faithful and appropriate enforcement. |
13. CONTRACTING PARTY’s limitation of liability. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the total liability of the CONTRACTING PARTY for any claim, whether for contractual breach, illegal act or any other reason, shall be limited to the amount of BRL 2,000,000.00 (two million Brazilian Reais). |
14. Validity and Renewal. This contract shall be become effective as of the Effective date and shall be in effect for 12 (twelve) or 36 (thirty six) months, depending on the service hired in the Annex I of this Term, and renewed automatically for equal and successive periods, unless it is terminated by any of the Parties pursuant the provisions of this Term. |
15. Suspension. B3 may suspend the utilization of the Equipment, at any time, without the need to notify the CONTRACTING PARTY in advance, in the case the CONTRACTING PARTY, or any of the CONTRACTING PARTY Representatives, goes into default, pursuant to the provisions of this Term, or otherwise becomes a danger to the operations of B3, at B3’s sole discretion. |
16. Termination. B3 may terminate this Term, at any time, without the need to notify the CONTRACTING PARTY in advance, in the case of default of the duties and obligations set forth in this Term and Annexes, or otherwise becomes a danger to the operations of B3, at B3’s sole discretion. |
16.1 A B3 e a CONTRATANTE poderão resilir este Termo a qualquer tempo e por qualquer motivo, mediante notificação escrita à outra Parte com antecedência de 60 (sessenta) dias. |
16.1. B3 and the CONTRACTING PARTY may terminate this Term at any time and for any reason by notifying the other Party of their intention to do so at least 60 (sixty) days in advance. |
16.1.1. A CONTRATANTE declara-se ciente de que, caso tenha optado no Anexo I pela contratação do High Density Rack pelo prazo de 36 (trinta e seis) meses, a resilição deste Termo ocorra antes de antes do prazo indicado, estará sujeita a aplicação de multa não compensatória valor de 50% (cinquenta por cento) das parcelas vincendas, independentemente da apuração de eventuais perdas e danos. |
16.1.1 If the CONTRACTING PARTY has opted in Annex I to hire the High-Density Rack for a period of 36 (thirty-six) months and also opted to terminate the Term before the indicated period, it shall be apply a fine non-compensatory amount of 50% (fifty percent) of the installments falling due, regardless of the determination of eventual losses and damages. |
16.2. The CONTRACTING PARTY recognizes and agrees that in the event of a termination by one of the Parties, B3 is authorized to immediately de-install and remove the Equipment from the Hosting Units, storing them in an adequate place in the B3 data processing center until they are effectively removed by the CONTRACTING PARTY. The CONTRACTING PARTY is responsible for the removal of the Equipment within 30 (thirty) days of the effective date of the termination. |
16.3. Upon the end of the 30 (thirty) day period set forth in clause 16.2, in the event that the Equipment has not been removed, the CONTRACTING PARTY expressly authorizes B3 to auction the Equipment. The total expenses resulting from the removal, storage and auction of the Equipment, which are deemed as net and certain debt, shall be for the account and risk of the CONTRACTING PARTY. The profits derived from the auction shall be offset against the net and certain debt amount owed by the CONTRACTING PARTY to B3. Should the proceeds exceed the debt amount, the balance shall be refunded to the CONTRACTING PARTY without monetary adjustments. |
18. Amendments. B3 reserves itself the right to change, at its sole discretion, the provisions set forth in this Term or its Annexes, including the fee structure policy, either by expressly notifying the CONTRACTING PARTY or by Circular Letters, with prior notice of 90 (ninety) days. |
19. Non-Publicity. The Parties agree that, without the prior consent of the other Party, they shall not: (i) use the name of the other Party or any of its affiliates, or the company name, registered trademark, commercial brands, service trademark or copyrighted symbol of the other Party or its affiliates in announcements, publicity or in other vehicles; or (ii) represent, directly or indirectly, that any product or service provided by either Party has been approved or endorsed by the other. |
20. Assignment. This Term shall not be assigned or transferred by the CONTRACTING PARTY to any other party or entity without the prior consent, in writing, of B3, which may assign it without the prior consent of the CONTRACTING PARTY. |
21. Severability. If any provision of this Term is considered invalid or non-executable, the remaining provisions shall remain valid for all purposes. |
22. Governing Law. This Term shall be governed by the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, regardless of the conflicts of legal principles. |
