C.H.E. As Sete Bicas, CRL (CdE)
Artigo 1.º
(Propriedade, Denominação e Administração)
1. A Cooperativa de Habitação Económica “As Sete Bicas”, CRL, com sede na Xxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, 00 - Xxxxxxx xx Xxxx, NIF 500 335 966, dispõe, na Urbanização da Azenha de Cima – Senhora da Hora, Alameda Azenha de Cima, 105, de um espaço destinado a alojamento da comunidade académica sob a designação de “CASA do ESTUDANTE – Che As Sete Bicas”, adiante simplesmente designadas por “Cooperativa” e por “CdE”.
2. Sendo esta CdE propriedade da Cooperativa, que igualmente se responsabiliza pela sua gestão, o presente visa regular o seu funcionamento e administração, que se pretendem realizar de forma eficiente, rigorosa e transparente, visando contribuir para o estabelecimento e manutenção de um qualificado ambiente académico, acolhedor, funcional e enriquecedor para os que venham a ser seus beneficiários.
Artigo 2.º
(Destino, Objeto e Caraterísticas)
1. A CdE destina-se a estudantes que necessitem de alojamento no âmbito das suas atividades académicas e que, pela distância ou dificuldade de transporte, não possam residir com o seu agregado familiar durante o ano letivo.
2. A CdE deverá proporcionar aos seus residentes boas condições de estudo e bem-estar, que favoreçam o sucesso escolar e a sua integração social.
3. A CdE dispõe de um conjunto de 3 dormitórios, desenvolvidos por um total de 8 quartos e 21 camas, assim distribuídos: o dormitório “Poetas” dispõe de 3 quartos com 3, 2 e 2 camas, no total de 7; o dormitório “Autores” dispõe de 3 quartos com 4, 2 e 2 camas, no total de 8; o dormitório “Escritores” dispõe de 2 quartos com 3 e 3 camas, no total de 6.
Artigo 3.º (Candidatura)
Podem candidatar-se à admissão na CdE, os estudantes que:
1. Por razões de frequência das atividades académicas sejam obrigados a residir, em tempo de aulas, fora do seu agregado familiar;
2. Não estejam abrangidos por quaisquer disposições que os impeçam;
3. A candidatura é apenas válida por um ano letivo;
4. Não serão consideradas candidaturas de quem tenha dividas por regularizar.
5. No ato de candidatura, é obrigatória a apresentação de declaração oficial comprovativa da respetiva matrícula universitária;
Artigo 4.º (Critérios de prioridade)
Elencam-se os seguintes critérios de prioridade na hierarquização das candidaturas à admissão na CdE:
1. Histórico de ocupações da CdE em anos anteriores e ausência de registo de factos ou comportamentos indevidos;
2. Ordem de chegada das candidaturas;
3. Candidatos que registem maior distância entre o domicílio do agregado familiar e a faculdade onde estudam;
4. Poderá ainda a Cooperativa considerar outras situações, desde que apresentadas e devidamente fundamentadas.
Artigo 5.º (Candidaturas aceites)
1. O candidato que obtenha aceitação da sua candidatura tem um prazo máximo de 5 dias úteis, após conhecimento da decisão, para declarar, por escrito, a aceitação do alojamento atribuído e proceder ao pagamento devido.
2. Em caso de incumprimento do número anterior, a candidatura será anulada e a vaga ficará de imediato disponível para outras candidaturas pendentes.
Artigo 6.º (Organização)
1. Assumido e assinado que seja pelas partes o contrato de alojamento, a entrada na CdE realiza-se nos dias úteis entre as 9h00 e as 17h30, sempre sujeita a marcação prévia, assegurando-se, pessoalmente, das respetivas condições de acesso.
2. O atendimento administrativo funciona nos serviços da cooperativa na Urbanização do Carriçal (Rua Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, 79 – Senhora da Hora) aos dias úteis entre as 10h00-12h00 e15h30-17h30.
Artigo 7.º (Mudança de alojamento)
A atribuição do dormitório e respetivo quarto manter-se-á, durante todo o período de vigência do contrato, exceto nas seguintes situações:
1. Realização de intervenções de manutenção ou outras que possam obrigar ao encerramento dos quartos.
2. Pedido de mudança por parte do residente devidamente fundamentado.
3. Permuta solicitada pelos interessados, desde que justificada e não cause inconveniência à gestão do equipamento.
Artigo 8.º
(Formalização da Admissão e Entrega dos Quartos)
1. Depois de confirmada a admissão, o candidato terá de formalizar a sua inscrição através da assinatura do contrato de alojamento e do preenchimento da Ficha Individual do Residente.
2. No ato de admissão e pagamento do alojamento e da caução estipulada no Artigo 12º, serão facultadas ao residente as condições de acesso à CdE, ao dormitório e quarto atribuído, as quais têm natureza pessoal e intransmissível.
