GENERAL PROVISIONS exempelklausuler

GENERAL PROVISIONS. 8.1. Registerhållning, Verifiering och Revision. Under detta Avtals giltighetstid samt under ett (1) år därefter skall Kunden på Qliks begäran, men inte mer än en gång per kalenderår, utföra en självrevision av sin användning av Qlik-produkterna och inom tio (10) dagar efter mottagandet av sådan begäran skicka en skriftlig redogörelse till Qlik som bekräftar att Licenstagaren uppfyller villkoren i detta Avtal. Qlik har rätt att, på egen hand eller genom dess utsedda agent eller tredje parts redovisningsföretag, utföra en granskning av Kundens användning och distribution av Qlik- produkterna och övervaka användningen av Qlik Cloud för att verifiera efterlevnaden av detta Avtal. Qliks skriftliga begäran om revision skall inkomma till Kunden minst femton (15) dagar före det angivna revisionsdatumet, och sådan revision skall göras under arbetstid och med minsta möjliga störning av Kundens verksamhet som mål. Om sådan revision inte visar att Xxxxxx i väsentlig utsträckning uppfyller villkoren i detta Avtal skall Kunden stå för rimliga kostnader för revisionen, i tillägg till eventuella andra avgifter och skadeersättningar som Qlik kan ha rätt till i enlighet med detta Avtal och tillämplig lagstiftning.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. Article 40 Article 41
GENERAL PROVISIONS. The following terms apply to each series of Securities:
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1. The Organisation shall establish the terms of contract and necessary employment regula- tions for its staff and the contract of employ- ment shall prescribe for a legal mechanism to solve any dispute between the Organisation and its staff regarding the contracts of their employment. The Organisation undertakes to
GENERAL PROVISIONS. Article 8 Article 9
GENERAL PROVISIONS. Section 1. Adherence to this MIF II Agreement. Section 2. Amendment.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1) These General Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Swe- dish law. (2) Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the master agree- ment and/or an individual lease agreement which cannot be settled amicably between car2go and the Customer, is to be settled by Swedish courts with the Stockholm City Court as court of first in-
GENERAL PROVISIONS. Section 1. Contracts and Documents of the Bank on behalf of the Fund. Section 2. Responsibilities of the Bank and the Donors. Section 3. Adherence to this MIF II Administration Agreement. Section 4. Amendment. Section 5. Settlement of Disputes. Section 6. Limitations on Liability.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. The purpose of these GCS is to establish the specific terms and conditions pursuant to which Nu Skin sells to its retail customers (the “Customer”) the products offered for sale via the Internet site of Nu Skin (hereinafter the “Site”). The GCS apply to the exclusion of any other conditions. Nu Skin reserves the right to amend the GCS at any time. The GCS enforceable against the Customer shall be those existing on the date when the order is placed. The contract shall not be archived. By placing an order, the Customer declares and warrants that he/she is at least eighteen (18) years old and that the product(s) is/are purchased for a private (non-commercial) use only.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. Nuclear material subject or required to be subject to safeguards under this Agreement which is transferred into or out of the States shall, for purposes of this Agreement, be re- garded as being the responsibility of the Com- munity and of the State concerned: