Force Majeure. 14.1. A Party’s obligations in terms of this Credit Agreement shall be suspended for such period during which that Party is prevented from complying with said obligations due to Force Majeure, provided that such Party has:
(a) notified the other Party of the existence of such Force Majeure,
(b) does everything in its/his/her power to comply with the obligations in terms of the Credit Agreement notwithstanding the existence of Force Majeure; and
(c) fulfils its obligations once the Force Majeure event has ceased to exist, within the time specified by the other Party.
14.2. For the avoidance of doubt, Force Majeure shall only suspend a Party’s obligation in so far as it is impossible for the Party to perform the same and shall in no case excuse such Party from the obligation to perform other obligations in terms of the Credit Agreement. Force Majeure is understood to mean an event that is unpredictable and beyond the Parties’ control, e.g. strike, legislative restriction imposed by the government or an EU authority, sabotage, uprising, natural disasters or similar circumstances causing impossibility in fulfilling the obligations arising from the Credit Agreement but shall not include termination of employment or other conditions effecting your capacity to repay amounts due to Ferratum.
Force Majeure. 13.1 Neither of the Contracting Parties shall be held responsible for the breach of their liabilities set out in the Contract due to force majeure.
13.2 Force majeure is an external reason which is independent of the will and influence of the Contracting Party and the effect of which could not be expected, avoided or countered (including but not limited to wars, epidemics, natural disasters etc.).
13.3 The Contracting Party which invokes the reason of force majeure must immediately, but not later than within 15 days of the occurrence of said event of force majeure, inform the other Contracting Party of it in writing. If the event of force majeure is not over within one month of the date of its first occurrence, each of the contracting parties can immediately withdraw from the agreement.
Force Majeure. 11.1 Neither of the Contracting Parties shall be held responsible for the breach of their liabilities set out in the Contract due to force majeure.
11.2 Force majeure is an external reason which is independent of the will and influence of the Contracting Party and the effect of which could not be expected, avoided or countered (including but not limited to wars, epidemics, natural disasters etc.).
11.3 Pogodbena stranka, na strani katere je primer višje sile, je dolžna nemudoma, najkasneje pa v roku 15 dni od nastanka primera višje sile, o tem pisno obvestiti drugo Pogodbeno stranko. V kolikor višja sila ni odpravljena v roku enega meseca od dne nastanka višje sile, lahka vsaka Pogodbena stranka nemudoma odstopi od Pogodbe.
Force Majeure. Except for payment obligations, neither Party will be liable for a failure to perform hereunder to the extent that performance is prevented, delayed or obstructed by causes beyond its reasonable control, which include without limitation (i) disruptions in a wireless provider’s network or infrastructure;
Force Majeure. In case of force majeure, each party is obliged to inform the other party about the event. The company GAZELA does not accept responsibility for delays in case of a force majeure.
Force Majeure. Nobena pogodbena stranka ni odgovorna za neizvedbo katere koli obveznosti iz te pogodbe, če je vzrok za to višja sila (med drugim naravne katastrofe, vojna, državljanski nemiri, dejanja državnih organov, stavke in drugi vzroki zunaj razumnega nadzora pogodbene stranke). Pogodbena stranka, prizadeta zaradi višje sile, o tem v komercialno razumnem času obvesti drugo pogodbeno stranko in si po najboljših močeh prizadeva obnoviti izvajanje svojih obveznosti. Obveznosti, ki niso izvedene zaradi višje sile, se izvedejo, takoj ko je razumno mogoče, po končanju dogodka višje sile. V primeru višje sile, se lahko Borzen in tržni udeleženec sporazumeta za podaljšanje načrtovanega roka, za dobo trajanja višje sile. Če zaradi daljših rokov trajanja višje sile ne bi bilo mogoče izpolniti pogodbenih obveznosti, lahko pogodbeni stranki pogodbo sporazumno prekineta. Prekinitev ali podaljšanje pogodbe v primeru višje sile mora biti v pisni obliki. V primeru prekinitve pogodbe zaradi višje sile, je Borzen dolžan povrniti tržnemu udeležencu proporcionalno znižan fiksni del pogodbene vrednosti, skladno s cenikom, pri čemer se za presečni dan šteje prejem pisne prekinitve pogodbe, s strani nasprotne pogodbene stranke.
Force Majeure. The seller and the buyer are not responsible for the legal consequences of an agreement breach of the contract if the agreement breach of the contract occurred due to events of force majeure. For the circumstances of force majeure, events that occur after the conclusion of the contract shall be considered as unforeseen and unforeseen events, which the Slovenian court recognizes as a force majeure.