3. No ato de entrada na CdE o residente será acompanhado por um elemento da gestão e tomará conhecimento da relação do equipamento que lhe fica disponível (mobiliário, cozinha e têxteis pessoais).
4. Após a entrada, o residente disporá de 48 horas para assinalar qualquer deficiência ou anomalia verificada nas instalações e equipamentos do dormitório e quarto; não o fazendo, assume-se a sua validação, ficando o residente vinculado à sua restituição no estado em que os recebeu, salvaguardadas as deteriorações inerentes a uma prudente utilização.
Artigo 9.º (Funcionamento, Proibições e Deveres)
1. O responsável pela gestão da CdE procederá, periodicamente, a vistorias aos quartos e demais instalações e, caso estes não estejam nas devidas condições de limpeza e asseio, os residentes serão notificados de que devem proceder à respetiva limpeza do espaço, estando sujeitos à retenção do valor da caução em caso de incumprimento continuado.
2. Não é permitido retirar e/ou deslocar material, mobília, equipamento e outros utensílios adstritos aos espaços comuns e aos quartos, ou atribuir-lhe outro fim que não seja o determinado pela CdE; do mesmo modo, não é permitido colocar/guardar em espaços comuns quaisquer objetos pessoais, assim como colar cartazes, fotografias ou autocolantes nas paredes e portas, ou efetuar qualquer tipo de inscrições nas mesmas.
3. Os danos causados nas instalações físicas da CdE, no seu equipamento e artigos de uso pessoal do residente, são da responsabilidade dos seus autores, quando identificados, ou de todos os residentes caso não se identifique o autor dos danos; a deteção de equipamento danificado ou destruído acarretará sempre o pagamento de uma multa no valor do prejuízo.
4. Caso seja detetado um consumo anormal de água ou energia, imputável a residentes por uso não responsável de água ou equipamentos elétricos, ou negligência, o custo desta despesa será imediatamente imputado aos responsáveis, se identificados, ou a todos os residentes, se não identificados.
5. A cozinha, de uso comum, destina-se unicamente à preparação de refeições ligeiras (do tipo pequeno- almoço e lanches), sendo a sua limpeza da inteira responsabilidade do utilizador, devendo o espaço ser limpo após cada utilização.
6. Por motivos de segurança é expressamente proibido:
a) Cozinhar nos quartos;
b) Foguear, designadamente acender sem vigilância velas, incenso ou quaisquer outros objetos afins, em qualquer dependência do interior da residência;
c) Fumar em qualquer dependência do interior da residência;
d) Possuir qualquer tipo de materiais explosivos, armas ou substâncias tóxicas, inflamáveis ou perigosas para a saúde e segurança da residência e dos residentes.
7. Sob pena de expulsão e/ou aplicação de outras sanções, nomeadamente as previstas no Artigo 13º, os residentes não podem praticar os seguintes atos:
a) Conceder alojamento a terceiros, seja a que título for;
b) Fazer barulho, nomeadamente através do uso de equipamentos audiovisuais, ou perturbar de alguma outra forma o silêncio do local, durante o período de descanso, entre as 22:00 h e as 8:00 h do dia seguinte;
c) Praticar atos impróprios de vida em comunidade ou apresentar comportamentos inapropriados, designadamente decorrentes do consumo excessivo de bebidas alcoólicas ou possuir, consumir ou traficar estupefacientes;
d) Permitir a entrada e/ou permanência de animais na residência;
e) Consumir alimentos pertencentes a terceiros;
f) Faltar ao respeito e consideração a qualquer pessoa que resida ou trabalhe na CdE;
8. Não é permitida a entrada e permanência de visitas na CdE.
Artigo 10.º (Saída dos Quartos)
1. Na data da saída, para que o quarto seja formalmente considerado entregue deverão ser cumpridos os seguintes procedimentos:
a) A existência do equipamento da CdE e dos artigos do uso pessoal será verificada em conjunto pelo residente e um elemento da gestão;
b) As eventuais perdas e/ou danos apurados no equipamento e artigos do uso pessoal estarão sujeitas às sanções estipuladas no n.º 3do Artigo 9º;
c) O dia e hora indicados para proceder à entrega do equipamento e saída da CdE deverá ser definido e previamente acordado com o elemento da gestão;
2. Devem ser sempre mantidas as boas condições higiénicas das instalações (incluindo as partes comuns da CdE, nomeadamente o hall de entrada, cozinha, sala de convívio e casas de banho); na data de saída,
os residentes têm, obrigatoriamente, de deixar as instalações limpas e arrumadas, isto é, nas condições em que as encontraram no ato da entrada, caso contrário será retido o valor da caução.
