Subscription Price-definition

Subscription Price the price at which Subscription for new Shares may take place.
Subscription Price means the price at which Subscription may take place. “Swedish Companies Act” means the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551).
Subscription Price. 150 percent of the volume weighted average price of the Share according to the official share list of Nasdaq Stockholm during the ten trading days immediately preceding the Annual General Meeting 2022, however not less than the quota value of the Shares.

Examples of Subscription Price in a sentence

  • Recalculation of The Subscription Price as well as the number of shares that each warrant entitles to may be made in accordance with section 8 below.

  • A recalculated Subscription Price and recalculated number of Shares in accordance with the provisions above shall be determined as soon as possible after the general meeting has adopted a bonus issue resolution but, where applicable, shall be applied only after the record date for the bonus issue.

  • The Company undertakes to not carry out any measure stated in section 8 above which would result in a recalculation of the Subscription Price to an amount which is less than the quotient value of the Share.

  • A recalculated Subscription Price in accordance with the provisions above shall be determined by the Company and shall be applied to Subscriptions effected commencing the day on which the change in the accounting currency takes effect.

  • The Subscription Price shall under no circumstances be less than the quotient value of the Company’s Shares.

  • In the event the Company effects a change in the accounting currency, entailing that the Company’s share capital shall be established in a currency other than Swedish crowns, the Subscription Price shall be recalculated in the same currency as the share capital.

  • Upon Subscription executed at such time that right to participate in the rights issue is not conveyed, a recalculated Subscription Price and a recalculated number of Shares each Warrant entitles to Subscription of, apply.

  • Upon Subscription executed after the decision on the bonus issue, a recalculated Subscription Price as well as a recalculated number of Shares which each Warrant entitles to Subscription of, applies.

  • A recalculated Subscription Price and recalculated number of Shares in accordance with the provisions above shall be determined as soon as possible after the general meeting has adopted a bonus issue resolution but, where applicable, shall be applied only after the Swedish Companies Registration Office has registered the bonus issue.

More Definitions of Subscription Price

Subscription Price means the price at which Subscription for new shares may occur; and
Subscription Price. SEK 30 per Share, or such other amount that may result following re-calculation of the Subscription Price under these terms and conditions; and
Subscription Price is defined in 4 below.
Subscription Price the price at which Subscription for new Shares may take place; and ”Teckningsoptionsbevis” bevis till vilket knutits ett visst antal Optionsrätter enligt dessa villkor.
Subscription Price means either USD 2.25 per Share, or a re-calculated value pursuant to section 8, however not less than the quotient value of the Share applicable from time to time;

Related to Subscription Price

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