23. Conflict Resolution. In the event of any dispute resulting from the interpretation or execution of this Term, the Parties shall use their best efforts to reach an amicable composition. Should such composition not be reached, the courts of the judicial district of the City of São Paulo are hereby appointed as competent authorities to settle any claims between the Parties, to the exclusion of all other courts, however privileged they may be. |
24. Idioma. Caso este Termo seja traduzido para outro idioma senão o português, essa tradução somente será realizada para fins informativos. Na hipótese de discrepâncias, contradições, imprecisões, erros ou omissões entre a versão em português e a versão desse outro idioma, a versão em português prevalecerá e será a única versão vinculante e exequível deste Termo. |
24. Language. If translated into any language other than the Portuguese language version of this Term, such translated version shall be for convenience only. In the event of conflicts, contradictions, imprecision, mistakes or omissions between the Portuguese language version and the translated version, the Portuguese version shall prevail as the only binding and enforceable version of this Term. |
25. Lei Anticorrupção. As Partes declaram e garantem que estão cientes, conhecem e compreendem as leis anticorrupção brasileiras, notadamente a Lei nº 12.846/13, e eventuais alterações posteriores (“Legislação Aplicável”), comprometendo-se a (i) não praticar atos lesivos à administração pública nacional ou estrangeira, bem como se abstendo de prometer, oferecer, dar, direta ou indiretamente, por si ou por terceiro interposto, vantagem indevida a agente público nacional ou estrangeiro, ou a terceira pessoa a ele relacionada; (ii) implementar diretrizes e controles adequados destinados a prevenir e corrigir desvios, a fim de cumprir e fazer com que seus administradores, funcionários, contratados e demais prepostos cumpram com o que determina a Legislação Aplicável; (iii) evidenciar, de tempos em tempos, a pedido da outra parte, a existência e a aplicabilidade dessas diretrizes e controles. Da mesma forma, comprometem-se a não dificultar atividade de investigação ou fiscalização de órgãos, entidades ou agentes públicos, ou intervir em sua atuação, inclusive no âmbito das agências reguladoras, e dos órgãos de fiscalização do sistema financeiro ou do mercado de capitais nacional. |
25. Anti-corruption Laws. The Parties declare and warrant that they are aware, know and understand the Brazilian anti-corruption laws, in the form of Law No. 12,846/13, and any amendments thereto ("Applicable Law"), pledging to (i) not practice acts against public administration, domestic or foreign, as well as refraining from promoting, offering, giving, directly or indirectly, by themselves or by a third party, an undue advantage to a domestic or foreign public official, or a third person related to them; (ii) implement adequate policies and controls to prevent and correct deviations in order to meet and make their administrators, employees, contractors and other agents comply with the Applicable Law; (iii) evidence, from time to time at the request of the other Party, the existence and application of these guidelines and controls. Similarly, The Parties agree not to obstruct any investigation or any supervision activities from regulatory bodies, entities or public officials, or intervene in its activities, including activities under the jurisdiction of all Brazilian regulatory agencies related to the Brazilian financial system or Brazilian capital market. |
26. Responsabilidade Socioambiental. As Partes comprometem-se a combater (i) práticas de trabalho análogo ao de escravo, bem como (ii) a contratação de menores de 18 (dezoito) anos em atividades noturnas, perigosas ou insalubres e/ou de menores de 16 (dezesseis) anos em qualquer tipo de trabalho, exceto na condição de menor aprendiz, a partir de 14 (catorze) anos, bem como a praticar esforços nesse sentido junto aos seus respectivos fornecedores de produtos e serviços, a fim de que esses também se comprometam a fazer esforços nesse sentido visando a combater dessas práticas em seus respectivos estabelecimentos comerciais. |
26. Social and Environmental Liability. The Parties agree to fight (i) any labor practices analogous to slavery, as well as (ii) the hiring of minors under the age of 18 in nighttime, hazardous, or unhealthy activities and/or of minors under the age of 16 in any type of work, except as a minor apprentices from the age of 14, as well as to make efforts in this regard with their respective suppliers of products and services so that they also agree to make efforts in this regard in order to fight such practices at their respective business establishments. |