Artigo 11.º (Serviços de limpeza)
1. Periodicamente/diariamente, um profissional da CdE realizará a limpeza à residência, com especial incidência nas áreas comuns, e serão substituídas, semanalmente, as roupas de cama e banho;
2. A limpeza dos quartos será efetuada dentro do horário que for fixado para o efeito, pelo que nesse período estes têm de estar desocupados, e todos os residentes deverão assegurar que não ficam roupas ou objetos de qualquer espécie em cima da cama;
3. Caso isso não se verifique, a limpeza será da responsabilidade do residente.
Artigo 12.º
(Mensalidade, Caução e forma Pagamento)
1. O custo da mensalidade devida pelo alojamento na CdE será, para o ano letivo de 2023/24, de 300 Euros para quarto duplo, 285 Euros para quarto triplo e 270 Euros para quarto quadruplo.
2. Na assinatura do contrato de alojamento é devido o pagamento da 1ª e última mensalidade e de uma
“Caução Obrigatória” de valor igual a uma mensalidade.
3. O pagamento corrente do custo do alojamento é feito, mensalmente, até ao dia 08 de cada mês, através de transferência bancária para a conta da Cooperativa na CGD, Agência da Senhora da Hora, com o nº 0755000423732, com o IBAN XX00 0000 0000 00000000000 00, devendo ser sempre devidamente identificada com o nome do residente; excecionalmente, poderá efetuar-se presencialmente na sede da Cooperativa, em dia e horário de funcionamento da secretaria;
4. A atribuição dos quartos é, preferencialmente, para o decurso integral do ano letivo; em caso de incumprimento do prazo contratado, o residente liquidará integralmente todas as mensalidades vencidas e vincendas, salvo situações de força maior devidamente comprovadas e aceites como tal pela Direção da CdE.
5. Em caso de atraso no pagamento será aplicada uma taxa adicional de 5,00 € (cinco euros) por dia, até ao dia 15 do respetivo mês; a partir daí, o residente pode ser intimado a sair, não ficando dispensado do pagamento integral do mês.
Artigo 13.º (Devolução da Caução)
A caução a que se refere o Artigo 12º será devolvida no fim de vigência do contrato de alojamento, depois de cumpridos os procedimentos previstos no Artigo 10º e caso não haja lugar a pagamento de perdas e danos voluntariamente e/ou involuntariamente causados.
Artigo 14.º (Incumprimento)
1. O incumprimento das normas estabelecidas pelo presente regulamento implica procedimento disciplinar, passível das seguintes sanções:
a) Advertência oral ou escrita com possível acionamento parcial ou total da caução;
b) Expulsão da CdE;
2. As penas previstas no número anterior aplicam-se nas seguintes situações:
a) Prestação de dados falsos nos processos de candidatura;
b) Comportamento não compatível com o ambiente de estudo e convivência que se pretende criar nas instalações da CdE;
c) Não pagamento da mensalidade de acordo com o n.º 3 do Artigo 12º;
d) Cedência (ou simples tentativa) a terceiros da utilização do quarto e/ou cedência a outrem da
“chave/código” de acesso;
e) A aplicação de “praxe” na CdE;
3. O não cumprimento das normas poderá implicar também um processo disciplinar ou criminal, conforme a gravidade e natureza do ato praticado.
Artigo 15.º (Responsabilidades)
1. Com a assinatura do respetivo contrato de alojamento, ao qual ficará anexo e também assinado um exemplar do presente Regulamento, o residente fica de imediato responsável pelo seu total conhecimento e integral cumprimento.
2. A Cooperativa e a CdE não poderão ser responsabilizadas por quaisquer danos, perdas ou roubos de bens próprios dos residentes.
Artigo 16.º (Casos Omissos)
Os casos omissos neste Regulamento serão resolvidos pela Direção da Cooperativa.
Artigo 17.º (Revisão)
O presente Regulamento será revisto sempre que a Cooperativa o entenda conveniente.
Artigo 18.º (Tratamento de dados pessoais)
1. A Cooperativa e a CdE procedem à recolha e ao tratamento dos dados pessoais necessários à prestação de serviços no âmbito das suas atividades de alojamento e do contrato de alojamento estabelecido;
2. Incluem-se nos dados a recolher e a tratar todos os dados disponibilizados no ato da candidatura ao alojamento e no contrato;
3. Os dados pessoais são de fornecimento obrigatório e, em caso de falta ou insuficiência desses dados, a Cooperativa e a CdE não poderão disponibilizar os serviços de alojamento ou concretizar a sua contratação.
4. A C.H.E. As Sete Bicas, CRL (Cooperativa) e a Casa do Estudante (CdE) asseguram a confidencialidade de todos os dados fornecidos, e conservam e mantêm os dados pelo período necessário à finalidade do seu tratamento, até instruções em contrário, ou até que a lei exija a respetiva eliminação.
