GENERAL PROVISIONS. 2.1. According to the legislation of Ukraine and under the Additional conditions of voluntary insurance of medical expenses, as well as expenses related to emergency services while staying abroad which is Annex 1 to the Rules of voluntary insurance of medical expenses no. 113 (hereinafter - Rules 113), Rules of Voluntary Accident Insurance no. 108 (hereinafter - Rules 108), Additional conditions of voluntary insurance of luggage which is the Annex to the Rules of voluntary insurance of luggage (baggage) No.101 (hereinafter – Rules 101) the Insurer concludes with the Policyholder this Contract of Voluntary Insurance of Travellers Abroad (hereinafter – the Contract).
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1.1. This public offer of voluntary comprehensive travel insurance (hereinafter the Offer) is the official proposal of Universalna Insurance Company, Private Joint Stock Company (01133, Xxxx, 0, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Blvd.; USREOU 20113829; XX000000000000000000000000000 with Raiffeisen Bank Aval; (hereinafter – the Insurer/the Party of the Contract), represented by the Chairman of the Board Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, acting on the basis of the Charter, to indefinite number of capable individuals and/or legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the Clients, and after accepting the terms and conditions of this Offer – the Insured's/the Parties of the Contract) to conclude a contract of voluntary comprehensive travel insurance for those travelling abroad (hereinafter referred to as the Contract or the Insurance Contract) on the basis of the License AG No. 569721 dated March 23, 2011, issued by the State Commission for Regulation of Financial Services Markets of Ukraine and in accordance with the Law Ukraine On Insurance, the Law of Ukraine On E-Commerce, the Rules of Voluntary Medical Expenses Insurance dated July 20, 2009, as amended, on the basis of the License AG No. 569723, dated March 23, 2011, issued by the State Commission for Regulation of Financial Services Markets of Ukraine, and according to the "Rules of Voluntary Accident Insurance" as amended on December 03, 2021 (hereinafter – the Rules). This Offer is a proposal to conclude an insurance contract in electronic form. In case of proposal acceptance by the Client in the mannerprescribed by this Offer, the Insurer shall be deemed to have accepted the obligations stipulated by the terms and conditions of this Offer.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 11.1. The Contract is prepared in 2 originals: in Ukrainian and English. Both texts and copies have equal legal force. In case of any discrepancy of the texts the Ukrainian text shall prevail. 11.2. Any amendments and supplements to the Contract shall be an integral part thereof and are deemed valid if made in writing, signed by authorized representatives of both Parties and sealed appropriately. Any change in the Contract shall be timely agreed upon by the Parties, documented as a supplement to the Contract and signed by the Parties. All additional agreements, specifications, addendums etc to this Contract are allowed to be concluded by Parties in Ukrainian language, addendums containing technical requirements about subject of the contracts - in Russian. 11.3. The Performer is held responsible for the adherence of his employees as well as the employees of the companies involved for work performance at the enterprise territory to the "Internal labour regulations" at the enterprise territory: - If the Performer's employees are detained at the Customer’s territory under the influence of alcohol as well as for other violations of acting "Internal labour regulations" of the Customer by the Customer’s from Security Department or other entities implementing the security of the enterprise facilities on the basis of Contracts concluded with them, the Performer shall (based on the prepared act on detention) pay penalty in the amount established in line with Appendix № 2 to this Contract «Classification of Violations of Internal labour regulations at the enterprise territory and amount of penalties for these violations». In case of any damage incurred to the enterprise by the Performer’s employees, payment of penalty does not exempt the Performer from the compensation of the damage. - settlements are made by way of issuing the invoice for the above amount which is due to be paid by Performer within 30 days from the moment of issuing the invoice. 11.4. During rendering the services the Performer's experts and subcontractors are not allowed to use uniform with the logo of the Customer. In case of violation of this requirement by the Performer or subcontractor he has to pay penalty in the amount of 5000 UAH to the Customer. Prepared by Customer's experts act is the basis for penalty invoicing. 11.5. The transfer of the rights and obligations under this Contract to the third parties fully or partially shall
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1.1. This Agreement defines the terms of purchase by the Customer of services for organizing the Customer’s medical research, hereinafter referred to as the Services, on website xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx/.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 17.1. The Agreement is concluded on the terms of the Public proposal (the Offer), posted on the website of the Insurer xxxxx:// and/or its partner (agent) via providing by the Insurer an offer to conclude it (the Offer) and accepting it by the Client (acceptance) in the information and telecommunication system (hereinafter – ‘ITS’) of the Insurer and/or its partner (agent). The Insurer provides full access to the persons to whom the proposal to conclude an electronic agreement is addressed to the documents containing the terms of the Agreement and to the proposal itself in the form, which makes it impossible to change the content on the Insurer’s own website and/or on the websites of partners (agents).
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1.1. Insurance shall be carried out in accordance with the Insurance Rules and terms of voluntary insurance of medical costs "STOP COVID-19" as set out in this Public Offer. 1.2. The Agreement shall be concluded on the basis of this Public Offer as posted on the website of the Insurer xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx and its insurance agents. 1.3. In accordance with Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine "On Electronic Commerce", unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Public Offer by the Insured shall be the completion of an electronic application to enter into the Agreement and signing the electronic agreement using an electronic signature by sending a unique identifier by the Insurer or its insurance agent on the Insured's mobile phone or e-mail and entry of the received one-time identifier by the Insured in ITS of the Insurer or its insurance agent. Completion of the electronic application by the Insured shall not oblige it to conclude the Agreement, in the absence of the Insured's electronic signature with one-time identifier, the Agreement shall be deemed void. 1.4. The Insured may accept this Public Offer by using banking ITS, which have proven themselves as reliable and secure in the market of electronic banking services (Privat24, Oschad 24/7 etc.). 1.5. By completing the electronic application to enter into the Agreement, the Insured approves all essential terms of the Agreement provided for in Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine "On Insurance", including the subject of insurance, the insured amount, the list of insured events, the amount of insurance premiums and the procedure for their payment, the term of the Agreement, etc. 1.6. If the Insurer and the Insured enter into the Agreement on the basis of this Public Offer through the information and telecommunication system of the Insurer and its insurance agents, it shall be deemed concluded in electronic form. 1.7. The fact of concluding the Agreement shall be certified by the electronic Agreement for Voluntary Insurance of Medical Costs "STOP COVID-19" (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) created in electronic form on the basis of data provided by the Insured in the Application to enter into the Agreement. 1.8. The Agreement shall be sent to the Insured at their e-mail address or through communication channels of the Insurer or insurance agent. The date, time, procedure and fact of sending and receiving a one-time identifier by the Insured, entering it in the ITS, sending the Agreement and its annexes, as we...


  • ПРЕДМЕТ ДОГОВОРУ 8. Відповідно до умов цього договору надавач зобов’язується надавати медичні послуги за програмою медичних гарантій пацієнтам, а замовник зобов’язується оплачувати такі послуги відповідно до встановленого тарифу та коригувальних коефіцієнтів.

  • ІНШІ УМОВИ 8.1. Будь-які зміни і доповнення до цього Договору дійсні за умови, що вони вчинені у письмовій формі та підписані Сторонами.

  • Права Та Обовязки Сторін 4.1. Банк має право:

  • Прикінцеві положення 56. Будь-які зміни та доповнення до цього договору вважаються чинними та обов’язковими для сторін за умови, що вони внесені до системи та скріплені електронними підписами обох сторін з дотриманням вимог законодавства про електронні документи та електронний документообіг. Будь-які зміни та доповнення до інформації, внесеної до системи, вчиняються з використанням електронних підписів уповноважених осіб сторін.

  • Форс-мажорні обставини (обставини непереборної сили)

  • ВИРІШЕННЯ СПОРІВ 5.1. Усі спори, що виникають з цього Договору або пов’язані із ним, вирішуються шляхом переговорів між Сторонами.

  • ЗАКЛЮЧНІ ПОЛОЖЕННЯ 11.1. Цей Договір складений українською мовою в двох примірниках, що мають однакову юридичну силу, по одному для кожної із Сторін.

  • ПОРЯДОК ВИРІШЕННЯ СПОРІВ 7.1. Усі спірні питання, пов'язані з виконанням цього Договору, вирішуються шляхом переговорів між Сторонами.

  • Замовник має право 1) вимагати від надавача належного, своєчасного та у повному обсязі виконання своїх зобов’язань згідно з цим договором;

  • РЕКВІЗИТИ ТА ПІДПИСИ СТОРІН Оператор: ПрАТ «ДАТАГРУП» Україна, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Смоленська, 31-33 Адреса для листування: п/р № в , МФО Код ЄДРПОУ 31720260 Свідоцтво платника ПДВ № 100327825, ІПН 317202626585 Платник податку на прибуток на загальних умовах Контактний телефон: посада підпис і печатка ПІБ Абонент: Адреса для листування: п/р № в , МФО Код ЄДРПОУ Свідоцтво платника ПДВ № , ІПН Платник Контактний телефон: посада підпис і печатка ПІБ