26.1. As Partes comprometem-se a envidar seus melhores esforços para combater práticas de discriminação negativas e limitativas ao acesso na relação de emprego ou à sua manutenção, tais como, mas não se limitando a, motivos de: sexo, origem, raça, cor, condição física, religião, estado civil, idade ou situação familiar, bem como a praticar esforços nesse sentido junto aos seus respectivos fornecedores de produtos e serviços, a fim de que esses também se comprometam a fazer esforços nesse sentido visando prevenir e combater práticas discriminatórias negativas em seus respectivos estabelecimentos comerciais |
26.1. The Parties agree to use their best efforts to fight negative discrimination practices that limit the access to or the maintenance of employment, including, without limitation, for reasons of: sex, origin, race, color, physical condition, religion, marital status, age, or family situation, as well as to make efforts in this regard with their respective suppliers of products and services so that they also agree to make efforts in this regard in order to prevent and fight negative discrimination practices at their respective business establishments. |
26.2. As Partes comprometem-se a envidar seus melhores esforços para proteger e preservar o meio ambiente, bem como a prevenir e combater qualquer agressão, perigo ou risco de dano ao meio ambiente, executando seus serviços em observância das leis, regulamentos, atos normativos e administrativos relativos à área de meio ambiente. |
26.2. The Parties agree to use their best efforts in order to protect and preserve the environment, as well as to prevent and fight any aggression, danger, or risk of harm the environment, by performing their services in compliance with any laws, regulations, and normative and administrative acts relating to the environment. |
27. As Partes convencionam que este Termo poderá ser emitido de forma eletrônica e assinado digitalmente ou eletronicamente pelas Partes, nos termos do parágrafo 2º do Artigo 10, da Medida Provisória nº 2.200-2, de 24 de agosto de 2001. Sendo assim, as Partes declaram e reconhecem que a assinatura por meios eletrônicos, tecnológicos e digitais é válida, exequível e plenamente eficaz, ainda que estabelecida com assinatura eletrônica, digital ou certificação fora dos padrões da Infraestrutura de Chaves Públicas Brasileira – ICP-Brasil, conforme referida MP 2.200-2/2001. |
27. The Parties hereby agree that this Term may be executed in electronic form and digitally or electronically signed by the Parties, under the terms of paragraph 2 of Article 10 of Provisional Measure 2.200-02 of August 24th, 2001. In this sense, the Parties declare and acknowledge that the signature by electronic, technological and digital means is valid, feasible and fully effective, even if established with electronic, digital signature or certification outside the Brazilian Public Infrastructure Certification (Infraestrutura de Chaves Públicas Brasileira – ICP-Brasil) standards, according to the MP 2.200-2/2001 mentioned. |
E, por estarem assim justas e contratadas, as Partes assinam o presente Termo na Data Efetiva. |
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, as of the date first written above, the parties hereto execute this Term on the Effective Date. |
São Paulo, [Data/Date] |
Nome/Name: [complete] |
Nome/Name: [complete] |
Cargo/Title: [complete] |
Cargo/Title: [complete] |
Nome/Name: [complete] |
Nome/Name: [complete] |
Cargo/Title: [complete] |
Cargo/Title: [complete] |
1. _________________________ 2. _____________________________
Nome/Name: Nome/Name:
Data: [complete] |
Date: [complete] |
Denominação ou nome/Corporate name or name: [complete] |
CNPJ / Corporate Taxpayers’ Register n.: [complete] |
Endereço/Address: [complete] |
Telefone (comercial) / Phone n. (commercial): [complete] |
Nome do Representante Legal / Legal Representative Name: [complete] |
Telefone do Representante Legal / Legal Representative phone n.: [complete] |
Nome do Contato Técnico/ Technical Contact Name: [complete] |
Telefone e E-mail do Contato Técnico/ Technical Contact phone n. and e-mail: [complete] |
Nome do Contato Administrativo-Cobrança/ Administrative/Colecttion Contact: [complete] |
Telefone do Contato Administrativo-Cobrança / Administrative/Colecttion Contact Phone n.: [complete] |
A CONTRATANTE se obriga a informar, por escrito e em no máximo cinco (5) dias, à B3 sobre qualquer alteração de dados acima, sob pena de infração do Termo. |
The CONTRACTING PARTY assume the obligation to inform B3, in writing and within five (5) days, about any changes to the above information and shall be subject to penalties under this Term for failing to do so. |
B. Espaço Contratado / B. Contracted Space |
Vigência/Period* |
Energy Capacity |
[ ] |
Unidade de Hospedagem – ½ Rack Negociação Host Xxxx – x Xxxxxxx Xxxx |
00 (xxxx) meses; / Twelve months |
Up to 3kW |
[ ] |
Unidade de Hospedagem – ¼ Rack Web Host Unit – ¼ Web Rack |
12 (doze) meses; / Twelve months |
Up to 1.5kW |
[ ] |
Unidade de Hospedagem – ½ High Density Rack Negociação Host Unit – ½ High Density Trading Rack |
[☐] 12 (doze) meses; / Twelve months [☐] 36 (trinta e seis) meses / Thirty-six months |
[☐] 5.5kW [☐] 6.5kW [☐] 7.5kW |
[ ] |
Unidade de Hospedagem – ½ High Density Rack Web Host Unit – ½ High Density Web Rack |