Artigo 19.º (Aprovação e Entrada em Vigor)
O presente Regulamento foi aprovado pela Direção da Cooperativa na presente data e entra em vigor com a celebração do primeiro contrato de residente na CdE.
Senhora da Hora, 15 de setembro de 2023
O Presidente da Direção
(Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx)
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C.H.E. As Sete Bicas, CRL (CdE)
Article 1
(Ownership, Name, and Administration)
1. The Affordable Housing Cooperative “As Sete Bicas”, CRL, with its head office at Xxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, 00 - Xxxxxxx xx Xxxx, VAT number 500 335 966, has a space at the Urbanization of Azenha de Cima – Senhora da Hora, Alameda Azenha de Cima, 105 –, intended for the accommodation of higher education students, under the name of “CASA do ESTUDANTE – Che As Sete Bicas”, hereinafter referred to as “Cooperative” and “CdE”.
2. Given that this CdE is owned by the Cooperative, which is also responsible for its management, this document aims regulate its operation and administration, which are intended to be carried out in an efficient, rigorous, and transparent manner, in order to contribute to the establishment and maintenance of a qualified academic environment that is welcoming, functional, and enriching for its eventual beneficiaries.
Article 2
(Purpose, Goals, and Features)
1. CdE is intended for higher education students who need accommodation during their academic year, and who are unable to live with their family, due to distance or difficulties with transport.
2. CdE shall provide its residents with good study conditions and well-being to support their academic success and social integration.
3. CdE has 3 dormitories, with a total of 8 rooms and 21 beds, distributed as follows: the dormitory “Poetas” dormitory has a total of 7 beds, divided into 3 bedrooms with 3, 2, and 2 beds, respectively; the dormitory “Autores” has a total of 8 beds, divided into 3 bedrooms with 4, 2, and 2 beds, respectively; the dormitory “Escritores” has a total of 6 beds, divided into 2 bedrooms with 3 beds each.
Article 3 (Application)
Applications for admission to the CdE are open to students who:
1. Due to the need of attending classes and other academic activities, are forced to live away from their family;
2. Are not covered by any provisions that prevent them from doing so;
3. The application is only valid for one academic year;
4. No applications will be considered from those with outstanding debts;
5. Upon application, the student must provide an official document proving that he or she is enrolled at a higher education institution.
Article 4 (Priority criteria)
The criteria for prioritizing applications for admission to the CdE are the following:
1. History of occupation of the CdE in previous years and no record of improper conduct or behavior;
2. The order in which applications arrive;
3. Applicants for whom the distance between their family home and the institution where they study is the longest;
4. The Cooperative may also consider other situations, provided they are presented and duly substantiated.
Article 5 (Accepted applications)
1. Applicants whose applications are accepted have a maximum of 5 working days, after being informed of the decision, to declare in writing the acceptance of the allocated accommodation and proceed with the payment due.
2. In the event of non-compliance with the previous paragraph, the application will be cancelled and the vacancy will immediately become available for other pending applications.
Article 6 (Organization)
1. Once the parties have signed the accommodation contract, the entrance into the CdE takes place on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5.30 p.m., always subject to prior appointment, while ensuring in person that the respective access conditions.
2. The administrative service is located at the Cooperative's offices, in the Urbanization of Xxxxxxxx (Xxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, 00 - Xxxxxxx xx Xxxx) on weekdays between 10am-12pm and 3.30 p.m.-5.30 p.m.
Article 7 (Change of chambers)
The allocation of the dormitory and respective room shall not be changed for the entire duration of the contract, except in the following situations:
1. Maintenance or other interventions that may require the rooms to be closed;
2. A duly substantiated request to change by the resident;
3. Exchange requested by the interested parties, provided that it is substantiated, and it does not cause inconvenience to the management of the spaces.
Article 8
(Formalization of Admission and Room Check-in Procedures)
1. After admission is confirmed, the applicant must formalize his/her registration by signing the accommodation contract, and filling in the Resident´s Individual Form
2. Upon admission and payment for the accommodation and the security deposit as stipulated in Article 12, the resident will be provided with the necessary conditions for access to the CdE, the dormitory, and the assigned room, which are personal and non-transferable;
3. When entering the CdE, the resident will be accompanied by a member of the management team, and will be informed of the list of equipment available to him/her (furniture, kitchen items and appliances, and personal textiles);
4. After checking in, the resident will have 48 hours to report any deficiency or anomaly found in the facilities and equipment of the dormitory and room; if the resident fails to do so, it is assumed that everything is in good condition, he/she is thereby bound to its restitution in the state in which he/she received them, safeguarding the deterioration inherent in prudent use.
Article 9
(Operation, Prohibitions, and Duties)
1. The person responsible for the management of the CdE will periodically inspect the rooms and other facilities, and if they are not in the right conditions of cleanliness and tidiness, the residents will be notified that they must clean the space, accordingly, being subject to the retention of the value of the deposit in the event of continued non-compliance;
2. The removal and/or relocation of material, furniture, equipment, and other utensils belonging to the common areas and rooms, or using them for any other purposes than those determined by the CdE, is forbidden; likewise, it is also forbidden to place/keep any personal belongings in the common areas, or to stick posters, photographs, or stickers on the walls and doors, or to make any kind of inscription on them.
3. Any damage caused in the physical facilities of the CdE, as well as to its equipment and items for the resident's personal use, falls under the responsibility of the perpetrators, if identified, or of all the residents if individual liability cannot be determined; the detection of damaged or destroyed equipment will always result in the charging of a fine in the amount of the damage;
4. If an abnormal consumption of water or energy is detected, attributable to the residents through irresponsible use of water or electrical equipment, or negligence, the cost of this expense will be immediately charged to those responsible, if identified, or of all the residents if individual liability cannot be determined.
5. The kitchen, which is for common use, is intended only for the preparation of light meals (breakfast and snacks), and its cleaning is the sole responsibility of the user who must clean the space after each use;;
6. For safety reasons, it is strictly forbidden to:
a) Cook in the bedrooms;
b) Light any kind of fire, namely to light candles, incense or any other similar objects, without surveillance, in any room inside the residence;
c) Smoke in any room inside the residence;
d) Possess any type of explosive materials, weapons or substances that are toxic, flammable or dangerous to the health and safety of the residence and its residents.
7. Under penalty of expulsion and/or other sanctions, namely those provided for in Article 13, residents may not carry out the following acts:
a) Grant accommodation to third parties, for whatever reason;
b) Make noise, namely through the use of audiovisual equipment, or disturbing the silence of the place in some other way, during the rest period (10 p.m. – 8 a.m.);
c) Practice acts that are inappropriate for living in a community, or display inappropriate behavior, namely as a result of excessive consumption of alcohol, or possess, use, or deal in any narcotic substance;
d) Allow the entry and/or permanence of animals inside the residence;
e) Eat food belonging to third parties;
f) Disrespect and disregard anyone who lives or works in the CdE;
8. Visitors are not allowed to enter and stay in the CdE.
Article 10 (Room Check-out)
1. On the date of departure, the following procedures must be carried out for the room to be formally considered surrendered:
a) The existence of equipment from the CdE and personal items will be checked jointly by the resident and a member of the management team;
b) Any loss and/or damage found to equipment and personal items will be subject to the penalties set forth in paragraph 3 of Article 9;
c) The day and time appointed for handing over the equipment and leaving the CdE must be set and agreed in advance with the member of the management team;
2. The facilities (including the common areas of the CdE, namely the entrance hall, kitchen, lounge, and bathrooms) must be kept in good hygienic conditions at all times; on the date of departure, residents must leave the facilities clean and tidy, i.e. under the same conditions as they found them at the time of entry, otherwise the security deposit will be withheld.
Article 11 (Housekeeping)
i. Periodically/daily, a CdE employee will clean the residence, especially the common areas, and bed and bathroom linen will be replaced on a weekly basis;
ii. The cleaning of the rooms will be carried out within the hours set for this purpose, which means that the rooms must be unoccupied during that period, and all residents must ensure that no clothes or objects of any kind are left on the bed;
iii. If this is not the case, cleaning will be the responsibility of the resident.
Article 12
(Monthly Fee, Security Deposit, and Payment)
1. For the academic year of 2023/24, the monthly fee for accommodation at the CdE will be €300 for a double room, €285 for a triple room, and €270 for a quadruple room;
2. When signing the accommodation contract, the resident must pay the first and the last monthly fee, as well as a "Compulsory Security Deposit" equal to one monthly fee;
3. The payment of the accommodation is made monthly, by the 8th of each month, by bank transfer to the Cooperative's account at CGD, Senhora da Hora branch, with the number 0755000423732, and IBAN number XX00 0000 0000 00000000000 00, and must always be duly identified with the resident's name; exceptionally, the payment can be made in person at the Cooperative's head office, during office hours of the secretariat;
4. The allocation of rooms is preferably valid for the full duration of the academic year; in the event of non- compliance with the contracted period, the resident must pay in full all monthly fees overdue and falling due, except in situations of force majeure duly proven and accepted as such by the CdE Board.
5. The lack of payment, within the period established in paragraph 3 of the present article, will be subject to an additional charge of €5.00 (five euros) per day, until the 15th of the respective month; thereafter, the resident may be summoned to leave and will not be exempt from paying the full amount for the month.