[☐] 12 (doze) meses; / Twelve months [☐] 36 (trinta e seis) meses / Thirty-six months |
[☐] 5.5kW [☐] 6.5kW [☐] 7.5kW |
[ ] |
Unidade de Hospedagem – ½ Rack Estoque Host Unit – ½ Storage Rack |
12 (doze) meses; / Twelve months |
N/A |
[ ] |
Unidade de Hospedagem – ¼ Rack Concentrador de VPN Host Unit – ¼ VPN Concentrator Rack |
12 (doze) meses; / Twelve months |
Up to 1.5kW |
Termo de Responsabilidade de Usuário |
User's responsibility Term |
Data: [preencher] |
Date: [complete] |
Em razão do disposto no item 4.3, deste Termo entre a B3 S. A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”) e o [RAZÃO SOCIAL DO CONTRATANTE], inscrito no CNPJ sob o nº [preencher] (“CONTRATANTE”) em [data de assinatura] (“Termo”), o CONTRATANTE, por meio deste instrumento, autoriza o seu colaborador identificado abaixo (“Usuário”) possa solicitar a contratação de Serviços em nome da CONTRATANTE, por meio dos fluxos selecionado abaixo e observando as seguintes condições: |
By virtue of the provisions in item 4.3, of the this Term by and between B3 S. A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”) and [CORPORATE NAME OF PRINCIPAL], registered with the National Corporate Taxpayers Register under CNPJ No. [complete] (“PRINCIPAL”) on [execution date] (“Term”), PRINCIPAL hereby authorizes its employee identified below (“User”) to request contracting of Services on behalf of PRINCIPAL, through the flows selected below and with due regard for the following conditions: |
Fluxo de contratação escolhido pelo Contratante: |
Contracting flow selected by the PRINCIPAL: |
[☐] Via Portal de Serviços B3: O Usuário poderá solicitar via Portal de Serviços, de forma automatizada, a contratação dos Serviços, em nome da CONTRATANTE. Para tanto, o Usuário receberá login e senha para acesso ao Portal de Serviços B3 e deverá observar as condições estabelecidas neste instrumento. |
[☐] Via B3 Services Portal: The User may request via Services Portal, in an automated manner, contracting of Services on behalf of PRINCIPAL. For such, the User will receive login and password to access the B3 Services Portal and must observe the conditions established in this document. |
Responsabilidades Do Contratante E Usuário |
Principal and User Obligations |
Dados do Usuário 1 |
User 1 Data |
* todos os campos abaixo devem ser preenchidos obrigatoriamente. *all spaces below must be mandatorily completed.
Dados do Usuário 2 |
User 2 Data |
* todos os campos abaixo devem ser preenchidos obrigatoriamente. *all spaces below must be mandatorily completed.
Por estar de acordo com as disposições deste Termo, declaro-me ciente. |
I agree with the provisions of this Term and declare to be aware thereof. |
Data [preencher] Empresa [preencher] |
Date [complete] Company [complete] |
Dados dos Clientes da CONTRATANTE |
Data of CONTRACTOR’s Clients |
[☐] Bovespa Equities |
[☐] BM&F/Derivatives |
[☐] Índices/Indexes |
Denominação/Corporate name: [preencher/complete] |
CNPJ/CPF nº/ Corporate Taxpayers’ Register n.: [preencher/complete] |
Endereço/Address: [preencher/complete] |
Responsável comercial / Business manager: [preencher/complete] |
Telefone (comercial) / Phone n. (commercial): [preencher/complete] |
E-mail (comercial): [preencher/complete] |
[☐] Bovespa Equities |
[☐] BM&F/Derivatives |
[☐] Índices/Indexes |
Denominação/Corporate name: [preencher/complete] |
CNPJ/CPF nº/ Corporate Taxpayers’ Register n.: [preencher/complete] |
Endereço/Address: [preencher/complete] |
Responsável comercial / Business manager: [preencher/complete] |
Telefone (comercial) / Phone n. (commercial): [preencher/complete] |
E-mail (comercial): [preencher/complete] |
[☐] Bovespa Equities |
[☐] BM&F/Derivatives |
[☐] Índices/Indexes |
Denominação/Corporate name: [preencher/complete] |
CNPJ/CPF nº/ Corporate Taxpayers’ Register n.: [preencher/complete] |
Endereço/Address: [preencher/complete] |
Responsável comercial / Business manager: [preencher/complete] |
Telefone (comercial) / Phone n. (commercial): [preencher/complete] |
E-mail (comercial): [preencher/complete] |
[☐] Bovespa Equities |
[☐] BM&F/Derivatives |
[☐] Índices/Indexes |
Denominação/Corporate name: [preencher/complete] |
CNPJ/CPF nº/ Corporate Taxpayers’ Register n.: [preencher/complete] |
Endereço/Address: [preencher/complete] |
Responsável comercial / Business manager: [preencher/complete] |
Telefone (comercial) / Phone n. (commercial): [preencher/complete] |
E-mail (comercial): [preencher/complete] |
As Contratantes se obrigam a informar, por escrito e em no máximo cinco (5) dias, à B3 sobre qualquer alteração de dados acima, sendo o único e exclusivo responsável por toda e qualquer infração contratual que decorra da desatualização dos referidos dados. |
The Contracting Parties assume the obligation to inform B3, in writing and within five (5) days, about any changes to the above information and shall be the sole responsible for any breach of contractual terms arising from the outdating of such data. |