Article 13
(Return of the Security Deposit)
The security deposit referred to in Article 12 will be returned once the accommodation contract has expired, after the procedures set forth in Article 10 have been carried out, and if there is no payment for losses and damages voluntarily and/or involuntarily caused.
Article 14 (Failure to comply)
1. Noncompliance with the rules laid down in these regulations shall entail disciplinary action, subject to the following sanctions:
a) An oral or written warning with possible partial or total activation of the security deposit;
b) Expulsion from the CdE;
2. The penalties set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be applied in the following circumstances:
a) Provision of false information in the application process;
b) Behavior that is not compatible with the study and living environment that is intended to be created inside the premises of the CdE;
c) Failure to pay the monthly fee as stipulated in paragraph 3 of Article 12;
d) Give (or merely attempting to give) third parties the use of the bedroom, and/or giving the access "key/code" to somebody else;
e) Practice any kind of hazing at the CdE;
3. The failure to comply with the rules may also entail disciplinary or criminal proceedings, depending on the severity and nature of the act committed.
Article 15 (Responsibilities)
1. Upon signing the respective accommodation contract, to which a copy of these Regulations will be attached and also signed, the resident is immediately responsible for its full knowledge and compliance.
2. The Cooperative and the CdE cannot be held liable for any damage, loss or theft of residents' own property.
Article 16 (Omissions)
Any cases not covered by these Regulations will be resolved by the Cooperative's Board of Directors.
Article 17 (Revision)
These Regulations shall be revised whenever the Cooperative deems it appropriate.
Article 18 (Processing of personal data)
1. The Cooperative and the CoE collect and process the personal data necessary for the provision of services within the scope of their accommodation activities and the established accommodation contract;
2. Included in the data to be collected and processed are all data made available when applying for accommodation and in the contract;
3. The provision of personal data is mandatory and, in the event of any lack or insufficiency of these data, the Cooperative and CdE will not be able to provide the accommodation services, the Cooperative and CdE will not be able to provide the accommodation services or materialize its hiring;
4. C.H.E. As Sete Bicas, CRL (Cooperative) and Casa do Estudante (CdE) ensure the confidentiality of all data provided, and keep and maintain the data for the necessary period of time for the purpose of processing it, until instructed otherwise, or until the law requires its deletion.
Article 19 (Approval and Enforcement)
These Regulations were approved by the Cooperative's Board of Directors on this date and will come into force with the signing of the first resident contract at the CdE.
Senhora da Hora, September 15, 2023
The Chairman of the Board
(Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx)
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C.H.E. As Sete Bicas, CRL (CdE)
Article 1
(Ownership, Name, and Administration)
1. The Affordable Housing Cooperative “As Sete Bicas”, CRL, with its head office at Xxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, 00 - Xxxxxxx xx Xxxx, VAT number 500 335 966, has a space at the Urbanization of Azenha de Cima – Senhora da Hora, Alameda Azenha de Cima, 105 –, intended for the accommodation of higher education students, under the name of “CASA do ESTUDANTE – Che As Sete Bicas”, hereinafter referred to as “Cooperative” and “CdE”.
2. Given that this CdE is owned by the Cooperative, which is also responsible for its management, this document aims regulate its operation and administration, which are intended to be carried out in an efficient, rigorous, and transparent manner, in order to contribute to the establishment and maintenance of a qualified academic environment that is welcoming, functional, and enriching for its eventual beneficiaries.
Article 2
(Purpose, Goals, and Features)
2. CdE is intended for higher education students who need accommodation during their academic year, and who are unable to live with their family, due to distance or difficulties with transport.
3. CdE shall provide its residents with good study conditions and well-being to support their academic success and social integration.
4. CdE has 3 dormitories, with a total of 8 rooms and 21 beds, distributed as follows: the dormitory “Poetas” dormitory has a total of 7 beds, divided into 3 bedrooms with 3, 2, and 2 beds, respectively; the dormitory “Autores” has a total of 8 beds, divided into 3 bedrooms with 4, 2, and 2 beds, respectively; the dormitory “Escritores” has a total of 6 beds, divided into 2 bedrooms with 3 beds each.
Article 3 (Application)
Applications for admission to the CdE are open to students who:
1. Due to the need of attending classes and other academic activities, are forced to live away from their family;
2. Are not covered by any provisions that prevent them from doing so;
3. The application is only valid for one academic year;
4. No applications will be considered from those with outstanding debts;
5. Upon application, the student must provide an official document proving that he or she is enrolled at a higher education institution.
Article 4 (Priority criteria)
The criteria for prioritizing applications for admission to the CdE are the following:
1. History of occupation of the CdE in previous years and no record of improper conduct or behavior;
2. The order in which applications arrive;
3. Applicants for whom the distance between their family home and the institution where they study is the longest;
4. The Cooperative may also consider other situations, provided they are presented and duly substantiated.
Article 5 (Accepted applications)
1. Applicants whose applications are accepted have a maximum of 5 working days, after being informed of the decision, to declare in writing the acceptance of the allocated accommodation and proceed with the payment due.
2. In the event of non-compliance with the previous paragraph, the application will be cancelled and the vacancy will immediately become available for other pending applications.
Article 6 (Organization)
1. Once the parties have signed the accommodation contract, the entrance into the CdE takes place on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5.30 p.m., always subject to prior appointment, while ensuring in person that the respective access conditions.
2. The administrative service is located at the Cooperative's offices, in the Urbanization of Xxxxxxxx (Xxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, 00 - Xxxxxxx xx Xxxx) on weekdays between 10am-12pm and 3.30 p.m.-5.30 p.m.
Article 7 (Change of chambers)
The allocation of the dormitory and respective room shall not be changed for the entire duration of the contract, except in the following situations:
1. Maintenance or other interventions that may require the rooms to be closed;
2. A duly substantiated request to change by the resident;
3. Exchange requested by the interested parties, provided that it is substantiated, and it does not cause inconvenience to the management of the spaces.
Article 8
(Formalization of Admission and Room Check-in Procedures)
1. After admission is confirmed, the applicant must formalize his/her registration by signing the accommodation contract, and filling in the Resident´s Individual Form
2. Upon admission and payment for the accommodation and the security deposit as stipulated in Article 12, the resident will be provided with the necessary conditions for access to the CdE, the dormitory, and the assigned room, which are personal and non-transferable;
3. When entering the CdE, the resident will be accompanied by a member of the management team, and will be informed of the list of equipment available to him/her (furniture, kitchen items and appliances, and personal textiles);
4. After checking in, the resident will have 48 hours to report any deficiency or anomaly found in the facilities and equipment of the dormitory and room; if the resident fails to do so, it is assumed that everything is in good condition, he/she is thereby bound to its restitution in the state in which he/she received them, safeguarding the deterioration inherent in prudent use.
Article 9
(Operation, Prohibitions, and Duties)
1. The person responsible for the management of the CdE will periodically inspect the rooms and other facilities, and if they are not in the right conditions of cleanliness and tidiness, the residents will be notified that they must clean the space, accordingly, being subject to the retention of the value of the deposit in the event of continued non-compliance;
2. The removal and/or relocation of material, furniture, equipment, and other utensils belonging to the common areas and rooms, or using them for any other purposes than those determined by the CdE, is
forbidden; likewise, it is also forbidden to place/keep any personal belongings in the common areas, or to stick posters, photographs, or stickers on the walls and doors, or to make any kind of inscription on them.
3. Any damage caused in the physical facilities of the CdE, as well as to its equipment and items for the resident's personal use, falls under the responsibility of the perpetrators, if identified, or of all the residents if individual liability cannot be determined; the detection of damaged or destroyed equipment will always result in the charging of a fine in the amount of the damage;
4. If an abnormal consumption of water or energy is detected, attributable to the residents through irresponsible use of water or electrical equipment, or negligence, the cost of this expense will be immediately charged to those responsible, if identified, or of all the residents if individual liability cannot be determined.
5. The kitchen, which is for common use, is intended only for the preparation of light meals (breakfast and snacks), and its cleaning is the sole responsibility of the user who must clean the space after each use.
6. For safety reasons, it is strictly forbidden to:
e) Cook in the bedrooms;
f) Light any kind of fire, namely to light candles, incense or any other similar objects, without surveillance, in any room inside the residence;
g) Smoke in any room inside the residence;
h) Possess any type of explosive materials, weapons or substances that are toxic, flammable or dangerous to the health and safety of the residence and its residents.
7. Under penalty of expulsion and/or other sanctions, namely those provided for in Article 13, residents may not carry out the following acts:
g) Grant accommodation to third parties, for whatever reason;
h) Make noise, namely through the use of audiovisual equipment, or disturbing the silence of the place in some other way, during the rest period (10 p.m. – 8 a.m.);
i) Practice acts that are inappropriate for living in a community, or display inappropriate behavior, namely as a result of excessive consumption of alcohol, or possess, use, or deal in any narcotic substance;
j) Allow the entry and/or permanence of animals inside the residence;
k) Eat food belonging to third parties;
l) Disrespect and disregard anyone who lives or works in the CdE;
8. Visitors are not allowed to enter and stay in the CdE.
Article 10 (Room Check-out)
1. On the date of departure, the following procedures must be carried out for the room to be formally considered surrendered:
d) The existence of equipment from the CdE and personal items will be checked jointly by the resident and a member of the management team;
e) Any loss and/or damage found to equipment and personal items will be subject to the penalties set forth in paragraph 3 of Article 9;
f) The day and time appointed for handing over the equipment and leaving the CdE must be set and agreed in advance with the member of the management team;
2. The facilities (including the common areas of the CdE, namely the entrance hall, kitchen, lounge, and bathrooms) must be kept in good hygienic conditions at all times; on the date of departure, residents must leave the facilities clean and tidy, i.e. under the same conditions as they found them at the time of entry, otherwise the security deposit will be withheld.
Article 11 (Housekeeping)
i. Periodically/daily, a CdE employee will clean the residence, especially the common areas, and bed and bathroom linen will be replaced on a weekly basis;
ii. The cleaning of the rooms will be carried out within the hours set for this purpose, which means that the rooms must be unoccupied during that period, and all residents must ensure that no clothes or objects of any kind are left on the bed;
iii. If this is not the case, cleaning will be the responsibility of the resident.
Article 12
(Monthly Fee, Security Deposit, and Payment)
6. For the academic year of 2023/24, the monthly fee for accommodation at the CdE will be €300 for a double room, €285 for a triple room, and €270 for a quadruple room;
7. When signing the accommodation contract, the resident must pay the first and the last monthly fee, as well as a "Compulsory Security Deposit" equal to one monthly fee;
8. The payment of the accommodation is made monthly, by the 8th of each month, by bank transfer to the Cooperative's account at CGD, Senhora da Hora branch, with the number 0755000423732, and IBAN number XX00 0000 0000 00000000000 00, and must always be duly identified with the resident's name; exceptionally, the payment can be made in person at the Cooperative's head office, during office hours of the secretariat;
9. The allocation of rooms is preferably valid for the full duration of the academic year; in the event of non- compliance with the contracted period, the resident must pay in full all monthly fees overdue and falling due, except in situations of force majeure duly proven and accepted as such by the CdE Board.
10. The lack of payment, within the period established in paragraph 3 of the present article, will be subject to an additional charge of €5.00 (five euros) per day, until the 15th of the respective month; thereafter, the resident may be summoned to leave and will not be exempt from paying the full amount for the month.
Article 13
(Return of the Security Deposit)
The security deposit referred to in Article 12 will be returned once the accommodation contract has expired, after the procedures set forth in Article 10 have been carried out, and if there is no payment for losses and damages voluntarily and/or involuntarily caused.
Article 14 (Failure to comply)
1. Noncompliance with the rules laid down in these regulations shall entail disciplinary action, subject to the following sanctions:
c) An oral or written warning with possible partial or total activation of the security deposit;
d) Expulsion from the CdE;
2. The penalties set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be applied in the following circumstances:
f) Provision of false information in the application process;
g) Behavior that is not compatible with the study and living environment that is intended to be created inside the premises of the CdE;
h) Failure to pay the monthly fee as stipulated in paragraph 3 of Article 12;
i) Give (or merely attempting to give) third parties the use of the bedroom, and/or giving the access "key/code" to somebody else;
j) Practice any kind of hazing at the CdE;
3. The failure to comply with the rules may also entail disciplinary or criminal proceedings, depending on the severity and nature of the act committed.
Article 15 (Responsibilities)
3. Upon signing the respective accommodation contract, to which a copy of these Regulations will be attached and also signed, the resident is immediately responsible for its full knowledge and compliance.
4. The Cooperative and the CdE cannot be held liable for any damage, loss or theft of residents' own property.
Article 16 (Omissions)
Any cases not covered by these Regulations will be resolved by the Cooperative's Board of Directors.
Article 17 (Revision)
These Regulations shall be revised whenever the Cooperative deems it appropriate.
Article 18 (Processing of personal data)
5. The Cooperative and the CoE collect and process the personal data necessary for the provision of services within the scope of their accommodation activities and the established accommodation contract;
6. Included in the data to be collected and processed are all data made available when applying for accommodation and in the contract;
7. The provision of personal data is mandatory and, in the event of any lack or insufficiency of these data, the Cooperative and CdE will not be able to provide the accommodation services, the Cooperative and CdE will not be able to provide the accommodation services or materialize its hiring;
8. C.H.E. As Sete Bicas, CRL (Cooperative) and Casa do Estudante (CdE) ensure the confidentiality of all data provided, and keep and maintain the data for the necessary period of time for the purpose of processing it, until instructed otherwise, or until the law requires its deletion.
Article 19 (Approval and Enforcement)
These Regulations were approved by the Cooperative's Board of Directors on this date and will come into force with the signing of the first resident contract at the CdE.
Senhora da Hora, September 15, 2023
The Chairman of the Board
(Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx)